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Drug Repurposing
Network Medicine
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Drug Repurposing Research Collection
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Hosted articles 2023
COVID19 pneumonia reported in old age patient who received four doses of COVID19 vaccine (2023-12-31)
Abdominal pain with constipation was initial unusual presentation of oedematous descending colon with ulceration. (2023-12-31)
Environmentally Driven Migration in EU Discourse: Norms, Policies, and Realities / Preprint Version 3 (Latest) (2023-12-30)
Multivariate circle of partitions and the squeeze principle : Multivariate circle of partitions / Preprint (2023-12-30)
<b>Electroencephalogram-Based Human Performance Analysis for Improved Small Modular Reactor Operation </b> / Preprint Version 1 (2023-12-29)
Institutionalization of Zakat and Waqf in Contemporary Economies : Challenges and Prospects (2023-12-29)
Consumption Contribution to Economy Growth / Preprint Version 3 (2023-12-29)
Front Matter (2023-12-29)
Politics in Times of Pandemic: Role of Political Institutions and State Governance vis-à-vis Pandemic Treaty (2023-12-29)
Social Media and Mob Violence : The Need for Effective Social Media Policy (2023-12-29)
Dialogue at IPS (2023-12-29)
Can Israel Survive? (2023-12-29)
Military Court Trials of Civilians in Pakistan: Constitutional Rights, International Obligations and Sustainable Justice (2023-12-29)
The mass-charge binding energy as an explanation for the superfine adjustment of the hadron and baryon masses / Preprint (2023-12-29)
In this issue (2023-12-29)
Interplay of Ontological (In)Security Management Routines: Phase Transitions in Pakistan’s Tribal Area amid Relations with Afghanistan (2023-12-29)
Cointegration FDI to Economy Growth / Preprint Version 4 (Latest) (2023-12-29)
Mark Coeckelbergh, Green Leviathan or the Poetics of Political Liberty reviewed by Fabio Tollon (2023-12-28)
Entrepreneurship, mental disorders and the saga of the adventure gene: debunking the fad of hardwired entrepreneurship (2023-12-28)
Making the most of retraction (2023-12-28)
Steven Umbrello, Technology Ethics: Responsible Innovation and Design Strategies reviewed by Fabio Tollon (2023-12-28)
Seeing knowledge hiding through a multi-level lens (2023-12-28)
Prometheus (2023-12-28)
Mauro Carbone and Graziano Lingua, Toward an Anthropology of Screens: Showing and Hiding, Exposing and Protecting reviewed by Steven Umbrello (2023-12-28)
Mauro Carbone and Graziano Lingua, Toward an Anthropology of Screens: Showing and Hiding, Exposing and Protecting reviewed by Francesco Melchiorri (2023-12-28)
How the payments industry is being disrupted / Preprint (2023-12-27)
IoT analytics and smart energy – How I assessed the UK Electric Vehicle charging market opportunity for a leading service monitoring company for connected devices / Preprint (2023-12-27)
Investigating the Representing Ability of Piecewise Linear Fully-Connected Neural Networks / Preprint (2023-12-27)
Designing for social change to create shared value innovation – Should all firms pursue shared value innovation? It depends / Preprint (2023-12-27)
Venture analysis – Four steps to assess whether the Shared Value Innovation “Reliance Village Access – Reconnect our villages” is suitable for investment / Preprint (2023-12-27)
Sentiment Analysis Based on Machine Learning Algorithms: A Comprehensive Study / Preprint Version 1 (2023-12-27)
An Explanation for Dark Energy from Whittaker Potential Theory / Preprint Version 1 (2023-12-27)
How does age and fertility rate affect depression in women? : This study explores how factors such as age and fertility rate impact the likelihood of perceived/clinical depression in women (2023-12-26)
Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses Management; Growing and sustaining successful small businesses: strategies and case studies (2023-12-26)
Optimizing Two Waste Management Systems: Geographic Insights and Environmental Efficiency / Preprint (2023-12-26)
Beef, Bacteria, and Beyond : A Tale of Resistance and Herbal Avengers (2023-12-25)
Advances in microbial decorations and its applications in drug delivery (2023-12-23)
Facebook and Microsoft – A Financial Statement Analysis Comparison Across Three Categories / Preprint (2023-12-22)
Epigastric pain was atypical presentation of appendicitis (2023-12-22)
Ovarian mass with gall bladder stone reported in young female patient, this case support the ovarian gallbladder axis theory (2023-12-22)
Lung Adenocarcinoma induced pulmonary embolism progression even on anticoagulant treatment (2023-12-22)
Managing Innovations Strategically – How to diagnose innovation at Deutsche Bahn, the second-largest transport company in the world / Preprint (2023-12-22)
How to make the decision to invest in early-stage start-ups as a private investor / Preprint (2023-12-22)
Query Thymoma and mediastinal lesion reported in young male patient on feminizing hormone therapy (2023-12-22)
Game theory – The repeated prisoner's dilemma using the example of the European rail market leader / Preprint (2023-12-22)
How to attract the best possible executive to be your new CEO / Preprint (2023-12-22)
Exploring the entrepreneurial landscape of university-industry collaboration on public university spin-off creation: A systematic literature review / Preprint Version 1 (2023-12-21)
A New-Materialist Reading of Disability, Senescence, and the Life-Course (2023-12-21)
International Journal of DISABILITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE (2023-12-21)
Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals the effects of hederasaponin C in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy (2023-12-21)
Crip Solidarity: Vulnerability as the Foundation of Political Alliances (2023-12-21)
Listening to People with Intellectual Disability about Institutions (2023-12-21)
Mental Health Law in China: A Socio-Legal Analysis by Bo Chen (2023-12-21)
The Role of Community-Based Rehabilitation and Community-Based Inclusive Development in Facilitating Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities Globally (2023-12-21)
Human Rights Bulletin: The Social Construction of Disability in Argentina: Some Key Points (2023-12-21)
Weighing In: Academic Writers on Neurodiversity (2023-12-21)
Use of evidence and expertise in UK climate governance : The case of the Cumbrian Coal Mine / Preprint Version 3 (Latest) (2023-12-20)
The Effects of HTTP Advances on Modern Page Loading / Preprint (2023-12-20)
Theorising Sanctions as Warfare: Insights from the US-Led Aggression on Libya (2023-12-20)
Guidelines for Contributors (2023-12-20)
WAPE Membership Information: World Association for Political Economy: A Membership Organization (2023-12-20)
The Opium Wars and Capital Accumulation: Comments on Karl Marx’s Perspectives on the Qing and England Recorded in The New York Herald Tribune (2023-12-20)
Exploitation, Capitalist Crisis, and Democratic Planning: Problems of Piketty’s Socialism (2023-12-20)
Turkish Experience with Divestiture between 2010 and 2019: A Comparative Historical Evaluation (2023-12-20)
From Social Structures to Techno-Economic Paradigms: Comparison of Four Phases of Capitalism Theories (2023-12-20)
World Review of Political Economy (2023-12-20)
Glutamate release by basolateral amygdala affect GABA receptors in the NAc Shell / Preprint (2023-12-19)
Detection of hydrolases of different subclasses in cell-free fractions of Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139 serogroups using radial enzymatic diffusion in agarose gel (2023-12-19)
Site strategy review for one of the leading tech companies worldwide as an example of the ‘Organisational Behaviour’ issue / Preprint (2023-12-18)
Thinking Strategically – A reflection on pre-emptive life lessons from competition, deal making, and auctions / Preprint (2023-12-18)
How to design a digital service, the Foody’s online shopping and loyalty app, for a food retail chain in a digital sprint / Preprint (2023-12-18)
An Exploration of Plant Diversity Along the Mutha River Banks in Pune, Maharashtra, India (2023-12-18)
Look who’s talking: gender differences in academic job talks / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-12-16)
A statistical framework for public health analyses: compatibility and surprisal intervals to avoid common misconceptions / Preprint (2023-12-16)
Developing an Image-Based Dyslexia Detection Model Using the Deep Learning Technique / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-12-16)
Deep Learning-Based Model for Detecting Dyslexia Using Handwritten Images / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-12-16)
<b>The Precision Oncology Approach to Molecular Cancer Therapeutics Targeting Oncogenic Signaling Pathways is a Means to an End </b> / Preprint Version 1 (2023-12-15)
Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from Sub-Saharan African Countries (2023-12-15)
Rules of Origin: Utilisation of preferential treatment under the AfCFTA: Case Study of South Africa (2023-12-15)
The dynamics and effects of Trade openness and exchange rate on the economic growth of South Africa (2023-12-15)
Adoption of artificial intelligence to manage records in support of the claims management system at the Road Accident Fund in South Africa (2023-12-15)
Hampton University Chemistry Education and Mentorship (HU-ChEM): Transformative Impacts on an HBCU (2023-12-15)
Challenges of Cross-Border Retail Trade in Southern Africa: The Case of Beitbridge Port of Entry between South Africa and Zimbabwe (2023-12-15)
Higher education SMME curriculum to cater for the transformed cross-border trading environment in Africa: A conceptual paper. (2023-12-15)
An Empirical Analysis of the Impacts of Vegetable Imports Ban on the Botswana Tourism and Hospitality Sector (2023-12-15)
Balancing the peace-trade equation in Africa through the African Continental Free Trade Area: Possibilities, Probabilities and Evidence (2023-12-15)
The role and Preservation of Public broadcasting in an ever-changing digital media landscape within South Africa (2023-12-15)
The Role of Port Efficiency in enhancing the Implementation of African Continental Free Trade Agreement (2023-12-15)
Tax Competition, AfCFTA and Financing SDGs – Time for Continental Harmonisation on Incentives? (2023-12-15)
Empowering Emerging African Leaders: Innovations in Technology Infrastructure, Tools, and Systems for Youth Employment in the AfCFTA context (2023-12-15)
The impact of the China-Africa cross-border E-business warehouse on AfCFTA—using the example of a Chinese overseas warehouse (2023-12-15)
An assessment of the sustainability of Community Tourism Entrepreneurship: Case of three Southern African Countries (2023-12-15)
Assessing the Viability of the African Continental Free Trade Area: A Focus on Institutional Confidence (2023-12-15)
Poor implemetation of local economic development policies: The district development model impact on the national and regional free trade market (2023-12-15)
The implications of Digital trade on intra-African trade and sustainability: A Systematic Bibliometric Review (2023-12-15)
The impact of South African Rand exchange rate volatility on Botswana’s long-haul inbound leisure tourists’ arrival (2023-12-15)
The potential of the digitisation of African cultural components in boosting the wealth and economic prosperity of the African Continental Free Trade Area member states (2023-12-15)
Sizoku vuna ntoni? The Toll of Drought on South African informal Village Farming (2023-12-15)
Accelerating the Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA): Unlocking opportunities for youth engagement in intra-African Trade (2023-12-15)
Unlocking the Potential of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMMEs) in Africa's Free Trade Market: Strategies for National, Regional, and Continental Economic Development Enhancement (2023-12-15)
Higher education SMME curriculum to cater for the transformed cross-border trading environment in Africa: A conceptual paper (2023-12-15)
How media and governments should engage constructively for the benefit of citizens: a creative look at the ideal public sphere in the context of a modern African Media System (2023-12-15)
Risk Perception and Use of Personal Care Products by Race and Ethnicity among A Diverse Population / Preprint (2023-12-14)
The Four Waves of Systems Thinking (2023-12-14)
<b>The Modification and Extension of the Equivalence Principle</b> / Preprint Version 1 (2023-12-14)
Cointegration FDI to Economy Growth : - / Preprint Version 3 (2023-12-14)
Applying Systems Thinking to Wicked Water Problems: An Accelerated Introduction for Researchers (2023-12-14)
<b>Roosting and Breeding Ecology of Birds in Shola Sky Island Forests : A Systematic Review and Analysis </b> / Preprint (2023-12-13)
The Systemic Intervention Approach (2023-12-12)
Multi-Ojective Optimization Problem Scalarization using Pairing Functions / Preprint (2023-12-12)
Football and Its Politicisation in Darjeeling (2023-12-12)
Disrupting Ableism and Racism in the Classroom (2023-12-12)
International Journal of CRITICAL DIVERSITY STUDIES (2023-12-12)
Stochastic Gradient Descent with Deep Learning-assisted Object Detection and Classification for Visually Challenged People / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-12-12)
Intellectual Disability and Technology: An Artificial Intelligence Perspective and Framework / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-12-12)
Representations of Gender and Sexual Diversity in Life Orientation Comprehensive Sexuality Education (2023-12-12)
The Good White, the Bad, and the Ugly—Contemporary Limits to Wokeness (2023-12-12)
Neuromicrobiology of Neurodegenerative Diseases: : An Integrative and Unifying Approach to Study the Influence of Gut Microbiota in Neurodegeneration <span class="so-article-trans-title" dir="auto"> Translated title: Neuromikrobiologie neurodegenerativer Krankheiten: : Ein integrativer und vereinheitlichender Ansatz zur Untersuchung des Einflusses der Darmmikrobiota auf die Neurodegeneration. </span> / Preprint Version 1 (2023-12-12)
Advances in nanoscale carrier-based approaches to reduce toxicity and enhance efficacy of podophyllotoxin (2023-12-12)
Exploiting Deep Learning Based Automated Fire-detection Model for Blind and Visually Challenged People / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-12-12)
Back to Roots—A Decolonial Appreciation of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (2023-12-12)
Post traumatic facial palsy, a rare case presented in our ED (2023-12-11)
SAW-Induced Spin Wave Excitation in Ferromagnetic Epitaxial Thin Films (2023-12-11)
Submission guidelines (2023-12-11)
Mervyn Bain and Chris Walker (eds.). Cuban International Relations at 60. Reflections on Global Connections (2023-12-11)
Richard Hollis and JS Tennant. Cuba ’62: Preludes to a World Crisis (2023-12-11)
Sujatha Fernandes. The Cuban Hustle: Culture, Politics, Everyday Life (2023-12-11)
Impacto Socioeconómico de los Resultados Deportivos de Cuba en los Juegos Olímpicos: Socioeconomic Impact of Cuba’s Sports Results in the Olympic Games (2023-12-11)
Abdul Alkalimat and Kate Williams. Roots and Flowers: the life and work of the Afro-Cuban Librarian Marta Terry González (2023-12-11)
El Verticalismo Residencial en La Habana Promovido por La Ley de Propiedad Horizontal (1952–1959) (2023-12-11)
Don Fitz. Cuban Health Care: The Ongoing Revolution (2023-12-11)
Trumpism, Cuban Americans, and the Fetishism of Politics (2023-12-11)
Pedro Ross. How the Workers’ Parliaments Saved the Revolution. Reviving Socialism after the Collapse of the Soviet Union. (2023-12-11)
Inflation in Cuba: An Analysis from the Perspective of the Main Nominal Anchors of Monetary Policy (2023-12-11)
Moving Forward In Hard Times, and In This Issue (2023-12-11)
International Journal of Cuban Studies (2023-12-11)
Why Has Marxism-Leninism Succeeded in Cuba? (2023-12-11)
Cuban Medical Internationalism: A Paradigm for South–South Cooperation (2023-12-11)
Percepciones y actitudes de los estudiantes de la Facultad de Medicina de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ) frente al uso de ChatGPT en la realización de actividades académicas <br/>y asistenciales. <span class="so-article-trans-title" dir="auto"> Translated title: Perceptions and attitudes of the students of the Faculty of Medicine of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ) regarding the use of ChatGPT in the performance of academic and assistance activities. <br/>and assistance activities. </span> (2023-12-10)
How to conduct a freedom-to-operate analysis for a drug repurposing project / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-12-10)
Reconceptualizing a preclinical model for natural, adaptive surgical skills learning. (2023-12-09)
Green Remedy For Biofilm Induced Gingivitis By Gum Astringent (2023-12-09)
Copper Nanoparticle gel as potent agent against periodontal pathogens. : Formulation and evaluation of antimicrobial, cytotoxicity and time kill assay <br/> of CuNP gel against periodontal pathogens (P.gingivalis, A.actinomycetemcomitans, F.nucleatum, T.forsythia, P.intermedia) (2023-12-09)
Analysis of Sequences of Bases of Human DNA Using the Square Wave Method (SWM) / Preprint (2023-12-09)
Dissipation de la pression durant le processus de la consolidation des sols argileux / Preprint (2023-12-08)
<b>Biotechnological, Computational Analysis and Predictive Modeling of Phytochemicals in <i>Moringa oleifera</i> </b> / Preprint (2023-12-08)
Nanoparticle-Based Vaccines against Zoonotic Viruses: A Review (2023-12-07)
Treatment of moderate-severe pain associated with early stage endometriosis; a consensus panel summary : Endometriosis pain treatment / Preprint Version 1 (2023-12-06)
PROTACs targeting epigenetic proteins (2023-12-06)
Genetic Algorithm and Application / Preprint (2023-12-05)
<b>Internet of Things (IoT) about Disabilities</b> : Disabilities in relation to the Internet of Things (IoT) / Preprint (2023-12-05)
Incumplimiento de normas de bioseguridad en enfermería, Hospital El Triunfo, enero-junio 2021: Consecuencias y Estudio. / Preprint (2023-12-05)
Screening for subvisible particles in pharmaceutical formulations – a case study / Preprint (2023-12-05)
Research Progress in Heart Rate Variability Applications in Exercise Rehabilitation for Cardiovascular Diseases (2023-12-05)
Successful TAVI Despite Sudden Low Output and Ventricular Fibrillation in a Patient with Cardiac Amyloidosis (2023-12-05)
Heart Failure Guideline Directed Medical Therapy: Which One and When? (2023-12-05)
<b>Exploring the Efficacy of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Interventions in Primary</b> <b> </b> <b>Schoolchildren at Risk of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders</b> (2023-12-04)
Manifestation of Guillain-Barre Syndrome After Infection with SARS-CoV-2 versus Other Prior Infections : a Meta-Analysis and Severity Assessment / Preprint (2023-12-04)
Addressing Environmental Migration in the European Union Discourse / Preprint Version 2 (2023-12-03)
<b>Human</b> <b> </b> <b>Microbiome:</b> <b> </b> <b>Effects on Nutrition and Health</b> / Preprint (2023-12-01)
Preliminary Investigation into Ultrasound and MRI Presentation of Large-Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinomas of the Uterine Cervix (2023-12-01)
Clinical Application of SARS-CoV-2 IgM and IgG Antibody Detection Using the Colloidal Gold Immunochromatography Assay (2023-12-01)
A Precursor to Constitutionalism : The Role of Apex Courts in Normative Constitutional Transitions (2023-12-01)
HER2-targeting Peptide Drug Conjugate with Better Penetrability for Effective Breast Cancer Therapy (2023-12-01)
Voice Series: Interview with Professor Dr. Xin Gao, Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2023-12-01)
Diabetes Mellitus and Pancreatic Cancer: Investigation of Causal Pathways Through Mendelian Randomization Analysis (2023-12-01)
Long-term Effects of Nicorandil Combined with Dihydropyridine Calcium Channel Blockers on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease: A Real-world Observational Study (2023-12-01)
Population-Based Clinical Studies Using Routinely Collected Data in Hong Kong, China: A Systematic Review of Trends and Established Local Practices (2023-12-01)
Application and technology of an open source AI large language model in the medical field (2023-12-01)
Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Integration Analysis Revealed Immune Cell Heterogeneity in Five Human Autoimmune Diseases (2023-12-01)
Clinical Relevance of Uric Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamine and Severe Abdominal Aortic Calcification in a National Survey of the United States (2023-12-01)
A Review of Children’s Prosthetic Self-hygiene Using Antibacterial Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-12-01)
Associations Among Microvascular Dysfunction, Fatty Acid Metabolism, and Diabetes (2023-12-01)
How can you check your business is on the right track to social and environmental sustainability: A case study of Zest café (2023-11-30)
Corrosion Rate Of Mild Steel In Clay Media: A Case Study Of Igumale In Ado Local Government Area Of Benue State / Preprint (2023-11-29)
<b>Beyond Access: Factors Influencing Students' Utilization of Educational Technologies at Selected High Schools in Addis Ababa – A Survey Analysis </b> / Preprint Version 1 (2023-11-29)
Title: Quantum Superpositioning: unraveling the mysteries of parallel realities / Preprint (2023-11-28)
<b>LET US RETHINK THE RE-THINK! PROJECT</b> / Preprint (2023-11-28)
The Impact of Ethnoscience on the Teaching of Optics: Thinking Relevance, Effectiveness and Student Retention / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-11-28)
Influence of career commitment and employee competency on career management: Evidence from IT workers in Nepal (2023-11-28)
Work on through the storm: Platform work in the pandemic (2023-11-28)
The minimum wage in Ecuador: Its impact on poverty, inequality and labour market structure (2023-11-28)
Digital reputation, skills and uncertainty reduction on global digital labour platforms (2023-11-28)
Attitudes of international non-governmental employees towards working from home in Jordan (2023-11-28)
Industrial platform capitalism: Outsourcings, syntheses and resistances (2023-11-28)
Factors affecting consumers’ perception and willingness to pay for Fairtrade bananas during a cost-of-living crisis (2023-11-28)
Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation (2023-11-28)
Searching for a better job: Indonesian gig workers and the limits of decent work agendas (2023-11-28)
Quantum Vacuum: A New Perspective on Dark Matter and Dark Energy in Cosmology (2023-11-28)
A new subjectivity in digital platform capitalism?: Marginal notes on power and conflict in the time of algorithms (2023-11-28)
Job security in the apparel industry in Sri Lanka: A study of determining factors (2023-11-28)
But which skills?: Natural Language Processing tools and the identification of high-demand skills in online job advertisements (2023-11-28)
The Point of Oblivion Theorem : Unveiling Infinite Structures Within Null Spaces / Preprint (2023-11-26)
<b>Unveiling the Power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming to Overcome Educational Hurdles in Lebanese Primary Schools </b> (2023-11-26)
Detection of the GW of the Crab Pulsar in the LIGO and Virgo O3b series / Preprint (2023-11-26)
Emergency Vehicle Detection with Computer Vision / Preprint (2023-11-25)
Исследование бесклеточных фракций Vibrio cholerae O1 и O139 серогрупп на наличие гидролаз разных подклассов методом радиальной энзимодиффузии в агаровом геле (2023-11-24)
The sensegiving role of advisors in farmer decision-making (2023-11-24)
Access to Cardiac Rehabilitation: Hurdles and Hopes for Improvement (2023-11-23)
Sign Language Recognition Using Artificial Rabbits Optimizer with Siamese Neural Network for Persons with Disabilities / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-11-23)
Efficient Deep Learning and Machine Learning Models for Early-stage Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Toddlers: Evidence from Saudi Arabia / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-11-22)
Integrated Resource Planning: A Systems Approach to Utility Planning (2023-11-20)
A Novel Homozygous Abnormal Splice Variant in the Myoferlin Gene Leading to Floppy Infant Syndrome in a Saudi Family / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-11-18)
Pandemic COVID-19 and Endemic Neglected Tropical Diseases: Friends or Foes? (2023-11-18)
Use of evidence and expertise in UK climate governance : The case of the Cumbrian Coal Mine / Preprint Version 2 (2023-11-17)
Exploring the relevance of sustainability values and principles : Impact of International Social Education (ISE) in a local context / Preprint Version 1 (2023-11-17)
Putting names to numbers: The creation of a systematic casualty recording database for the ongoing Russian aggression within Ukraine (2023-11-17)
Profit-driven policy and human insecurity (2023-11-17)
Are religious beliefs truly the root cause of terrorism? (2023-11-17)
How has the US maintained hegemony in the international oil trade through its control of the Middle East? (2023-11-17)
COVID-19 pandemic exposes deep fault lines in global health governance: Lessons for the WHO (2023-11-17)
EDITORIAL: BRICS Expansion Shifts Global Faultlines to the East (2023-11-17)
Has the threat posed by China to international security been overstated? (2023-11-17)
Efficacy of counter-terrorism cooperation: A critical appraisal of Nigeria–United States counter-terrorism cooperation (2023-11-17)
Should they stay or should they go?: Modern European narratives on refugees (2023-11-17)
Journal of Global Faultlines (2023-11-17)
The UK counter-terrorism strategy and international justice (2023-11-17)
Working memory, episodic memory and sustained attention in women survivors of intimate partner violence in Spain: The Believe Battery (2023-11-16)
<b>Can Neuro-Linguistic Programming Transform the Intellectual Potential of Primary School Children? </b> (2023-11-15)
COVID-19 Epidemiology in India: A Review, Lessons Learned, and Future Policy Development / Preprint (2023-11-14)
<b>Are there gender-based differences in students’ STEAM experience? </b> : A gender-based comparative analysis of students’ perspectives on STEAM Education. / Preprint (2023-11-14)
<b>Unlocking Success: Transforming Primary School Experience with Neuro-Linguistic Programming-Based Interventions in Lebanon </b> (2023-11-13)
Minimizing The Number Of Tardy Jobs Algorithm : Scheduling algorithm / Preprint (2023-11-12)
NA N342K Mutation Enhances the Pathogenicity of Influenza B Virus in Mice (2023-11-11)
Design of an After-Fall-Assistive Device for Elderly Patients by Finite Element Methods / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-11-11)
Why do coffee farmers stay poor?: Breaking vicious circles with direct payments from profit sharing (2023-11-10)
Enabling interdisciplinary research capacity for sustainable development: Self- evaluation of the Blue Communities project in the UK and Southeast Asia / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-11-09)
Conceptualizing Information Literacy for National Development / Preprint (2023-11-09)
Nigeria women in Library and Information Profession for National Development / Preprint (2023-11-09)
Universal Bibliographic Control: Understanding the Mechanism of Interntional standard book Number ISBN / Preprint (2023-11-09)
Marketing Library and Information Resources and Services Using Social Media Platforms: The Security Question / Preprint (2023-11-09)
Blockchain Revolution: How Decentralization will Change the World / Preprint (2023-11-09)
Thesaurus and Information Retrieval / Preprint (2023-11-09)
Academic Motivation of High School Students at Dr. Haddis Alemayehu Secondary School <span class="so-article-trans-title" dir="auto"> Translated title: Motivation scolaire des élèves du secondaire à l’école secondaire Dr. Haddis Alemayehu </span> / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-11-09)
Teachers' Assessment of ADHD among Lebanese Primary School Children (2023-11-07)
Media Representations of Islam and Muslims in Indonesia: A Review and Research Direction / Preprint (2023-11-07)
Strengths and Difficulties of Primary Schoolchildren From Parents' Perspective (2023-11-07)
<b>What Sparks Challenges for Primary School Children in Lebanon? </b> <b>A</b> <b> Cross-Sectional Exploration</b> (2023-11-07)
Analysis of 3D positions processed from CORS in southern Ghana / Preprint (2023-11-07)
Evaluation of the Pollution Effect of Abattoir Effluent in River Benue / Preprint (2023-11-07)
Rise of Anti-Microbial Resistance in India: What is Missing Prevention or Control? / Preprint (2023-11-07)
Development of Environmentally friendly and high-performance electroactive materials for high-energy hybrid supercapacitors (2023-11-06)
Neuroimaging Evidence for Clinical Hypnosis and its Relationship with the Triple Network Model of Psychopathology: An fMRI Perspective / Preprint Version 1 (2023-11-06)
A Healthcare System using Machine Learning Techniques for Disease Prediction with Chatbot Assistance / Preprint (2023-11-05)
Novel Drug Delivery Systems / Preprint (2023-11-05)
Preference Falsification: Examining Everyday Preferences Through a Contrived Lense of 'Preference Falsification' / Preprint (2023-11-04)
A Physical Theory of Wealth / Preprint (2023-11-04)
Psychosocial risks in the working environment – approaches to formative risk assessment / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-11-04)
Applications of hypergraph-based methods in classifying and subtyping psychiatric disorders: a survey (2023-11-04)
Successful treatment of ultra-high-risk refractory multiple myeloma with anti-BCMA CAR-T therapy followed by allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a case report (2023-11-04)
<b>Physical exertion worsens symptoms in patients with post-COVID condition</b> : Post-exertional malaise in patients with post-COVID condition / Preprint (2023-11-03)
Berberine Ameliorates Diabetic Cardiomyopathy in Mice by Decreasing Cardiomyocyte Apoptosis and Oxidative Stress (2023-11-03)
Correlation between the Hemoglobin, Albumin, Lymphocyte, and Platelet (HALP) Score and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Older Patients with Hypertension (2023-11-03)
Left Bundle Branch Ablation Guided by a Three-Dimensional Mapping System: A Novel Method for Establishing a Heart Failure Animal Model (2023-11-03)
Changes in Cardiovascular Disease Burden in China after Release of the 2011 Chinese Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: A Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis (2023-11-03)
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Antitumor Therapy and Atrial Fibrillation: Potential Off-Target Effects on Mitochondrial Function and Cardiac Substrate Utilization (2023-11-03)
Die Auslandsmontage als Markteintritts- und Marktbearbeitungsstrategie der Automobilhersteller <span class="so-article-trans-title" dir="auto"> Translated title: Foreign assembly as a market entry and market development strategy of automobile manufacturers </span> / Preprint (2023-11-02)
Die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen der Ära Adenauer - de Gaulle 1958-63: Ein Drama in fünf Akten? <span class="so-article-trans-title" dir="auto"> Translated title: Franco-German relations of the Adenauer - de Gaulle era 1958-63: A drama in five acts? </span> / Preprint (2023-11-02)
Comparison of Kinesio Tape and Dry Needling in the Management of Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy: A Randomized Control Trial / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-11-02)
Embedding R inside the PhysPK Bio-simulation Software for Pharmacokinetics Population Analysis (2023-11-01)
<b>Accelerations of neural network training.</b> / Preprint (2023-11-01)
Risk Factors of Inguinal Hernia in Urban South Africa (2023-11-01)
Photovoice: An Opportunity to Connect Medicine with Community in South Africa to Advance Health, Racial, and Social Equity (2023-11-01)
Acute Paraplegia Complicating Chronic Kidney Disease – Mineral Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) in End Stage Kidney Disease: A Case Report (2023-11-01)
Voice Series: Interview with Professor Dr. Kun Qian, School of Medical Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, China (2023-11-01)
Rubber Band Syndrome: A Rare Orthopaedic Condition in South Africa (2023-11-01)
Technical Success and Safety of Transradial Uterine Artery Embolisation for Symptomatic Fibroids at a Single Centre in South Africa (2023-11-01)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Perioperative Medicine (2023-11-01)
Comparison of Chronic Rheumatic Mitral Regurgitation Severity between Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Echocardiography (2023-11-01)
Review on Anti-diabetic Research on Two Important Spices: Trachyspermum ammi and Pimpinella anisum (2023-11-01)
Patterns of Glomerular Disease at a Large Urban Public Hospital in South Africa- Impact of HIV Infection (2023-11-01)
Targeted Imaging of Tumor Associated Macrophages in Breast Cancer (2023-11-01)
The Management of Acute Ischaemic Stroke – A Review and South African Perspective (2023-11-01)
Editorial (2023-11-01)
Clinical Characteristics and Glycaemic Control in Adults Living with Type 1 Diabetes: A 1-Year Retrospective Chart Review at Two South African Public Sector Tertiary Hospitals (2023-11-01)
Deep Learning Based Two-Dimensional Ultrasound for Follicle Monitoring in Infertility Patients (2023-11-01)
Addressing Challenges with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Care with Implementation Science (2023-11-01)
Prognostic Value of Tumor-microenvironment-associated Genes in Ovarian Cancer (2023-11-01)
Entropic Analysis of a Non-Equilibrium System and <br/>Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Stochastic Process with Damping / Preprint (2023-10-31)
Biological markers of sepsis (2023-10-31)
Candida haemulonii Species Complex: Emerging Fungal Pathogens of the Metschnikowiaceae Clade (2023-10-31)
Mozambique Public investment in water and sanitation sector and the targets of the SDG6 / Preprint Version 2 (2023-10-30)
A sectoral approach to the Loss and Damage fund: exploring potential applications and guiding principles / Preprint (2023-10-30)
Evolutionary Learning Laboratories: Diagnosing And Overcoming Complex Or ‘Wicked’ Problems (2023-10-30)
Empowering Educators: Addressing Drug Abuse Among Students in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-10-30)
PANDA (Participatory Appraisal of Needs and Development of Action): A Multi Methodological Framework (2023-10-30)
Leapfrog Leaders: How lowlighting content, and highlighting cognitive structure and dynamics can leapfrog leaders to the next level. (2023-10-30)
The Simple Rules of Complex Networks: A Heuristic for Determining the Potential Complexity of Any Network and Making Structural Predictions (2023-10-30)
System Dynamics in Action (2023-10-30)
‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ Methods in Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) : Agent Based Modeling (ABM) and the Agent Based Approach (ABA) (2023-10-30)
Map-Activate-Check: A Systems Thinking-based Approach to Curriculum and Program Design (2023-10-30)
The Viable System Model: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (2023-10-30)
The Future of Systems X?: If you want a better Systems X discipline or program, upgrade your Systems Thinking to version 4.0 (2023-10-30)
Systemic Thinking for Re-Generative Development (2023-10-30)
Ecological Governance (2023-10-30)
Developing and Validating a Measurement of Systems Thinking: The Systems Thinking and Metacognitive Inventory (STMI) (2023-10-30)
Feminist-Systems Thinking: From mere principles to a United Nations Framework (2023-10-30)
The Universal Cognitive Grammar of Systems Mapping: A Rubric to Evaluate the Various Tools and Techniques of Systems Mapping (2023-10-30)
Delphi Method: A democratic dialectical, consensus seeking open systems approach (2023-10-30)
Neues Archiv für Niedersachsen 1.2023 : Neuer Wohnungsbau in Niedersachsen. (2023-10-30)
Systems and Futures (2023-10-30)
Critical Systems Thinking: An Evolving Systemic Approach (2023-10-30)
Dialogic Design Science: An Approach for Co-Creating Visionary Anticipations (2023-10-30)
Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing (SAST) (2023-10-30)
Introduction to Soft Systems Methodology (2023-10-30)
A Systemic Lens on the Multi-store Model/Modal Model (2023-10-30)
Adaptive Leadership for Agile Organizations (2023-10-30)
Critical Systems Heuristics (2023-10-30)
Systems Scribing: An Emerging Visual Practice (2023-10-30)
AMESH: An Ecosystems Approach to Managing for Sustainability and Health (2023-10-30)
Systems Thinking For Systems Engineers: A Foundational Skill (2023-10-30)
Developing Personal Mastery in Systems Thinking (2023-10-30)
The Formal System Model: Understanding And Preventing Information Systems Project Failures (2023-10-30)
WSR: A Chinese Systems Approach (2023-10-30)
Meta Rational Ways Of Knowing (2023-10-30)
‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ Methods in Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) : Agent Based Modeling (ABM) and the Agent Based Approach (ABA) (2023-10-30)
Defining Learning: A Change in Mental Model (2023-10-30)
Systemic Innovation (2023-10-30)
Interactive Planning (2023-10-30)
Systems Thinking for Project Management? Risky Not To (2023-10-30)
Mixing Methods in Systems Practice (2023-10-30)
Systems Evaluation (SysEval): Applying Systems Thinking to Evaluation (2023-10-30)
The Autopoietic Character of Society (2023-10-30)
Systems Thinking and the Engineering Leader (2023-10-30)
A Literature Review of the Universal and Atomic Elements of Complex Cognition (2023-10-30)
The Vanguard Method: Beyond Command and Control (2023-10-30)
Any Person, Any Study: A Different Kind of Theory of Everything (ToE) (2023-10-30)
Labour self-sufficiency on family dairy farms in Ireland: a case study approach considering labour requirement, input and management (2023-10-28)
Photoredox-catalyzed reaction as a powerful tool for rapid natural product Gem -dimethylation modification: discovery of potent anti-cancer agents with improved druggability (2023-10-28)
Open Access Scholarly Book Publishers in South Africa: The Search for a Generic Business Model—or Two / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-10-27)
Effect of Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence on Anxiety and Behavior Among Individuals with Mental Disabilities in a Dental Setting / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-10-27)
The Threat of Cholera in Africa (2023-10-27)
Internet of Things-driven Human Activity Recognition of Elderly and Disabled People Using Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm with LSTM Autoencoder / Version 5 (Latest) (2023-10-27)
Prognostic value and immune infiltration analyses of cuproptosis-related genes in hepatocellular carcinoma (2023-10-26)
Computer Vision with Optimal Deep Stacked Autoencoder-based Fall Activity Recognition for Disabled Persons in the IoT Environment / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-10-26)
Structure-based virtual screening for novel p38 MAPK inhibitors and a biological evaluation (2023-10-26)
Unraveling the Interaction of a Neurological Drug Rivastigmine with Human Insulin Protein: A Biophysical Method in Combination with Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics Simulation / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-10-25)
Abstract 6306: Genomic analysis markers of stemness in oral cancer progression (2023-10-25)
Balloon Rupture during Pre-Dilation for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients with a Bicuspid Aortic Valve: Classification, Treatment Strategies, and Prevention (2023-10-25)
Housing and husbandry refinement in laboratory setting: <br/>The domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) (2023-10-23)
Multiomics integration-based molecular characterizations in COPD and post-COVID (2023-10-23)
Halal slaughter of sheep in Belgium: Impact of EU and Belgian legislation on religious practices and animal welfare (2023-10-23)
Induced Pluripotency: Current Reprogramming Methods and Areas for Improved Therapeutic Capabilities / Preprint (2023-10-22)
Miniaturisation of the <i>Daphnia magna</i> immobilisation assay for the reliabletesting of low volume samples / Preprint (2023-10-20)
New Psychiatry : Beyond Conventional Wisdom / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-10-20)
Learning Languages without Humans: : A Roadmap (2023-10-20)
Quantitative susceptibility mapping for differentiating multiple sclerosis from cerebral small vessel disease (2023-10-20)
China’s Long War on Poverty (2023-10-20)
A Marxian Optimal Growth Model for Economies with Minimum Subsistence Wages (2023-10-20)
WAPE Membership Information: World Association for Political Economy: A Membership Organization (2023-10-20)
Guidelines for Contributors (2023-10-20)
Capital Composition and Rate of Surplus Value: Empirical Evidence for Rethinking the Value Transfers in International Trade (2023-10-20)
The Social Consequences of the Global Expansion of the COVID-19 Pandemic (2023-10-20)
Financialization Historically Contemplated: Putting Old Wine in New Barrels (2023-10-20)
World Review of Political Economy (2023-10-20)
New Psychiatry : Beyond Conventional Wisdom / Preprint Version 1 (2023-10-20)
Sand Cat Swarm Optimizer with Deep Wavelet Autoencoder-based Sign Language Recognition for Hearing- and Speech-impaired Persons / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-10-20)
The Debt-Austerity Crutch: African Elite Agency in the Fourth (US) Cycle of Accumulation of Historical Capitalism (2023-10-20)
Enhanced Bald Eagle Search Optimizer with Transfer Learning-based Sign Language Recognition for Hearing-impaired Persons / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-10-20)
Mechanistic endotyping of the ROS/cGMP disease cluster in the Estonian Biobank / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-10-19)
Multi-targeted Virtual Screening of Phytocompounds of Rauwolfia serpentina Against Caspase-8, BACE, and AChE for the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-10-19)
<b>VTE risk, Incidence, and risk associated with prophylaxis in neurosurgical patients.</b> / Preprint (2023-10-18)
Population evolution after residence in the urban axis Bistrița-Beclean -Năsăud-Sângeorz-Băi in the period 1992-2000-2010-2020-2023 : Evolution of population by residence in the centre of the urban axis in Bistrița-Năsăud county, Bistrița according to age groups in the period 1992-2000-2010-2020-2023 (2023-10-18)
From Genomic Puzzles to Network Solutions: Charting Parkinson’s Path using Systematic Review/ Meta Analysis as the Compass / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-10-17)
<b>Spiritual Function</b> : <b>Mathematical Expression and Application of Spiritual Activity’s Process</b> / Preprint (2023-10-17)
Effects of Moisture content on Physical Properties of Paddy and Dehusked Rice / Preprint (2023-10-16)
Navigating the Climate Conferences: Comparing the Carbon Footprint of Private Jet Travel and Other Modes of Transport to COP28 / Preprint (2023-10-16)
Bias and Error Mitigation in Software-Generated Data: An Advanced Search and Optimization Framework Leveraging Generative Code Models / Preprint (2023-10-15)
Drug Repurposing: The End of Medicines As We Knew Them / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-10-13)
An Integrative Literature Review of Collaborative School Culture: Basis for a Proposed Model / Preprint (2023-10-13)
Preclinical Validation for Drug Repurposing in Thyroid Carcinoma / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-10-13)
A Flexible Magnetic Soft Continuum Robot for Manipulation and Measurement at Microscale (2023-10-13)
Optimizing the Use of Solid-Phase Reversible Immobilization Beads for High-Throughput Full-Length 16S rDNA Sequencing Library Construction (2023-10-13)
<b>The "Please Brush Toothbrush" Innovation</b> / Preprint (2023-10-12)
Intracoronary Electrocardiography-guided Strategy for the Treatment of Coronary Bifurcation Lesions (2023-10-12)
A note on the impact of CYP51 alterations and their combination in the wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici on sensitivity to the azole fungicides epoxiconazole and metconazole (2023-10-12)
Systematic Evaluation of Normalization Approaches in Tandem Mass Tag and Label-Free Protein Quantification Data (2023-10-11)
Effects of educational governance on learning outcome and educational segregation in Taiwan / Preprint (2023-10-11)
Black Wo/men: What has the Spirit got to do with it? / Preprint (2023-10-11)
Navigating Economic Inclusion and Psychological Exclusion: Immigration in Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2023-10-11)
Zayani, Mohamed. Editor. A Fledgling Democracy: Tunisia in the Aftermath of the Arab Uprisings (2023-10-11)
Imagining Palestine : From The Margin to the Center (2023-10-11)
Arab Studies Quarterly (2023-10-11)
Research Progress in Finerenone in Cardiovascular Diseases (2023-10-11)
Investigating the implicit diversity of the Moraxellaceae family using the Taxonomy Informed Clustering (TIC) algorithm (2023-10-11)
Books in Brief (2023-10-11)
Editor’s Note (2023-10-11)
In Memoriam: Jacqueline Sidonia Nemitz Ismael September 27, 1942 – May 27, 2023 (2023-10-11)
Books Received, 2022–2023 (2023-10-11)
OCCUPATION VS. RESISTANCE: Contextualizing Israel’s 2014 Operation Against the Palestinian Population in Gaza (2023-10-11)
Proteomic Meta-Study Harmonization, Mechanotyping and Drug Repurposing Candidate Prediction with ProHarMeD (2023-10-10)
A systematic comparison of novel and existing differential analysis methods for CyTOF data (2023-10-10)
SEPIA: Polypharmacy side-effect prediction for combinations of multiple drugs (2023-10-10)
The SCOOP family of phytocytokines, at the boundaries of plant defense and development (2023-10-10)
Explainable drug repurposing via path-based knowledge graph completion / Preprint Version 2 (2023-10-10)
Cracking the black box of deep sequence-based protein-protein interaction prediction (2023-10-10)
DysRegNet: Patient-specific and confounder-aware dysregulated network inference (2023-10-09)
DRaCOoN: Advanced Differential Regulation Analysis for Large-scale Biological Networks (2023-10-09)
Insights into SARS-CoV-2 Immune Responses, Disease Severity, and Optimal Sequencing Depth (2023-10-09)
Antibacterial activity of honey and palm kernel oil on clinical isolates of <i>Pseudomonas</i> <i>aeruginosa</i> and <i>Staphylococcus</i> <i>aureus</i>. / Preprint (2023-10-09)
From protein-protein to isoform-isoform interactions: the toolkit to map alternative splicing to interactome (2023-10-09)
Real-time metagenomics for rapid clinical pathogen identification and resistance prediction in gram-negative bloodstream infections (2023-10-09)
Enhancing treatment recommendations in precision oncology with proteomics and phosphoproteomics data (2023-10-09)
Convertible Bond Valuation and Empirical Evidence / Preprint (2023-10-09)
Comparative analysis of single-cell RNA-seq protocols for transcript quantification (2023-10-09)
In silico-based network pharmacology approach for stroke therapy (2023-10-09)
Screen4Care Metadata Repository (2023-10-09)
Detection of alternative splicing: deep sequencing or deep learning (2023-10-09)
Heterogeneity in chromatin states defines a disease spectrum in synovial sarcoma (2023-10-09)
Molecular biological techniques in infectiology (2023-10-09)
Multi-omics analysis of microbiome ‘Kimchi” in cancer research (2023-10-09)
Transcriptome profiling reveals HNF4A as the gatekeeper of the hepatic acute-phase response (2023-10-09)
Whole exome sequencing in a large Swedish cohort with severe developmental language disorders (2023-10-09)
Modeling regulatory mechanisms of cardiac dysfunction after preeclampsia (2023-10-09)
Aberrant microglia activation promotes synaptic loss and neuronal dysfunction after recovery from ZIKV infection (2023-10-09)
Regulatory challenges and incentives for repurposing – Lessons learned from a Swedish pilot (2023-10-09)
Mining the dark side of plant genomes: discovery of major peptidic hormones (2023-10-09)
RNA-Seq Based Toxicity Analysis of Mesoporous Polydopamine Nanoparticles in Mice Following Different Exposure Routes (2023-10-09)
Leveraging the Benefits of Big Data and AI at Siemens: The Critical Role of Data Mesh and Domain Orientation (2023-10-09)
What kind of information a clinician wants from an OMICS study? - Lessons Learned from my Study on Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (2023-10-09)
Possibilities, prerequisites and hopes to successfully analyze heterogeneous data sets – from a scientist’s point of view (2023-10-09)
Systematic repurposing of drugs as medical countermeasures to chemical threats (2023-10-09)
Unraveling Epigenomic Landscape: Benchmarking Machine Learning Methods for Expression Prediction (2023-10-09)
Challenges and considerations of designing multi-modal data workflows for trainable omics models (2023-10-09)
Using Multi-Omic Data to Model Gene Regulatory Networks (2023-10-09)
Machine learning methods for predicting DNA- and RNA-binding proteins reveal that protein domains are not the main contributors to identify nucleic acid-binding proteins (2023-10-09)
Machine learning and genomics – way forward for early identification and outcomes in autism? (2023-10-09)
Whole Genome Sequencing-based digital twin as a clinical decision support system: in-born disease risks and pharmacogenomics with Large Language Model (2023-10-09)
Sexual dimorphism and epigenetic control of the kidney disease marker Klotho (2023-10-09)
Artificial Intelligence - Scary? Smart? (2023-10-09)
Federated Machine Learning for Systems Medicine (2023-10-09)
TF-Prioritizer: a Java pipeline to prioritize condition-specific transcription factors (2023-10-09)
Challenges and opportunities with multi-omics integration in precision medicine (2023-10-09)
The Lasting Impact of The Cancer Genome Atlas (2023-10-09)
Bioinformatic analysis of molecular mechanisms underlying the aortic valvular dysfunction in diabetes (2023-10-09)
Mass production of fake science publishing: How big is the problem and why? (2023-10-09)
Redefining promoter methylation in normal and tumour tissues (2023-10-09)
The Samm50 Genetic Variant rs3761472 Causes Mitochondrial Dysfunction and the Progression of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (2023-10-09)
Pitfalls of computational drug response prediction (2023-10-09)
Understanding human disease mutations through gene editing and genome-wide next generation investigations (2023-10-09)
Soil carbon farming has the potential to bridge the global emissions gap / Preprint (2023-10-08)
<b>Gene editing technologies used to reduce infectious plant diseases</b> / Preprint (2023-10-08)
<b>Why do spacecraft always experience a </b> <b>black-out area</b> <b> that disrupts communications when they return to Earth?</b> / Preprint Version 2 (2023-10-07)
Delivery of RNP complexes for CRISPRi (dCas9) silencing in vitro and in vivo using crystalline ultrasmall particles (CUSP) (2023-10-07)
Subcutaneous delivery of hepatocyte targeted sub-50 nm nanoencapsulated siRNA mediates gene silencing (2023-10-07)
Passive topical administration of nucleic acids to skin by cell-targeted sub-50 nanometer capsules (2023-10-07)
Portal Venous Hemodynamics and Vascular Remodeling in the Context of Liver Sclerosis : A Comprehensive Physiological Analysis (2023-10-07)
Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: Important Things to Know About the Stiff Heart (2023-10-07)
Early is Better Than Late, but Late is Better Than Never: Referral to Advanced Heart Failure Cardiology (2023-10-07)
Look Who's Talking : Gender Differences in Academic Job Talks / Preprint Version 3 (2023-10-06)
Analysis of Artificial Intelligence and Data Act based on ethical frameworks / Preprint (2023-10-06)
Challenges of Funding the Late Phase Clinical Development – Gaining Market Authorization and Access for Repurposed Drugs (2023-10-06)
Big-Data enabled Repurposing of Clopidogrel for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis using Network Biology (2023-10-06)
The AI revolution in medicine and life science (2023-10-06)
Machine-Learning-Driven Biomarker Discovery for the Discrimination between Allergic and Irritant Contact Dermatitis (2023-10-06)
Precision Diagnostics – From Discovery to Commercialization (2023-10-06)
Deep Learning AI and future hybrid algorithm development for the prediction of future dementia developing risk (2023-10-06)
Comprehensive network medicine-based drug repositioning via integration of therapeutic efficacy and side effects (2023-10-05)
Subcutaneous Delivery of Diagnostics and RNAi to Primary and Metatstatic Tumors via Actively-targeted sub-50 nm (s50) Capsules. (2023-10-05)
#4469 Development of nanoencapsulated cancer-specific contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging (2023-10-05)
Abstract 3746: A high dose priming strategy with the novel RNAi therapeutic GS-10 elevates RISC Ago2, Ago4 and GW182 protein levels to enhance RNAi efficacy in a metastatic solid tumor model. (2023-10-05)
Rethinking Cancer - in View of Network Biology (2023-10-05)
Intelligible Heterogeneous Networks: In-Depth Definition of Lipid Lowering Treatments in Humans (2023-10-05)
Controlled cooking tests comparing the financial, energy and time costs of different food and stove combinations in Nairobi, Kenya / Preprint (2023-10-04)
Measuring Impact in Drug Repurposing (2023-10-04)
Tenfibgen nanoencapsulated RNAi feCK2 inhibits protein kinase CK2 and induces apoptosis in feline oral squamous cell carcinoma (2023-10-04)
Drug Response Prediction with Machine Learning: A Critical Assessment of Current Approaches (2023-10-04)
Genomic analysis points to fibrosis and changes in fat metabolism in oral cancer progression (2023-10-04)
Patent strategy in Drug repurposing (2023-10-04)
Drug repurposing for paediatric oncology indications: overview of possible approaches and illustration of a case study (2023-10-04)
Chemogenomic screening in patient-derived tissue models enables target identification and drug repurposing (2023-10-04)
Data Driven Approaches to Repurposing (2023-10-04)
Repurposing drugs to treat antimicrobial resistant infectious diseases (2023-10-04)
Label extensions: Benefits and challenges for drug repurposing / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-10-03)
Soil carbon farming has the potential to bridge the global emissions gap / Preprint (2023-10-03)
Evidence for a large late-Holocene Strewn Field in Kiowa County, Kansas, USA / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-10-03)
Climate change, counter-terrorism and capitalist development in Somalia (2023-10-02)
Climate imperialism in Africa: critical commentary on the political economy of global climate change regime: by Kola Ibrahim, Ife, Osun State, RSP Books, 2023, 211 pp., £8.00–16.36, US$10–20, N3000, GHc40.69, R55.97, ISBN 979-8-866-83931-5. (2023-10-02)
Resource nationalism and energy transitions in lower-income countries: the case of Tanzania (2023-10-02)
Evaluating the Role of University Disability Service Support, Family Support, and Friends’ Support in Predicting the Quality of Life among Disabled Students in Higher Education: Physical Self-esteem as a Mediator / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-10-02)
Enhancing drug repurposing through graph neural networks and link prediction / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-10-02)
Robotic Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Coronary Heart Disease: Applications and Recent Advances (2023-10-02)
Dismantling green colonialism: energy and climate justice in the Arab region: edited by Hamza Hamouchene and Katie Sandwell, Transnational Institute, London and Las Vegas, Pluto Press, paperback, £22.99, US$29, ISBN 978-0-745-34921-3; Kindle, £8.68. (2023-10-02)
Correction (2023-10-02)
(Un)Just transition in power generation: neoliberal reforms and climate crisis in Sudan (2023-10-02)
An interview with Nnimmo Bassey: Business as usual and false solutions – ‘we must claim climate justice spaces for ourselves’ (2023-10-02)
Conservation, peasants and class: critical reflections on the political economy of climate change strategies in West Senegal (2023-10-02)
Connecting people and voices for radical change in Africa (2023-10-02)
Politics of turbulent waters: reflections on ecological, environmental and climate crises in Africa: edited by Nnimmo Bassey, Health of Mother Earth Foundation, Wakefield, Daraja Press, 2023, 230 pp., paperback, £19.00, US$23.23, ISBN 978-1-990-26375-0. (2023-10-02)
Autonomous projects in the face of the global fishing market: women fish processors in Senegal in a context of climate emergency (2023-10-02)
Predicting Functional Recovery of Stroke Rehabilitation Using a Deep Learning Technique / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-10-02)
Fatal architectures and death by design: the infrastructures of state-sponsored climate disasters in Angola and Mozambique (2023-10-02)
Expert Consensus on ECG Identification Applied in the Insurance Industry (2023-10-02)
Confronting the climate crisis in Africa: just transitions and Extinction Rebellion in Nigeria and South Africa (2023-10-02)
South Africa’s unjust climate reparations: a critique of the Just Energy Transition Partnership (2023-10-02)
Between green extractivism and energy justice: competing strategies in South Africa’s hydrogen transition in the context of climate crisis (2023-10-02)
Green imperialism, sovereignty, and the quest for national development in the Congo (2023-10-02)
The political economy of the climate crisis in Southern Africa (2023-10-02)
Volume Index (2023-10-02)
Contradictions to decent African jobs under energy transition-related extractivism: the case of graphite mining in Mozambique (2023-10-02)
African Science Granting Councils : Towards Sustainable Development in Africa (2023-10-01)
Cloudscreen: A “one-stop-shop” Platform for Drug Repurposing / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-09-30)
Addressing Network Medicine Challenges: an example of causal examination of potential mechanisms of metformin’s impact on C9orf72-mediated ALS using tools of advanced knowledge management platform / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-09-30)
Abu Hureyra, Syria, Part 2: Additional evidence supporting the catastrophic destruction of this prehistoric village by a cosmic airburst ~12,800 years ago / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-09-30)
Early pseudoaneurysm and late arteriovenous fistula after percutaneous nephrolithotomy (2023-09-30)
Suspected hypogonadism and the importance of confirming the diagnosis - a case report (2023-09-30)
Familial Marcus Gunn phenomenon without ptosis in resting position in 2 successive generations: a case report and review of literature (2023-09-30)
Thromboembolic phenomenon to bilateral lower limbs is a catastrophic complication of blood culture-negative infective endocarditis (2023-09-30)
Somebody stop me! A case of recurrent massive pericardial effusion (2023-09-30)
Microstructures in shocked quartz: linking nuclear airbursts and meteorite impacts / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-09-29)
Abu Hureyra, Syria, Part 3: Comet airbursts triggered major climate change 12,800 years ago that initiated the transition to agriculture / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-09-29)
Abu Hureyra, Syria, Part 1: Shock-fractured quartz grains support 12,800-year-old cosmic airburst at the Younger Dryas onset / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-09-29)
Drug Target Prediction and Repositioning using Machine Learning Integration of Network-based, Pathway Enrichment-based and Disease Enrichment-based Analyses / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-09-29)
Comparing regulatory pathways for drug repurposing in the EU, UK, and US / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-09-29)
The value of HTA for drug repurposing: early HTA in REPO HYPER / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-09-29)
<b>Geographical Axis typology comparisons Bistri</b> <b>ț</b> <b>a-Beclean-N</b> <b>ăsăud</b> <b>-S</b> <b>ângeorz</b> <b>-B</b> <b>ăi -</b> <br/> <b>- Reghin-Tg. Mureș - Suceava-Baia Mare-Cluj-Napoca </b> (2023-09-29)
<b> <i>The Speed of Light in the Quantum Vacuum Ether</i> </b> / Preprint (2023-09-29)
Baseline differences in metabolic profiles of patients with lung squamous cell carcinoma responding or not responding to treatment with nanoparticle albumin-bound paclitaxel (nab-paclitaxel) (2023-09-29)
Sesquiterpenoids from the sunflower family as potential anti-inflammatory candidates: a review (2023-09-29)
Post-Thrombectomy Vascular Dynamics in Arteriovenous Fistulas : Inflammatory Cascades, Molecular Interactions, and Therapeutic Implications in Hemodialysis (2023-09-28)
<b>Economic Uses of Bryophytes and Algae</b> / Preprint (2023-09-28)
3D cell-culture strategy for screening novel agents in Fanconi Anemia chemoprevention (2023-09-28)
Systematic Literature Review of Therapeutic Use of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) and Short-Term ASMR Auditory Training Trial (2023-09-28)
Exploring the morphology of the host cell to open new possibilities for drug repurposing in viral infections / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-09-28)
How Can Health Technology Assessment Help in Addressing Challenges in Drug Repurposing? A Conceptual Framework / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-09-28)
Global Infectious Diseases in August 2023: A Monthly Analysis (2023-09-28)
<b>Alzheimer’s Disease and Nutrition</b> / Preprint (2023-09-27)
Philanthropy’s Role in Catalyzing New Uses for Approved Treatments (2023-09-27)
Clinical Research for Pediatric Patients Suffering from a Diffuse Midline Glioma: Limits, Challenges and Perspectives (2023-09-26)
Attracting Grade "A" Students in Library and Information Science in Nigeria / Preprint (2023-09-25)
Editorial Introduction (2023-09-25)
Moulay Ismail and the Mumbo Jumbo: Black Morocco Revisited (2023-09-25)
Conceptualizing Islamophobia in India (2023-09-25)
Mapping Islamophobia: The Indian Media Environment (2023-09-25)
<b>Black Color Disc as A rare Presentation of Alkaptonuric Patient: a case report</b> / Preprint (2023-09-25)
Fighting Islamophobia Through Preservation of Memory. A Case Study: Palestinian Journalism (2023-09-25)
Responding to Islamophobia: British Muslims “Talk Back” to the UK (2023-09-25)
Effective Countering Islamophobia Strategies in the Digital Age: Three Approaches (2023-09-25)
Cinematic Representations of Iran after 9/11 and their Instrumentalization by the American Foreign Policy (2023-09-25)
Russian Islamophobia: From Medieval Tsardom to the Post-Soviet Man (2023-09-25)
Gendered Islamophobia in Italy: The Case of Silvia Aisha Romano (2023-09-25)
Islamophobia Studies Journal (2023-09-25)
Integrated Tools for Enhancing Network-based Disease Module Identification, Drug Prioritization and Repurposing / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-09-23)
Sensor Capsules with Augmented Reality Integration / Preprint (2023-09-22)
Rapid and Visual Detection of Monkey B Virus Based on Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (2023-09-22)
Comparative Analysis of Pigtail Drainage Catheters : Skived Holes versus Punched Holes and Implications for Fluid Dynamics (2023-09-21)
Propagating ‘Chinese invention’ through landscape performing art: sublimating the arts to nationalism (2023-09-21)
4-Phenylbutyrate for SLC6A1-Meaningful Outcomes and Access : A case for repurposing Phenylbutyrate (ATX-018) to include use in the treatment of SLC6A1 and additional rare indications / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-09-21)
<b>On factors affecting the change in the Gini coefficient </b> <b>of the credit scoring model</b> / Preprint (2023-09-21)
<b>Access to Justice for Illiterate Women in the Southern Char Areas of Bangladesh</b> / Preprint (2023-09-21)
M. Steen, Ethics for People who Work in Tech (2023-09-21)
Elise Bohan, Future Superhuman: Our Transhuman Lives in a Make-or-Break Century (2023-09-21)
Mark Shepard, There are No Facts. Attentive Algorithms, Extractive Data Practices, and the Quantification of Everyday Life (2023-09-21)
First aid for a badly injured patent system (2023-09-21)
Prometheus (2023-09-21)
A. Fejerskov, The Global Lab: Inequality, Technology, and the Experimental Movement (2023-09-21)
Henrik Skaug Sætra (ed.) Technology and Sustainable Development: The Promise and Pitfalls of Techno-Solutionism (2023-09-21)
Any data will do? (2023-09-21)
Understanding the role of plasmalogen lipid in synapse function: a cellular neurolipidomics study (2023-09-20)
Pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease revealed by chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI (2023-09-20)
The Importance of Plasma Membrane Nanodomains in Signal Transduction and Drug Repurposing (2023-09-20)
Windows Forensics Analysis (2023-09-20)
Applications of Systasy’s barcoded Precision Discovery technology to identify repurposed drugs for mental disorders / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-09-19)
A study on density based spatial clustering of applications with noise (2023-09-19)
From relief to aggravation: The intriguing tinnitus-opioid withdrawal paradox (2023-09-18)
Number of inhabitants in the urban axis in Romania : Ranking the urban axis of Romania by total population (2023-09-17)
<b>An Assessment of Rainfall Variability and Trends in Wukari, Nigeria from 1981 to 2021</b> / Preprint (2023-09-16)
Klebsiella , a Hitherto Underappreciated Zoonotic Pathogen of Importance to One Health: A Short Review (2023-09-15)
Discrete-Event Simulation Model for Monitoring Elderly and Patient’s Smart Beds / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-09-15)
Textual Emotion Analysis-based Disabled People Talking Using Improved Metaheuristics with Deep Learning Techniques for Intelligent Systems / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-09-15)
Functionality and Comfort Design of Lower-Limb Prosthetics: A Review / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-09-15)
Whole Exome Sequencing Reveals Two Novel Homozygous Variants in the TRAPPC9 and PLOD3 Genes Leading to Intellectual Disability and Bone Fragility with Contractures / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-09-15)
Expanding the Genetic and Mutation Spectrum of ASPM-associated Neurodevelopmental Disorders / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-09-15)
Drug repurposing then, now, and in the future (2023-09-14)
An AI Pipeline to Investigate the Binding Properties of Food Bioactive Small Molecules (2023-09-14)
The Rise of AI as a Tool Supporting and Enhancing the Daily Lives of those with Disabilities (2023-09-14)
The European Repurposing Pilot Project (2023-09-14)
An intrinsic connection between COVID-19 and aging (2023-09-13)
HNP-1 Reverses Hypertensive Left Ventricular Hypertrophy by Inhibiting the NF-кB Signaling Pathway (2023-09-13)
Streamlining and generalizing network-based drug discovery with NeDRex and Drugst.One / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-09-12)
Drug Repurposing in Chemoresistance (2023-09-12)
Using Interventional Pharmacoeconomic Clinical Trials and Outcomes-Based Contracts to Repurpose Generic Drugs with Cost-Savings (2023-09-12)
Robust Multiomics and Phenomics in Disease Subtyping (2023-09-12)
Pandemic Preparedness: The Singapore Drug Repurposing Antiviral Strategy (2023-09-12)
Repurposing benztropine as TB host directed therapy (2023-09-12)
Novel emerging nano-assisted anti-cancer strategies based on the STING pathway (2023-09-12)
Telomerase Inhibition by MST-312 Sensitizes Breast Cancer Cells to the Anti-cancer Properties of Plumbagin / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-09-12)
Molecular sub-typing driven drug repurposing in oncology (2023-09-12)
The IRDiRC Drug Repurposing Guidebook: Creating an efficient and visible pathway for rare diseases (2023-09-12)
Diagrammatic Representation of Relationships in Multiobjective Optimization / Preprint (2023-09-11)
Collaboration in Development: A South African Heritage (2023-09-11)
Alive Without a Pulse: Evolution of Durable Left Ventricular Assist Devices (2023-09-11)
<b>Design of an After Fall Assistive Device for the Elderly Patients by Finite element methods </b> / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-09-10)
Bacteria-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles under photo-irradiation and their efficacy against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (2023-09-10)
Şule Yüksel Şenler: An Islamist Vernacular Intellectual (2023-09-09)
ReOrient (2023-09-09)
Active Control and Guidance-Aided Propulsive Landing Research for Small-Scale Vehicles (2023-09-09)
Bakali, N. and Hafez, F. The Rise of Global Islamophobia in the War on Terror: Coloniality, Race and Islam (2023-09-09)
Schmid, H., and Sheikhzadegan, A. Exploring Islamic Social Work: Between Community and the Common Good (2023-09-09)
Jeff Eden. God Save the USSR: Soviet Muslims and the Second World War (2023-09-09)
Derrida’s Black Accent: Decolonial Deconstruction (2023-09-09)
Extracting the Historical Authenticity of Numbers in the Sīra : The Case of Khadījah’s Marriage to the Prophet Muḥammad (2023-09-09)
Islamophobia and Proximities to Whiteness: Organizing Outside of the Brown Muslim Subject (2023-09-09)
Tazeen M. Ali. The Women’s Mosque of America: Authority and Community in US Islam (2023-09-09)
A Caliphate of Ideas? Islamic Politics in Dialogue with Contemporary Marxism (2023-09-09)
Location location location: A carbon footprint calculator for transparent travel to COP27 / Preprint Version 3 (2023-09-08)
Introducing LADR4 - A Platform Technology Solution to Make Drug Repurposing a Viable Solution / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-09-08)
Overview of Face Recognition Methodologies: A Literature Review / Preprint (2023-09-08)
Visual and Rapid Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Stool Samples by FTA Card-based Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (2023-09-06)
[RETRACTED: The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence on the Human Society] / Preprint (2023-09-06)
A review: CRISPR/Cas12-mediated genome editing in fungal cells: advancements, mechanisms, and future directions in plant-fungal pathology / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-09-05)
EBV and oral risk habits among a group of male patients fibroepithelial polyp (FEP)in Sri Lanka (2023-09-05)
The Symbolic Meaning of Sunlight in Mithraism / Preprint (2023-09-05)
Impact of entrepreneurial passion on entrepreneurial success : The role of entrepreneurial skills / Preprint (2023-09-04)
Antimicrobial Resistance, Virulence, and Genetic Characterization of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Recovered from Ready-to-Eat (RTE) Food in China: A New Challenge for Food Safety (2023-09-02)
Top Ten Breakthroughs in Clinical Hypertension Research in 2022 (2023-09-02)
<b>Generalized Restless Body Syndrome: A case of opioid withdrawal- induced restlessness extending beyond the legs </b> (2023-09-01)
The 34 th Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology Asian Heart Society Congress 2023 (2023-09-01)
Understanding and redressing imbalances for South-North collaborations in energy and development research / Preprint (2023-08-31)
D6.3 – An inventory of internal and external initial external stakeholder survey to collect needs in drug repurposing, and their objectives and expectations regarding FtO, IP and BD (2023-08-31)
Design of Information Feedback Firefly Algorithm with a Nested Deep Learning Model for Intelligent Gesture Recognition of Visually Disabled People / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-08-31)
D5.3 - Initial whitepaper on rational for a wet-lab technology platform for patient recruitment (2023-08-31)
Automated Gesture-Recognition Solutions using Optimal Deep Belief Network for Visually Challenged People / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-08-31)
D5.1 - Initial whitepaper on a virtual EU biobank platform for patient recruitment pilots (2023-08-31)
RepurposeDrugs: an interactive web-based database and machine learning predictor for repurposing mono- and combination therapies / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-08-30)
Exploring Psychiatric Re-Admission Factors through a Loretto Hospital Quality Improvement Initiative (2023-08-30)
Spontaneous hemopneumothorax: a rare illness with unusual presentation and etiology (2023-08-30)
Monitoring the Process and Characterizing Symptoms of Suckling Mouse Inoculation Promote Isolating Viruses from Ticks (2023-08-30)
Surfers’ myelopathy: a case report (2023-08-30)
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor mimicking breast cancer: a case report (2023-08-30)
Multiple myeloma with disseminated sclerotic lesions mimicking metastatic bone lesions; a rare case series (2023-08-30)
Water bolus in photon-beam therapy of irregular skin lesions of extremities: a case report (2023-08-30)
Piece-Wise Linear Chaotic Mapping-based Beluga Whale Optimization Algorithm-based Indoor Activity Monitoring for Elderly and Visually Impaired Persons / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-08-29)
Electronic Journal of Islamicand Middle Eastern Law(EJIMEL) - Special Issue : Volume 5 (2017),Volume 6 (2018),Volume 7 (2019),Volume 8, Issue 2 (2020),Volume 9 (2021) (2023-08-28)
KI & Kultur: Chimäre oder Chance? : Voraussetzungen – Anwendungen – Potentiale (2023-08-28)
<b>Communicable Disease Surveillance through Predictive Analysis: A Comparative Analysis of Prediction Models </b> / Preprint (2023-08-27)
#Bodypositivity : Eine Untersuchung körperpositiver Inhalte auf Instagram unter Einbeziehung der Perspektive junger Rezipientinnen <span class="so-article-trans-title" dir="auto"> Translated title: #Bodypositivity : An examination of body-positive content on Instagram, including the perspective of young recipients </span> (2023-08-26)
Robust Gesture Recognition and Classification for Visually Impaired Persons Using Growth Optimizer with Deep Stacked Autoencoder / Version 5 (Latest) (2023-08-26)
<b>Evaluation of </b> <b>Google Bard</b> <b> on Vietna</b> <b>mese High School</b> <b> Biology Examination</b> / Preprint (2023-08-25)
Criminalisation of Sex with Disabled People with Cognitive Impairments in Commonwealth Countries: A Colonial Remnant that Interferes with the Human Right to Sexual Agency (2023-08-25)
The Rights to Inclusive Education in International Human Rights Law. By Gauthier de Beco, Shivaun Quinlivan, and Janet E. Lord, eds, 2019. (2023-08-25)
Disability Rights and Robotics: Co-producing Futures (2023-08-25)
Design Optimization and Integrated Simulation Analysis of a Cable-Driven Ankle Rehabilitation Robot / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-08-25)
Current Issues Bulletin: The Future of Inclusive Programs in Higher Education in the UK for Students with Intellectual Disabilities: Theory, Praxis, and Paradigms (2023-08-25)
The Intersectional Disadvantages for Disabled Women Students in UK Higher Education (2023-08-25)
[RETRACTED: Burnout suicidal ideation versus hate violence: a Bayesian statistical method predictive of physicians’ health status] / Preprint (2023-08-25)
Problematising the Problem: Exploring How Hearing Privilege Fosters Employment Inequality for Deaf People (2023-08-25)
Proposing an Academic Space of “Autism and Profound Learning Disability” (2023-08-25)
International Journal of DISABILITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE (2023-08-25)
Responding to the environmental crisis through education: the imperative for teacher support across all disciplines / Preprint (2023-08-24)
The Impact of Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Global Commodity Brent Crude Prices : L’impact du conflit russo-ukrainien sur les prix mondiaux du brut Brent / Preprint (2023-08-24)
Global Infectious Diseases in July 2023: Monthly Analysis (2023-08-24)
Cuproptosis-related MTF1 inhibits kidney renal clear cell carcinoma progression by suppressing proliferation and regulating immune cell infiltration (2023-08-22)
<b>Five-year Efficacy and Safety of TiNO-Coated Stents Versus Drug-Eluting Stents in Acute Coronary Syndrome. A meta-analysis. </b> / Preprint (2023-08-20)
Editorial: The Four Waves: Then and Now (2023-08-20)
<b>Semantic Segmentation for Pet Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network</b> / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-08-19)
Meta-analysis mathematical model of heavy metals metallothioneins and heat shock proteins human responses cross talk / Preprint (2023-08-19)
Challenge to the Supremacy of the Nervous System: An Invitation to a New Integrative Perspective <span class="so-article-trans-title" dir="auto"> Translated title: Desafio à supremacia do sistema nervoso: um convite a uma nova perspectiva integrativa </span> / Preprint (2023-08-19)
Optimal Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for IoT-enabled Human Activity Recognition in Elderly and Disabled Persons / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-08-18)
Opportunities for Pharmacist Intervention: Exploring Barriers to Accessing HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) in the United States / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-08-16)
Homo homini lupus est? : Menschenbilder und das Fremde: Interaktion und Wahrnehmung (2023-08-16)
Биологические маркеры сепсиса (2023-08-16)
New Features and New Patterns of the Economic Radiation of Kunming City to Its Surrounding Area / Preprint (2023-08-15)
<b>Semantic Segmentation for Pet Detection</b> / Version 1 (2023-08-15)
<b>Rhythm in Sport: Adapted rhythmic training to optimize timing and enhance performance in athletes </b> / Preprint (2023-08-14)
<b>Assessing Neuronal Loss after Repeated Low-Level Blast Injury</b> (2023-08-14)
Press for the People: A report and analysis of a new human rights organization for the protection of journalists / Preprint (2023-08-13)
Emergence Revealed: Where the Whole is Always Equal, Never Greater, than the Parts (2023-08-13)
<b>ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN SMART GRID FOR ENERGY MANAGEMENT</b> : <b>Power load prediction</b> (2023-08-13)
<b>Application of Computational Modeling in Mechanics </b> / Preprint (2023-08-12)
The Multi-Balloon Theory : An Alternate Theory of the Universe / Preprint (2023-08-12)
Improved Chicken Swarm Optimizer with Vision-based Anomaly Detection on Surveillance Videos for Visually Challenged People / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-08-12)
Hybrid Quantum Algorithms and Quantum Software Development Frameworks / Preprint (2023-08-11)
Bridging the Gap: Exploring the Interplay Between University Enrollment Expansion, Tuition Fees, and Educational Equality / Preprint (2023-08-11)
Multimodality Imaging for Cardiomyopathies in the Era of Precision Medicine (2023-08-11)
Una ummah justa, libre y soberana: Un din no es una religión (2023-08-11)
Notas sobre ética y traducción en la obra de Silvana Rabinovich (2023-08-11)
Una «experiencia religiosa» surgida del manga y el anime: Las bases de las características sagradas del Seichi Junrei (2023-08-11)
Barbaric Jewishness: Resistance to anti-Semitism and Judeo-Christianity (2023-08-11)
Horizontes Decoloniales (2023-08-11)
Religiones, resistencias, post/de-colonialidades: Hacia una comprensión de la reivindicación de las culturas y religiones de los pueblos colonizados (2023-08-11)
Teología Latinoamericana: Un ejercicio en constante transformación: desafíos y transgresiones desde el feminismo poscolonial (2023-08-11)
Cruising foreign territories: Sexuality, faith, and intercultural relations among Japanese Brazilian queer im/migrants in Japan (2023-08-11)
Fair Trade visitors in Greater Bristol schools: a model for making an impact (2023-08-10)
Mitigating effect of providing specific information on consumers’ negative reactions to cause-related marketing (2023-08-10)
Senescence-associated lncRNAs indicate distinct molecular subtypes associated with prognosis and androgen response in patients with prostate cancer (2023-08-10)
Journal of Fair Trade (2023-08-10)
Fair Trade factory farms: a false solution to a real problem (2023-08-10)
Case series of Anaerococcus prevotii infection in road traffic accidents in New Delhi, India (2023-08-10)
The role of emotional imagery exposure on Fair Trade consumption and on compassion (2023-08-10)
The cost of sustainable production for basmati rice grown by the Fairtrade certified producers (2023-08-10)
Risk factors associated with Surgical Site Infection in a Haitian teaching hospital: a case-control study (2023-08-09)
The Effect of the Menstrual Cycle on Cognitive Performance: Spatial Reasoning, Visual & Numerical Memory / Preprint (2023-08-09)
A nomogram for predicting the severity of COVID-19 infections among patients in Chengdu, China (2023-08-09)
The Influence of Perceived Spiciness on Actual Taste Experience: An Experimental Study / Preprint (2023-08-08)
Innovative teaching learning process (case-based learning, seminar and team-based learning) and performance of the students in obstetrics and gynecology clerkship : Obstetrics and gynecology clerkship (2023-08-07)
Towards a green governance: Assessment and development of environmental management strategies at the Philippine Coconut Authority-Zamboanga City / Preprint (2023-08-07)
Optimizing government services through alternative work arrangements: Evidence from the Department of Tourism in Zamboanga Peninsula, Philippines / Preprint (2023-08-07)
<b>Collegiate Program Alignments of STEM Graduates of Mercedes B. Peralta Senior High School along the Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, and Mathematics (STEAM) Domains and Allied Disciplines: A Tracer Study </b> / Preprint (2023-08-07)
<b>Collegiate Program Alignments of STEM Graduates of Mercedes B. Peralta Senior High School along the Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, and Mathematics (STEAM) Domains and Allied Disciplines: A Tracer Study </b> / Preprint (2023-08-07)
<b>Building for health: Managing infection risks during public hospital construction and renovation </b> : <i>(Case Study of the Zamboanga City Medical Center)</i> / Preprint (2023-08-07)
Exploring lnflammasome/Cytokine/lnsulin cascade as converging landscape for AD, Schizophrenia(SCHIZO);and COVID-19 syndrome: synthesis of evidence and Post-hoc analysis of Ginsana-115 RCT in treatment-resistant-schizophrenia (2023-08-07)
THE COLLATZ REGULAR LANGUAGE / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-08-06)
Recent advances in the molecular design and applications of proteolysis targeting chimera-based multi-specific antiviral modality (2023-08-05)
Chameleon Swarm Algorithm with Improved Fuzzy Deep Learning for Fall Detection Approach to Aid Elderly People / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-08-04)
<b>Assessing Mental Health Services in the Wake of COVID-19 and Political Unrest in Myanmar</b> / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-08-03)
Evolution of Damage in Light of the Preventive Civil Liability Regime (2023-08-03)
<b>Racism and Adverse Childhood Experience: Racism and Adverse Childhood Experience: challenges of motherhood in bringing up children with mixed parentage </b> : <b>Racism and Adverse Childhood Experience: challenges of motherhood in bringing up children with mixed parentage </b> / Preprint (2023-08-03)
A Differential Datalog Interpreter / Preprint (2023-08-03)
Physical Management of Pain and Disability among Healthcare Workers Due to Mechanical Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-08-03)
Case Study on the Application of Deep Learning to Network Intruder Detection (2023-08-03)
Imaging findings of an extramedullary epidural metastatic small cell lung cancer tumor: a case report (2023-08-03)
High Diversity of Tick-associated Microbiota from Five Tick Species in Yunnan, China (2023-08-03)
Enumeration of Enterococci in Treated Water from Water Treatment Plants and Distribution System in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2023-08-02)
Bidens Pilosa, Invasive Plant of the Family Asteraceae, Morocco Description and Ecology (2023-08-02)
Effect of Different Motivational Factors on The Academic Performance of Foundation Year Students at the University of Sharjah (2023-08-02)
<b>How might Sustainable Mobility Concepts help Coastal Towns to deal with Overtourism?</b> : A SUMP Comparison between Palma de Mallorca and Antibes / Preprint (2023-08-02)
The Implications and Efficacy of Online Verification Tools in Scientific Research and Citation Practices (2023-08-02)
Cryptocurrencies in Morocco Between Legal Adaptation and Economic Impact (2023-08-02)
EFL Classroom Repair Strategies by an English Non-native Teacher to Tertiary Students in the UAE (2023-08-02)
Sex Differences in Quality of Life and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Heart Failure (2023-08-02)
[RETRACTED: The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence on the Human Society] / Preprint (2023-08-02)
The Correlation between Students’ Character and Curricular Activities at the Moroccan University (2023-08-02)
An Exploratory Study on Sustainable Academic Business Travel: Implications for Technological Design for Behaviour Change (2023-08-01)
Evaluating Graphical User Interfaces for Handling Latency in Remote Crane Operation (2023-08-01)
Designing User Interface Elements for Remotely Operated Ship-to-shore Cranes (2023-08-01)
Virtual and Augmented Reality Interfaces for 3D Mesopotamian Environments and Artefacts – A Survey (2023-08-01)
<b>Propelling on Biodiversity Conservation in India</b> / Preprint (2023-08-01)
Comet C/2011 L4 (PANSTARSS) observed with small telescope : Small nucleus, fast rotator and dust rich comet observed after perihelion Citizen Science and Scientific Results using Powerful Algorithms / Preprint (2023-08-01)
How can policy making influence waterfront accessibility and active mobility? : River Studies Stuttgart Basel Munich / Preprint (2023-08-01)
Towards a Regional System of State Universities and Colleges in Zamboanga Peninsula, Philippines / Preprint (2023-08-01)
First experiments with carbon black pigment dispersion acting as a Janus ultrasound contrast agent (2023-08-01)
A Survey of Wearable Tracker Version Updates (2023-08-01)
Optimization of Ultra-Small Nanoparticles for Enhanced Drug Delivery (2023-08-01)
Patterns of Meaningful and Meaningless Smartphone Use: A Diary Study (2023-08-01)
Review of AI-Based Mental Health Apps (2023-08-01)
Evaluation of the Circular Economy Potential in Improving Sustainability in the Construction Industry in the UAE (2023-08-01)
Drivers of Trust in Generative AI-powered Voice Assistants: The Role of References (2023-08-01)
Measuring UX at Work: A Diary Study of Healthcare Workers Ordinary Experiences with mHealth Apps (2023-08-01)
Empowering End-users in Co-Designing AI: An AI Literacy Card-Based Toolkit for Non-Technical Audiences (2023-08-01)
Voice Series: Interview with Prof. Fuwu Zhang, University of Miami (2023-08-01)
Challenges and Design Considerations for Home-based Visualisations to Encourage More Sustainable Practices (2023-08-01)
Game Based Learning Rehabilitation for Children with Speech Disabilities: Presenting Two Bespoke Video Games (2023-08-01)
Designing Mobile Health Apps: A Systematic Review of Design Goals for Supporting Healthcare Professionals (2023-08-01)
Reflexivity, Interactions and Intersectionality in HCI and CSCW (2023-08-01)
Using Formative User Experience Research to Shape Positive Psychology Interventions (2023-08-01)
Accessibility and Inclusiveness of New Information and Communication Technologies for Disabled Users and Content Creators in the Metaverse / Preprint (2023-08-01)
“It’s actually scarily realistic”: The evaluation of an olfactory display device for use in VR (2023-08-01)
Breaking Barriers: A Novel Framework to Evaluate Usability of Accessibility Applications (2023-08-01)
Personalising the unexpected: Preliminary suggestions for synaesthetic-oriented design (2023-08-01)
36th Annual British HCI Conference - Index (2023-08-01)
Evaluation of Mindfulness Eating Apps (2023-08-01)
The potential of adopting Blockchain Technology with BIM Implementations in the Construction Industry Ecosystem –A Review Paper (2023-08-01)
Scents of Adventure: Development of an olfactory display device for Virtual Reality (2023-08-01)
Assisting Visually Impaired People Using Deep Learning-based Anomaly Detection in Pedestrian Walkways for Intelligent Transportation Systems on Remote Sensing Images / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-08-01)
In vivo Iron-Based Coordination Assembly for Disease Diagnosis and Treatment (2023-08-01)
Evaluating Budgeting Apps: Limited Support for Budgeting Compared to Tracking (2023-08-01)
Increasing independence for older adults who need technology support (2023-08-01)
Accessibility barriers with authentication methods for blind and partially sighted people in the Spanish-speaking world (2023-08-01)
Empowering Young Voices: Prototyping Method for AR in Decolonisation Discussions (2023-08-01)
Supporting dementia caregivers in Peru through chatbots: generative AI vs structured conversations. (2023-08-01)
C.A.R.E : Designing a smartwatch app for older people (2023-08-01)
Reducing food waste: Exploring needs for an app for users in different cultures and at different life stages (2023-08-01)
Approaches and Challenges of Inclusive UX Practices in the Software Industry (2023-08-01)
Older Chinese people’s use of and attitudes to digital technologies before and during the COVID-19 pandemic (2023-08-01)
Privacy and security in online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: experiences and concerns of teachers in UK higher education (2023-08-01)
Exploring the Potential of Social Robots in Supporting Home Medication Management (2023-08-01)
A Systematic Lightweight Approach for Natural User Interfaces Prototyping (2023-08-01)
Peptide Assemblies as Promising Tumor Vaccines: Current Platforms and Progress (2023-08-01)
Classification and Medical Applications of Biomaterials–A Mini Review (2023-08-01)
Supporting the capacities and knowledge of small-holder farmers in Kenya for sustainable agricultural futures: A Citizen Science pilot project / Preprint Version 2 (2023-07-31)
A new model for open access monographs (2023-07-31)
[RETRACTED: Effective use of Assistive Technology for Inclusive Education in Developing Countries] / Preprint (2023-07-31)
Toolmakers for the Future : International Network for Environmental Management (2023-07-31)
Kasabach-Merritt syndrome: a case report of a giant hepatic hemangioma in an adult (2023-07-30)
Gastric volvulus in elderly patient: a case report, approach and literature review (2023-07-30)
“Delayed hyperbaric oxygen treatment for cerebral gas embolism can still be life-saving” - a case report (2023-07-30)
Gastric perforation after endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty: a case report of a rare but dangerous complication (2023-07-30)
Schwannoma of the ansa cervicalis masquerading as a thyroid nodule: a multimedia case report and literature review (2023-07-30)
Zoonotic Enteric Parasites among Pastoralists, Cattle, and Soil in the Upper Benue Trough of Northeastern Nigeria (2023-07-29)
A Novel Liquid Biopsy Technology Translating Personalized Gene Expression to Drug Efficacy (2023-07-29)
Molecular Characterization of Anaplasma , Ehrlichia, Babesia , and Borrelia in Ticks from Guangdong Province of Southern China (2023-07-29)
Global Infectious Diseases in June 2023: Monthly Analysis (2023-07-28)
A New Generating Function for Hermite Polynomials / Preprint (2023-07-27)
Spectrum of symptoms and disease severity in COVID-19 breakthrough infections among vaccinated individuals. (2023-07-26)
Combination of Neutrophil Count and Gensini Score as a Prognostic Marker in Patients with ACS and Uncontrolled T2DM Undergoing PCI (2023-07-26)
Primality test and repeating decimal digits / Preprint (2023-07-25)
Structural and Mechanical Properties of Non-Glazed Ceramic Tiles Developed from Selected Mineral Deposits in Uganda (2023-07-25)
Factors affecting the severity of COVID-19 and the development of complications (2023-07-23)
Aging and cancer hallmarks as therapeutic targets (2023-07-22)
Precise registration of axonal morphologies obtained from sections to a common reference space (2023-07-21)
<b>Assessing Mental Health Services in the Wake of COVID-19 and Political Unrest in Myanmar</b> / Preprint Version 1 (2023-07-21)
Automated Gesture Recognition Using African Vulture Optimization with Deep Learning for Visually Impaired People on Sensory Modality Data / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-07-21)
Understanding capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection systems (2023-07-20)
A Review of Hybrid Quantum Computational Substrates - A Fusion of Classical And Quantum Computational Substrates / Preprint (2023-07-20)
Development of nano-PDLCs with low haze (2023-07-20)
Modeling the Spectroscopy of Diaminodicyanoquinone Compounds (2023-07-20)
It’s Time to Consider Ablation as First-Line Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation (2023-07-20)
The Periodization and Analytical Framework of Economic Long Waves: A New Study from the Perspective of Historical Materialism (2023-07-20)
The Economic Consequences of Authoritarian Neoliberalism in India (2023-07-20)
Resisting the Neoliberal Project in India: Punjab and the Struggle against Corporate Encroachment into Agriculture (2023-07-20)
Nursing staff practices towards computerization and computer use in a teaching and Referral hospital, Nairobi Kenya / Preprint (2023-07-20)
WAPE Membership Information: World Association for Political Economy: A Membership Organization (2023-07-20)
World Review of Political Economy (2023-07-20)
Economic Calculation, Complexity, and Cyber-Communism: Bad News for the Austrian School (2023-07-20)
Guidelines for Contributors (2023-07-20)
Financialization Hypothesis: A Theoretical and Empirical Critique (2023-07-20)
Data-driven modelling and topological analysis of the striatal microcircuitry in health and Parkinson’s disease (2023-07-19)
Development of a Smart Hospital Bed Based on Deep Learning to Monitor Patient Conditions / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-07-19)
Human lactoferrin modulates gene expression of the cytokine IL4 and the receptor TLR4 in the rat spleen under stress and upon the lipopolysaccharide administration (2023-07-19)
Deep Learning-based Handheld Device-Enabled Symptom-driven Recording: A Pragmatic Approach for the Detection of Post-ablation Atrial Fibrillation Recurrence (2023-07-19)
An Open Access Strategy for the Drug Repurposing Community / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-07-19)
<b>Academic Motivation of High School Students at Dr. Haddis Alemayehu Secondary School</b> / Preprint Version 1 (2023-07-17)
<b>Why do spacecraft always experience a </b> <b>black-out area</b> <b> that disrupts communications when they return to Earth?</b> / Preprint Version 1 (2023-07-17)
<b>Drug Development and Discovery (D3)</b> : <i>An overview of the drug discovery process and its development.</i> / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-07-17)
<b>ACCEPTABILITY AND PALATABILITY OF SABA </b> <b>PEELS ( <i>Musa acuminata x balbisiana)</i> AS A </b> <b>PLANT-BASED MEAT SUBSTITUTE</b> / Preprint (2023-07-17)
A Comprehensive Study on the Calibration and Measurement of High-Speed Photodetectors for Human Aura Detection / Preprint (2023-07-17)
A Novel Variant in the PAX4 Gene Causes Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY), Type IX with Neurodevelopmental Disorder / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-07-15)
Amphibious storytellers in Leo Africanus and The Moor’s Account: Exiles and nomads as bicultural humanists (2023-07-14)
Flow : FicSci 01 (2023-07-14)
Arab Studies Quarterly (2023-07-14)
Editor’s Note (2023-07-14)
Makdisi, Saree. Tolerance Is a Wasteland: Palestine and the Culture of Denial (2023-07-14)
Decolonizing imperialist discourse in Jane Austen’s Persuasion: A Saidian perspective (2023-07-14)
Books in Brief (2023-07-14)
Hamdi, Tahrir. Imagining Palestine: Cultures of Exile and National Identity (2023-07-14)
Base editing therapy forges ahead (2023-07-14)
Application value of a nomogram model based on clinical and MRI features in predicting invasive placenta (2023-07-14)
A Derridean approach to Qatar’s paradox of hospitality: FIFA, Souq Waqif, and the Ship of Theseus (2023-07-14)
Navigating the Complexity of Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filter Retrieval : The Potential Role of Larger Co-axial Sheaths and the Implications of Dissection Forces (2023-07-13)
International Journal of Critical Diversity Studies (2023-07-13)
Sorghum, its Proteins and Thai Lime: Shouldn’t the Use of Kaffir, Kafir, Kaffirin and Kafirin as Common Nouns be Discontinued? (2023-07-13)
Diversity and Social Justice in Technology Design: Reflections on Diversity-Aware Technology (2023-07-13)
Fair Trade principles can transform the European Green Deal: moving towards a Global Green Deal (2023-07-13)
Baine Maara-Indu Mama-Siddi Dhamal: Interwoven Performances of Epistemic Justice and Cognitive Freedom by the Siddis of Karnataka, India (2023-07-13)
Ethnicity as a Resource for Anti-War Resistance: Indigenous Peoples of russia and the Role of Ethnic Identity to Withstand putin’s War (2023-07-13)
Research Hotspots and Trends in Home-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Bibliometric Visualization Analysis (2023-07-13)
Instructions for Authors (2023-07-13)
Diversity and Multiculturalism Accommodation: The Cultural and (In)Humane Existence of the Indigenous San (Basarwa) Community in Botswana (2023-07-13)
Benyera, Everisto (2021). The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Recolonisation of Africa: The Coloniality of Data (2023-07-13)
The role of Salicylic acid on plant growth and longevity / Preprint (2023-07-12)
DIY Time Machine / Preprint (2023-07-12)
<b>Child trafficking prevention and risk management in Zamboanga Peninsula (Region IX), Philippines </b> / Preprint (2023-07-12)
Advances in Left Bundle Branch Pacing: Definition, Evaluation, and Applications (2023-07-12)
<b>Exploring the viability of Smart Public Universities in Zamboanga Peninsula (Region IX). Philippines </b> / Preprint (2023-07-11)
THE COLLATZ REGULAR LANGUAGE / Preprint Version 1 (2023-07-11)
<b>Pirates of the Sulu Sea: Experiences of shipping companies in Zamboanga City, Philippines</b> / Preprint (2023-07-11)
<b>Fieldwork during violent conflict: The Philippine National Red Cross Experience during the Zamboanga Siege </b> / Preprint (2023-07-11)
<b>Waste management practices for food and agricultural by-products: Case studies of public markets in Zamboanga City </b> / Preprint (2023-07-11)
Opportunities for Pharmacist Intervention: Exploring Barriers to Accessing HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) in the United States / Version 1 (2023-07-10)
Phrenic Nerve Injury During Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation: Mechanisms, Clinical Features, Prognosis, and Prevention Methods (2023-07-10)
Utilising commercial farm grass growth data to evaluate long-term dry matter production of perennial ryegrass varieties (2023-07-08)
Epidemiologic Features of Human Rabies in China from 2015-2021 (2023-07-08)
Genetic and phenotypic trends for carcass traits in Irish beef cattle (2023-07-08)
Iterative improvements from feedback for language models / Preprint (2023-07-07)
Thermal Analysis of Advance Ceramic Coated Piston for IC Engine / Preprint (2023-07-07)
1,7-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1,4,6-heptatrien-3-one inhibits SARS-CoV-2 by targeting the nucleocapsid protein (2023-07-07)
Post-Translational Modification of Drp1 is a Promising Target for Treating Cardiovascular Diseases (2023-07-07)
Differences in Seedling Ecophysiology and Reproductive Strategy in Two <i>Impatiens</i> <i>capensis</i> Ecotypes (2023-07-07)
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement for Aortic Regurgitation – A Review (2023-07-07)
Location location location: A carbon footprint calculator for transparent travel to COP27 / Preprint Version 2 (2023-07-06)
Experimental evaluation of 3D printed Venturi-type Fine Bubble Generators with internal obstacles / Preprint (2023-07-06)
Studies on the butterfly fauna of Fergusson College Campus,Pune, India (2023-07-06)
Quality of Life among Caregivers of Children with Disabilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A Systematic Review / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-07-05)
The Identification Environment Matters: Students’ Social Identification, Perceived Physical School Environment, and Anxiety – A Cross-Level Interaction Model / Preprint (2023-07-04)
A linguistic and thematic analysis of Khal Torabully’s Coolitude (2023-07-04)
Artistic meanderings through Coolitude (2023-07-04)
Sex Differences in Transcatheter Structural Heart Disease Interventions: How Much Do We Know? (2023-07-04)
My Qoolitude is of whale bone (2023-07-04)
Photography and diaspora: Interpretations and explorations in Indian migration studies (2023-07-04)
Re-framing and fracturing Caribbean-Canadian diasporas through a self-reflexive lens: Identity and aesthetics in Coconut/Cane & Cutlass and Blu in You (2023-07-04)
Man me (2023-07-04)
In the registers of Coolitude: Speaking through speechlessness, interpreting inscriptions (2023-07-04)
Translating the untranslatable: Khal Torabully’s poetics of Coolitude (2023-07-04)
Submission guidelines (2023-07-04)
Coolitude: A geographer’s perspective (2023-07-04)
Cover and table of contents (2023-07-04)
Coolitude, the concept, its resonances and afterlives (2023-07-04)
Andil Gosine’s Cane Portraiture and the aesthetics of indenture (2023-07-04)
From Calcutta to Kingston: A cartography of Coolitude (2023-07-04)
Reflections while in Mauritius (2023-07-04)
The Systems Thinking Case for the Liberal Arts / Preprint (2023-07-03)
Rebuilding Stephen Scrivener's Homeostasis Artwork (2023-07-01)
Recent Progress with the Computer Arts Archive (2023-07-01)
Humanity Measures Itself: Self-measuring and new “post measuring discourse” (2023-07-01)
Building Less is More: A tale of two realities (2023-07-01)
Menstrual health in South Africa (2023-07-01)
Envisioning an Immersive Multi-Screen VR System for Museum Archive Browsing (2023-07-01)
An Overview of New Media Art Exhibitions in China (2017–2022) (2023-07-01)
Retro Stylistic Transformations in Games (2023-07-01)
Voicing the Subject: Finding new ways of creating the documentary (2023-07-01)
Mare Incognito (2023-07-01)
Crafting Virtual Spaces with Creative AI: A case study of Lux in Tenebris (2023-07-01)
Representing Amphibian Perspectives in a 3D Game Engine (2023-07-01)
Symbiotic Hands: A virtual reality interactive system that traverses reality (2023-07-01)
Bearing Witness: A commentary on climate action and immersive climate change exhibitions (2023-07-01)
Porphyric neuropathy in black South Africans: a case series (2023-07-01)
Sounds of Connection: Tactile support of family engagement in elderly memory-care residents (2023-07-01)
Evaluation of Paediatric Chest X-ray Quality in the Pneumonia Aetiology Research for Child Health (PERCH Study), a Prospective International Multicentre Study in 7 Developing Countries (2023-07-01)
Effect of Climate Change on Health in Older Persons (2023-07-01)
The Dance of the Doppelgängers: AI and the cultural heritage community (2023-07-01)
Research Methodologies for Digital Holistic Documentation of Cultural Heritage (2023-07-01)
Creating an App for Computer-assisted Art (2023-07-01)
Bridging the Divide: Creating an accessible transparent AR display (2023-07-01)
The Digital Lens (2023-07-01)
Editorial (2023-07-01)
Visualising a Medieval Wall Painting of St Thomas Becket (2023-07-01)
The Public Sphere and Weibo Microblogging Social Media Platforms in China (2023-07-01)
A-MAZE Artists Update 2023: Boundless – Worlds in Flux: Overcoming boundaries to virtual world integration in traditional heritage settings (2023-07-01)
Extracting Treescape Data from an Autonomous Smart Beehive: A project for an art museum device using near-infrared light (2023-07-01)
Voltaje – Art and Technology Salon: Art as an experience not as an object (2023-07-01)
The Connection Framework: How designers and developers can impact social connection (2023-07-01)
Social Memberships and Identity Representation in “Text-to-Image” Artificial Intelligence Programs (2023-07-01)
Volumetric Music Composition in a VR Context (2023-07-01)
The Arts and Computational Culture: A landscape view (2023-07-01)
Seeing Sound and Hearing Images: Interdisciplinary explorations in marine environments in Queensland, Australia (2023-07-01)
The Intentional Use of Sound Design in the Egyptian Temples and the Great Pyramid (2023-07-01)
Tertiary Hospital ED Turnover: The Key Drivers (2023-07-01)
Management of a Jehovah's Witness patient with ANCA-Associated Vasculitis Following Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (2023-07-01)
Noise-Free Digital Interfaces From the Near Future (2023-07-01)
Rechteck Fyrkant : If they were the same thing, they were the same thing, but they are not. (2023-07-01)
EVA London 2023 - Index (2023-07-01)
Latent Organism: A tangible interface for 3D co-creation with AI (2023-07-01)
Research Workshop Collected Paper: Capturing Memories – Real and Imaginary (2023-07-01)
Can You Feel What I Feel? Leveraging aesthetics in visual and spatial audio VR experience (2023-07-01)
Generative Art and Computational Imagination: Integrating poetry and art (2023-07-01)
A Citizen Of Culture: On art as a gamified experience (2023-07-01)
Wits Journal of Clinical Medicine (Volume 5, Issue 2) (2023-07-01)
COVID-19 and health care worker exposure at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (2023-07-01)
24/7 Worldlessness of Post-Bits Human Universe: Asynchronous Signal Transmutation (2023-07-01)
How Physical Models Complete Virtual Multimediality (2023-07-01)
Digital Chemotaxis (2023-07-01)
EVA London 2023 Workshops (2023-07-01)
Re-Enchantment with Technology and Ourselves: Constructing the technomancy and neuromancy framework (2023-07-01)
A Study on the Development of Digital Art in China Through Artworks (2023-07-01)
Shemza Digital: Across Generations (2023-07-01)
Metaimage: The image beyond visual representation (2023-07-01)
Hybris (2023-07-01)
Severe lactic acidosis after re-exposure to linezolid in a person living with HIV and multidrug resistant tuberculosis: a case report (2023-07-01)
Digital Storytelling: An innovative arts-based research method for qualitative research (2023-07-01)
Thyroid metastasis presenting as backache and lower limb weakness without any primary tumor - a case report (2023-06-30)
Prevention of recurrence in malignant proliferating trichilemmal tumor of scalp in young female using adjuvant radiation therapy after surgery (2023-06-30)
Front Matter (2023-06-30)
Premenstrual Syndrome and Mindfulness: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Social Support and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Women / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-06-30)
The Challenge of Governance and Public Representation in Pakistan: How Electoral System Matters? (2023-06-30)
A rare case report: diagnosis of sarcomatoid carcinoma of the jejunum and management constraints (2023-06-30)
Civil-Military Relationship in a Democratic Pakistan (2023-06-30)
Decentralization of Environmental Governance in Pakistan and its Impact on Sustainable Development (2023-06-30)
Back Matter (2023-06-30)
Syed Khawar Mehdi, comp., Iskander Mirza: Pakistan's First Elected President's Memoirs from Exile : (Karachi: Lightstone Publishers, 2023), pp. 332. (2023-06-30)
Muhammad Ayub, ed., Economics and Economic Policy – Islamic Perspective (Islamabad: Riphah International Islamic University, 2022), 670. (2023-06-30)
In this issue (2023-06-30)
Defying expectations: follicular carcinoma thyroid with lung metastasis and elevated CA 125: images (2023-06-30)
Uncredited intravascular large B cell lymphoma involving central nervous system: a great masquerader (2023-06-30)
Dialogue at IPS (2023-06-30)
Multi-Agency Approach to Suicide Prevention: An Analysis of the Tompkins County Suicide Prevention Framework : An Analysis of the Tompkins County Suicide Prevention Framework / Preprint (2023-06-29)
Chinese Investments in Maritime Sectors of Oman and UAE: Transitioning Realities (2023-06-29)
Pakistan’s External Debt Unsustainability and the Required Approach (2023-06-29)
Comparative Analysis of Solid Core Bone Marrow Specimens Obtained Using Argon Medical Tlok Bone Marrow Biopsy Needle vs BD Jamshidi Biopsy Needle : An In-Depth Examination of Clinical Efficacy and Sample Quality (2023-06-28)
Assessing wind-driven rain loads on traditional buildings using computational fluid dynamics and 3D digital documentation data (2023-06-27)
The effect of brick properties on hygrothermal performance of solid walls (2023-06-27)
Surface condensation risk pre- and post-retrofit at suspended timber ground floors and external wall junctions (2023-06-27)
Preventing the Current Trajectory of New York Mothers’ <br/>Labor Market Outcomes: A Case Study Using the <br/>Agent Based Approach (ABA) / Preprint (2023-06-27)
EPHEDRACEAE: Main Substances and Pharmacological Applications / Preprint (2023-06-27)
Drying behaviour of masonry using quantitative infrared thermography (2023-06-27)
How salts affect the vapour permeability of old walls? Key differences between the vapour permeability of salty and non-salty masonries (2023-06-27)
Culture-Building to Culture-Competing : How opposing mental-models impact organizational change / Preprint (2023-06-27)
Experimental investigation on Hygrothermal environment of spaces built with mortar and plaster layers of lime and cement (2023-06-27)
Water Vapour Adsorption on Moisture Buffering Building Materials (2023-06-27)
Moisture content influence on heat losses in ventilated façade (2023-06-27)
The effect of underground chambers on the moisture balance of historical buildings in a hot and dry climate (2023-06-27)
Basic solutions for the renovation of lightweight brick walls of Estonian detached houses (2023-06-27)
Xerophilic fungi have a taste for Danish art and cultural heritage (2023-06-27)
Limitations of embedded relative humidity (RH) microsensors in monitoring the moisture content of damp masonries (2023-06-27)
Salts in the 16th century mural painting of The Last Judgment in the leper hospice in Rumst, Belgium (2023-06-27)
A Study of The Impact of Acrylic Based Surface Waterproofing on The Moisture Behaviour of Brick Masonry Through Dynamic Vapour Sorption (DVS) And Water Absorption Tests (2023-06-27)
IWI Thermal Properties and the Risk of Condensation and Mould Growth Imposed upon Neighbors at a Party Wall Junction (2023-06-27)
Hygrothermal Monitoring of Replacement Infill Panels for Historic Timber-Frame Buildings: Next Steps (2023-06-27)
Hygrothermal criteria for design of cross-laminated timber external walls (2023-06-27)
Identification of moisture-related problems in Turkish buildings (2023-06-27)
Freeze-Thaw Risk in Solid Masonry Walls: Impact of Climate Change over Europe and the Mediterranean subjected to RCP 4.5 (2023-06-27)
Hygrothermal characterization of a plaster with recycled materials used as interior insulation (2023-06-27)
Condition of the building envelope is associated with indoor dampness, mould and musty odour, as well as moisture measured in floor joists (2023-06-27)
Hygrothermal properties relationships in historic bricks (2023-06-27)
The use of hygrothermal and bio-hygrothermal simulation to inform envelope design for residential buildings in southern Australia (2023-06-27)
ZnPc photosensitizer-loaded peony-shaped FeSe 2 remotely controlled by near-infrared light for antimycobacterial therapy (2023-06-27)
Shading of flat roofs (2023-06-27)
Memory based mould growth model using real-world datasets (2023-06-27)
A multi-functional hot box-cold box for heat, air and moisture studies on full-scale building components: feature overview and onset to validation (2023-06-27)
Flood capacity assessment of confined masonry school buildings for education disruption assessment (2023-06-27)
The effect of natural and extreme weathering on the mechanical properties of structural timber mortise and tenon joints (2023-06-27)
Lime-hemp as wall insulation: long-term monitoring system to investigate the hygrothermal performance (2023-06-27)
Towards a more reliable characterisation of wind-driven rain spells: analysis of actual drying intervals in the region of Murcia (Spain) (2023-06-27)
Similarities, differences, and tendencies of water damage in the Nordic countries (2023-06-27)
Impact of Moisture Decay on Seismic Vulnerability: Haiti’s Wood-Framed Vernacular Buildings (2023-06-27)
Method for monitoring the moisture response of a Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) panel buildings (2023-06-27)
Representative data sets of wood-based materials created for moisture control analysis by hygrothermal simulation (2023-06-27)
The relative humidity may strongly affect indoor air concentrations of VOC pollutants (2023-06-27)
Housing-related determinants of lung health in Nunavik, Canada (2023-06-27)
Hygrothermal limit curves and transient decay prediction for natural fibre insulation (2023-06-27)
Evaluation of a new numerical method for solving hygrothermal transfer through walls in the context of a historical city centre (2023-06-27)
Prevalence and extent of moisture damage in Finnish housing (2023-06-27)
A critical review of analysis techniques for the assessment of the indoor fungal burden (2023-06-27)
Assessing the impact of air movement on hyphal growth (2023-06-27)
Energy and hygrothermal performance challenges in the renovation of a over 100-year-old wooden apartment building into a nearly zero-energy building (2023-06-27)
A guide to predicting the redistribution of excess moisture in concrete floor slabs with moisture-sensitive flooring (2023-06-27)
Efgartigimod, an FcRn antagonist, as a potential treatment for post COVID-19 syndrome (2023-06-27)
Aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway extrolites in airborne Aspergilli series Versicolores (2023-06-27)
Incomplete resistance; mould growth and built in furniture in a 1930’s Dublin clinker concrete apartment building (2023-06-27)
Common sampling techniques for the assessment of indoor fungal growth (2023-06-27)
Comparative simulations on hygrothermal performance of calcium silicate and wood fiber as capillary active internal insulation materials (2023-06-27)
Moisture Compatibility of Portland Stones and other Oolitic Limestones (2023-06-27)
Combining insights from HAM-simulations with case-specific knowledge (2023-06-27)
A numerical case study of a wall composed of pre-cast rapeseed concrete blocks (2023-06-27)
‘Are changes to Part L and Part F of the Building Regulations increasing the dampness, and deterioration of our traditional and historic buildings built with solid walls causing health issues for those who occupy them’. (2023-06-27)
Microbial VOC emissions from mould growth on building materials under various relative humidity conditions (2023-06-27)
Aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway extrolites in airborne Aspergilli series Versicolores (2023-06-27)
Hygrothermal risk assessment of retrofit of external insulated facade systems (EIFS) to non-traditional wall types in an Irish context using the glaser method and numerical modelling (2023-06-27)
Durability performance of non-stabilized Compressed Earth Blocks against wind-driven rain (2023-06-27)
Continuous measurement of moisture content in building materials with Time-Domain Reflectometry (2023-06-27)
Drug Development and Discovery (D3) / Version 1 (2023-06-27)
An investigation into how Energy Performance Certificate variables relate to damp (2023-06-27)
Desregulación en el Mercado del Suelo por parte del Estado Chileno y su impacto en la Política Habitacional <span class="so-article-trans-title" dir="auto"> Translated title: Deregulation in the Land Market by the Chilean State and its impact on Housing Policy </span> / Preprint (2023-06-26)
Transjugular Liver Biopsy versus Transfemoral Liver Biopsy : A Comparative Clinical Evaluation / Preprint (2023-06-25)
Exploring the Impact of Diaspora and Skilled Migration on Developing Countries : A Case Study of Brain Drain in the Philippines / Preprint (2023-06-25)
Failed Business Case Study of Uber In Thailand: Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Future Market Entry : Extracting Insights and Offering Recommendations for Future Market Entry / Preprint (2023-06-24)
A Comprehensive Comparative Analysis of Tissue Sample Volumes and Quality Between Side Notch and Full Core Biopsy Devices : A Quantatative Analysis of Biopsy Specimen. / Preprint (2023-06-24)
A Comprehensive Comparative Analysis of Tissue Sample Volumes and Quality Between Side Notch and Full Core Biopsy Devices : A review of volumetric sampling based on core size and device characteristics (2023-06-24)
Biological functions and therapeutic potential of acylation by histone acetyltransferases (2023-06-24)
Investigation of the Mathematical Relationship between the Aortic Valve and Aortic Root: Implications for Precise Guidance in Aortic Valve Repair (2023-06-24)
Metformin Treatment is Associated with Mortality in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Heart Failure in the Intensive Care Unit: A Retrospective Cohort Study (2023-06-24)
Addition of Risk-enhancing Factors Improves Risk Assessment of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in Middle-aged and Older Chinese Adults: Findings from the Chinese Multi-provincial Cohort Study (2023-06-24)
Changes in Autonomic Nervous System Function in Patients >60 Years of Age with Coronary Heart Disease, and Normotension or Hypertension: An Observational Study (2023-06-23)
Effect of Drumstick leaves on prevention of anemia among adolescent girls in low and middle income countries (2023-06-23)
Assessment of the Radiation Exposure and Cancer Risks of Disabled People Undergoing Different Computed Tomography Scans / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-06-23)
Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibitors Decrease the Risk of Cardiac Rupture after Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials (2023-06-23)
Enhancing the Inclusion of Individuals with Disabilities † / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-06-22)
Using SMS to improve TB treatment adherence and cure rate (2023-06-22)
Virtual Screening-based Molecular Analysis of Marine Bioactive Molecules as Inhibitors for Janus Kinase 3 / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-06-22)
Global Infectious Diseases in May 2023: Monthly Analysis (2023-06-21)
Mental Health of LGBTQ+ Youth in the Education System - Applying the Agent Based Approach (ABA) / Preprint (2023-06-20)
Influence of a cattle access point on temporal changes in stream turbidity (2023-06-20)
Soft Computing Techniques applied to solve Economic Emission Load Dispatch with the integration of Renewable Energy Sources (2023-06-20)
Empower Novel CpG Methylation Biomarkers for Multi-Cancer Early Detection (2023-06-19)
The effect of Forensic Accounting on Public Procurement: A new Perspective to Fraud Prevention in Ethiopia / Preprint (2023-06-17)
Creating Customized Hip-Spacers Using PMMA-Based Green Composites to Fulfill Specific Needs of Individuals with Disabilities / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-06-17)
Potential for post-combustion carbon capture system in Sudan / Preprint (2023-06-17)
STING agonist delivery by lipid calcium phosphate nanoparticles enhances immune activation for neuroblastoma (2023-06-17)
Consumer assessment, in Ireland and the United Kingdom, of the impact of the method of suspension of carcasses from dairy-origin bulls and steers, on the sensory characteristics of the longissimus muscle (2023-06-17)
Antimicrobial Resistance in Non-typhoidal Salmonella from Retail Foods Collected in 2020 in China (2023-06-17)
Cost Effectiveness of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors Compared with Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists among Patients with Heart Failure and a Reduced Ejection Fraction (2023-06-16)
Animal models of Alzheimer’s disease: preclinical insights and challenges (2023-06-16)
A Two-stage Method with a Shared 3D U-Net for Left Atrial Segmentation of Late Gadolinium-Enhanced MRI Images (2023-06-16)
Exploring Orthosis Designs for 3D Printing Applying the Finite Element Approach: Study of Different Materials and Loading Conditions / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-06-15)
<b>Mathematical Expression of the Relationship between Spirit and Matter</b> / Preprint Version 1 (2023-06-15)
Digital Apps for Nursing the Health Conditions of Pregnant Women, Infants and Young ChildrenDigital Apps for Nursing the Health Conditions of Pregnant Women, Infants and Young Children (2023-06-14)
Uncovering the Genetic Link between Acute Myocardial Infarction and Ulcerative Colitis Co-Morbidity through a Systems Biology Approach (2023-06-14)
Communicating climate change and biodiversity loss with local populations: Exploring communicative utopias in eight transdisciplinary case studies / Preprint Version 2 (2023-06-13)
كلمة التحرير: علم النفس العصبي وتحقيق العدالة الاجتماعية (2023-06-13)
Editorial Statement: Towards social justice in Neuropsychology (2023-06-13)
هيئة تحرير المجل (2023-06-13)
Front Matter (2023-06-13)
الهيئة الإستشارية (2023-06-13)
Editorial Board (2023-06-13)
Protocol for the Development of a Computerized Battery for Cross-Cultural Neuropsychological Assessment: The EMBRACED Project (2023-06-13)
Carcinoid Heart Disease – A Review of Pathophysiology, Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis and Management (2023-06-13)
Advisory Board (2023-06-13)
شروط النشر (2023-06-13)
<b>Improvisation of Finite element analysis for designing an After Fall Assistive Device for the Elderly Patients </b> / Preprint Version 1 (2023-06-12)
A novel advertising approach and provision of a marketable product for the aviation industry / Preprint (2023-06-09)
Autism Revisited: (expanded 2022 version) <br/>Serendipitous Observations and Theory Relevant To Autism / Preprint Version 3 (Latest) (2023-06-09)
Tung-Hui Hu, Digital Lethargy: Dispatches from an Age of Disconnection (2023-06-09)
Bean-counting research and the mismanagement of knowledge production in business schools * (2023-06-09)
Pheno- and genotypic characteristics of Yersinia pestis strains from phylogroups 2.MED4 and 2.MED1 – etiological agents of 20th-century plague outbreaks in the Caspian Sea region (2023-06-09)
Prometheus (2023-06-09)
Behind every Superman there is a Clark Kent: discovering the silent strengths in the entrepreneurial journey (2023-06-09)
David J. Gunkel, Person, Thing, Robot: A Moral and Legal Ontology for the 21st Century and Beyond (2023-06-09)
Marina Bers, Beyond Coding: How Children Learn Broader Values through Programming (2023-06-09)
Sabine Pfeiffer, Digital Capitalism and Distributive Forces (2023-06-09)
Ronald J. Brachman and Hector J. Levesque, Machines Like Us: Toward AI with Common Sense (2023-06-09)
Editorial (2023-06-09)
<b>A review: CRISPR/Cas12-Mediated Genome Editing in Fungal Cells: Advancements, Mechanisms, and Future Directions in Plant-Fungal Pathology </b> / Preprint Version 2 (2023-06-08)
Impact of Mycobacterium Avium subspecies Paratuberculosis (MAP) on Crhon’s disease and Effective Nursing Care / Preprint (2023-06-06)
Comparison of US, Korean, and Filipino Cultural Background in Health Care System. / Preprint (2023-06-06)
Effective nursing care for Crohn's disease during pregnancy based on pharmacological treatments. / Preprint (2023-06-06)
Assisting Healthcare Using a Time-Series-Based Nonstationary Model for Smart Beds / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-06-06)
<b>INMISIÓN DE CO <sub>2</sub> EN EL SUR DE BARCELONA (2021-2022), TERMÓMETRO AMBIENTAL. </b> : <b>CO <sub>2</sub> IMMISSION IN THE SOUTH OF BARCELONA (2021-2022), ENVIRONMENTAL THERMOMETER. </b> / Preprint (2023-06-05)
<b>New Consideration of the Skin Effect in Electrodynamics</b> / Preprint (2023-06-05)
Using aerosols to decontaminate surfaces from nucleic acids (2023-06-05)
[RETRACTED: Development and assessment of traits-based technology adoption model among Vietnamese Gen Z in Services industry] / Preprint (2023-06-04)
Social Learning Among Autistic Young Adult Tabletop Role Players / Preprint (2023-06-03)
Successful Treatment of Pasteurella multocida -Related Invasive Infections with a Beta-Lactamase Inhibitor-Sparing Combination Antibiotic Regimen: A Case Series (2023-06-03)
Re-conceptualization of the “Chinese Expert Guidelines for the Prevention of Stroke Associated with Patent Foramen Ovale” for the Management of Perioperative Stroke in Patients with Lung Cancer (2023-06-03)
Static Behavior of a Prosthetic Running Blade Made from Alloys and Carbon Fiber / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-06-03)
Public Opinion Analysis on Social Media Platforms: A Case Study of High Speed 2 (HS2) Rail Infrastructure Project / Preprint Version 2 (2023-06-02)
Lumateperone treatment of Intermittent explosive disorder in those with Autism spectrum disorder (2023-06-02)
Advancements and Challenges in Prosthetic Devices: Exploring Materials, Integration, and Future Directions / Version 2 (Latest) (2023-06-02)
<b>Unleashing the Potential of Chickpea Disease Resistance Breeding</b> / Preprint (2023-06-01)
Unavoidable phenomenon: FILM: Barbie by Greta Gerwig (2023-06-01)
Solidarity with the climate defenders (2023-06-01)
Tories’ onslaught on peaceful protesting (2023-06-01)
Listen to the socialists as well as the scientists (2023-06-01)
Culture change? Social security in Scotland (2023-06-01)
A damning portrait: FILM: Oppenheimer by Christopher Nolan (2023-06-01)
Dancing on the Elephant’s grave: Berlusconi. A New Musical (2023-06-01)
Successes in Barcelona, Strasbourg and Mexico (2023-06-01)
Fighting for homes, assets and land (2023-06-01)
The crisis of the Human Rights Framework of the GOODI FRIDAY AGREEMENT (2023-06-01)
Wish I had been there (2023-06-01)
Spycops: when the public is the enemy (2023-06-01)
Rwanda: glimmer of hope at the Court of Appeal (2023-06-01)
Free trade with Israel or freedom for Palestine? (2023-06-01)
Demystifying the law, one joke at a time (2023-06-01)
WHAT’S PARIS GOT TO DO WITH IT?: Community lawyering for Climate Justice at Europe’s highest court (2023-06-01)
Disarmingly positive: TV: Strike: Inside the Unions (2023-06-01)
Possible Mechanisms of SARS-CoV2-Mediated Myocardial Injury (2023-06-01)
By a king’s hands… (2023-06-01)
Psychosocial risks in the working environment : Approaches to formative risk assessment / Preprint Version 2 (2023-05-31)
Comparative Evaluation of Rotational Thrombectomy and Vacuum Aspiration for Management of Chronic Thrombosis : A Case Study of Synergistic Thrombus Management Tools (2023-05-31)
Due CRediT: Identifying Potential Biases through Contributor Role Taxonomy Analysis (2023-05-31)
Open Science, Closed Doors? Understanding the Impact of Article Processing Charges on Open-Access Publishing With a Global Study (2023-05-31)
Building and Maintaining an Open Editorial Board (2023-05-31)
Incentivising best practice in research data sharing: Findings from an experimental approach (2023-05-31)
Legalisation and Decriminalisation of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (2023-05-31)
BMJ Impact Analytics: Advancing Real-World Impact of Health and Medical Research Through Collaboration (2023-05-31)
WDS: A trusted community of excellence (2023-05-31)
Submission guidelines (2023-05-31)
Correlations in APC, IF, and Publication Output from Authors in Lower Income Countries (2023-05-31)
Communicating Open Access and Usage Rights in the User Interface (2023-05-31)
Book review: In the Blood of Our Brothers: Abolitionism and the End of the Slave Trade in Spain’s Atlantic Empire, 1800–1870 by Jesús Sanjurjo (2023-05-31)
Cuban Exceptionalism and Leader Succession: The End of Charismatic Authority in Cuba (2023-05-31)
Open Peer Review Traits in Open Access Journals: An Analysis based on DOAJ (2023-05-31)
ROR and Organizational Identifier Interoperability in Publishing Systems (2023-05-31)
Impacto socioeconómico de la migración en Cuba, 2022 (2023-05-31)
Print Media and the Question of Slavery in Cuba: Discursive Strategies in Barcelona’s La Flaca and Havana’s El Moro Muza and Don Junípero (2023-05-31)
Epidemiology of Covid-19 in India; A review / Preprint (2023-05-31)
In Defense of Principles (2023-05-31)
Cover and table of contents (2023-05-31)
Future Perfect: Turning Challenges from the Nelson Memo into Opportunities (2023-05-31)
Reflexiones necesarias sobre seguridad alimentaria en Cuba (2023-05-31)
Get up to speed: the article race from submission to publication (2023-05-31)
Book review: Cuba: El largo siglo XX by Oscar Zanetti Lecuona (2023-05-31)
Book review: Castro and Franco: The Backstage of Cold War Diplomacy by Haruko Hosoda (2023-05-31)
At Full Throttle: Delivering Agility in Publishing (2023-05-31)
The Crisis of October Remembered (2023-05-31)
The Missile Crisis 60 Years On (2023-05-31)
Trusted connections, transforming the research data landscape (2023-05-31)
FASEB DataWorks!: Driving Culture Change in Data Sharing and Reuse (2023-05-31)
Building the blocks for open science (2023-05-31)
Leveraging Technology to Support Scholarly Publishing (2023-05-31)
Game Theory and a New Insight into How the Cuban Missile Crisis Was Resolved (2023-05-31)
ISNI: An Identifier for all Researchers and Research Sector Organizations (2023-05-31)
The impact of article promotion on journal paper downloads (2023-05-31)
An OA Book Usage Data Trust for Scholarly Publishing (2023-05-31)
The October Crisis Revisited: Some Archaeological and Anthropological Examples (2023-05-31)
The Ethics of Indigenous Knowledge Ownership and Access in Scholarly Publishing (2023-05-31)
Navigating the Chinese Research Publishing Landscape for Maximum Impact: Strategies and Tips (2023-05-31)
Book review: Peripheral Nerve Health and Medicine in Cold War Latin America by Anne-Emmanuele Birn and Raul Necichea López (eds) (2023-05-31)
Founding, Running, and Improving Scholarly Journals: A Comprehensive Look Behind the Scenes (2023-05-31)
Ten Years after DORA: Where Do Publishers Stand on Research Assessment Reform? (2023-05-31)
Striving for an equitable workforce in scholarly publishing, an industry with a striking imbalance in the leadership dynamics! (2023-05-31)
Natural Shocks and Internal Labor Migration: Evidence from Pakistan / Preprint (2023-05-31)
Transforming parental leave to improve equity: An examination of Elsevier/Cell Press parental leave policies (2023-05-31)
Journal platform migration: How we successfully moved 100 years of content (2023-05-31)
Building an Acute Ischemic Stroke Identification Model Using a Deep Learning Technique / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-05-30)
Additive Manufacturing of Bipolar Plates in PEM Electrolyzer for Green Hydrogen Generation (2023-05-30)
An Overview of Arteriovenous Fistula and Graft Failure : Causes, Interventions, and Risks / Preprint (2023-05-30)
Cecal adenocarcinoma with extension into terminal ileum presenting as terminal ileitis and abscess formation (2023-05-30)
A Prospective Outlook on the Development of Exoskeletal Knee Joints for Prostheses via a Design Concept Evaluation Approach / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-05-30)
A case series of euglycemic starvation ketoacidosis in pregnant women with COVID-19 infection: atypical presentations (2023-05-30)
Severe acute myxedematous psychosis; rare complication of hypothyroidism (2023-05-30)
Myositis-myasthenic overlap syndrome triggered by pembrolizumab in a melanoma patient: a case report and brief review of the literature (2023-05-30)
Decrease in aorto-mesenteric angle and distance diagnosis and treatment: case report (2023-05-30)
First insight of the response of great scallops ( <i>Pecten maximus</i>) to drilling activities during the construction phase of an Offshore Wind farm (Saint Brieuc, France) (2023-05-29)
Importance of Author Profiles in Analysis of Satisfaction Questionnaires in Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences (2023-05-29)
Academic Publishing in Psychiatry Section of Psychiatric Association of Turkiye: A novel model of a task force to improve knowledge of academic publishing and international equilibrium within the society (2023-05-29)
Recommendations and Guidelines for Creating Scholarly Biomedical Journals: A Scoping Review (2023-05-29)
Assessment of Potential Barriers to Inclusion in Randomized Clinical Trials Published in Top General and Internal Medical Journals (2023-05-29)
Beyond open access: Open science in the Finnish research infrastructure (2023-05-29)
Analysis of internationally-indexed Turkish psychiatric publications: journal affiliations and open-access policies in a developing country (2023-05-29)
Empowering Humanities: Open Access and Engaging the Public in a Visual Society (2023-05-29)
Analysis of open-access articles before and after implementing open science policies - a case study of Rijeka University, Croatia (2023-05-29)
90 years Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society: past, present and future development (2023-05-29)
The Cost of Quality: Examining the impact of article processing charges (APCs) on the quality of open access publishing (2023-05-29)
The International Journal of Cancer enforces strict quality control of the cell lines used in biomedical research (2023-05-29)
MCNET : Multi-Omics Integration for Gene Regulatory Network Inference from scRNA-seq / Preprint (2023-05-29)
<b>Epistasis and Gene Linkage in Modern Genomics: Unraveling Complex Genetic Interactions</b> <br/> <br/> / Preprint (2023-05-27)
Organizational Lay Theories of Intelligence and Trust Among Minority Women (2023-05-26)
<b>Ecological problems of agriculture: impacts and sustainable solutions</b> <br/> <br/> <br/> / Preprint (2023-05-26)
State Crime (2023-05-26)
The politics of fear and the suppression of Indigenous language activism in Asia: Prospects for the United Nations’ Decade of Indigenous Languages (2023-05-26)
Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion Therapy: Past, Present, and Future (2023-05-26)
Nan Sloane, Uncontrollable Women: Radicals, Reformers and Revolutionaries , reviewed by Jade Moran (2023-05-26)
“We will give our blood, but not our land!”—Repertoires of resistance and state-organized land-grabbing at a Bangladeshi tea plantation (2023-05-26)
It was the anarchists: The quest for the truth about Italy’s bombs (2023-05-26)
Obituary (2023-05-26)
Notes on Contributors (2023-05-26)
Corrigendum to: Silybin has therapeutic efficacy against non-small cell lung cancer through targeting of Skp2 (2023-05-26)
Vasja Badalič, The War Against Civilians: Victims of the “War on Terror” in Afghanistan and Pakistan , reviewed by Victoria Canning (2023-05-26)
Rebecca Adelman and David Kieran eds. Remote Warfare: New Cultures of Violence , reviewed by Rimona Afana (2023-05-26)
Clinical Effects of Sacubitril/Valsartan Combined with Dapagliflozin in Patients with Diabetes and ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (2023-05-26)
Ransomware through the lens of state crime: Conceptualizing ransomware groups as cyber proxies, pirates, and privateers (2023-05-26)
Long-term Clinical Outcomes of Coronary Rotational Atherectomy for Specific Indications (2023-05-26)
Josephine Beoku-Betts and Fredline A. M’Cormack-Hale eds. War, Women, and Post-Conflict Empowerment: Lessons from Sierra Leone , reviewed by Jillian LaBranche (2023-05-26)
Monish Bhatia and Victoria Canning eds. Stealing Time: Migration,Temporalities and State Violence , reviewed by Scott Poynting (2023-05-26)
Graph Neural Network: The Next Frontier in Deep Learning (2023-05-25)
Revolutionizing Chemistry with Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Applications (2023-05-25)
Varying the Infill Parameters of an Electroplated 3D Print to Improve Electrical Performance (2023-05-25)
Error, error potential, and risk mitigation in medicine from the perspective of a diagnostician. / Preprint (2023-05-25)
Tertiary Students' Perceptions of Dynamic Written Corrective Feedback in an ESL Classroom in the UAE (2023-05-25)
Knowledge attitudes and practice to sanitation facilities among secondary students in Sokoto Mtropolis, Nigeria / Preprint (2023-05-25)
Mountains Gravitational Pegs Stabilize the Earth’s Rotation Motion (2023-05-25)
Sustainability Reporting Practices in UAE Business Firms, the Society, and Stakeholders' Insights (2023-05-25)
Editorial: Re-thinking security in a time of a changing world (dis)order (2023-05-25)
The not-so-innocuous question (2023-05-25)
Need of Innovative Role on Regional Food (Dham) in The Hospitality Sector of Himachal Pradesh (2023-05-25)
Examining the Impact of Interest Rate, Inflation and Balance of Trade on Saudi Arabia’s Financial Markets Performance (2023-05-25)
The forgotten war: Yemen and human security (2023-05-25)
The Effect of Sustainable Practices on Customer Attitude: A Study of Sustainable Hospitality Operations (2023-05-25)
Journal of Global Faultlines (2023-05-25)
From securing whiteness to securing publics ? Marginalized communities and differential stakeholdership in domestic security in the UK (2023-05-25)
A reflection on the NHS, health security, and refugees (2023-05-25)
Ensemble Learning-based Smartbed System for Enhanced Patient Care / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-05-25)
War as a counter-extremism strategy (2023-05-25)
“Unjust” War, wrongful justification, and international humanitarian law: The findings of the Chilcot Report provide sufficient grounds for prosecution by the ICC (2023-05-25)
Hollywood and airpower: Myths and realities (2023-05-25)
Early Screening of Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnoses of Children Using Artificial Intelligence / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-05-25)
Sustainable Human Resource Development: An Empirical Study from an Organization Perspective to a Community Perspective (2023-05-25)
Re-evaluating Turkey’s global relationships and its shift toward the South-East Asian region (2023-05-25)
Policing third-world countries through a system of lending: The socioeconomic and political implications for Nigeria (2023-05-25)
Russia’s and America’s 21st-century wars: Mirror images? (2023-05-25)
Comparison of the Safety and Efficacy of Warfarin Versus Rivaroxaban in Northern Chinese Patients with Different CHA2DS2-VASc Scores: A Retrospective Cohort Study (2023-05-24)
Global Infectious Diseases in April 2023: Monthly Analysis (2023-05-24)
Incidence, Predictors and Associations Between In-Hospital Bleeding and Adverse Events in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome Above 75 Years of Age – The Real-World Scenario (2023-05-24)
Attitude and perception on exclusive breast feeding among nursing mothers visiting specialist Hospital Sokoto / Preprint (2023-05-24)
Mechanisms of Sodium-glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors in Heart Failure (2023-05-24)
Nurses’ Knowledge and Self-Efficacy with Autism Disorders in Healthcare Settings of Saudi Arabia / Preprint (2023-05-23)
Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Maps Immune Cell Heterogeneity in Mice with Allogeneic Cardiac Transplantation (2023-05-23)
Putting Virtual Reality to Disability Activism: Co-Creation and Intersectional Pedagogical Usage in Japan (2023-05-21)
Biochemical Mechanisms and Biomechanical Dynamics of Venous Thrombosis Formation and Maturation : An Overview and Primer on Thrombus Formation and Venous Thrombogenecity (2023-05-19)
Optimizing National Security Strategies through LLM-Driven Artificial Intelligence Integration / Preprint (2023-05-19)
Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension : Pathophysiology, Treatment, and the Role of Pulmonary <br/>Thromboendarterectomy in Preventing CTEPH (2023-05-18)
Economic Evaluation of Image-Guided Procedures : A Comparative Study of Outpatient-Based Labs and Surgical Operating Rooms (2023-05-18)
Molecular Epidemiology and the Control and Prevention of Cystic Echinococcosis in China: What is Known from Current Research (2023-05-18)
Coronavirus Disease 2019, Myocardial Injury, and Myocarditis (2023-05-18)
Moisture Buffering and Mold Growth Characteristics of Naturally Ventilated Lime Plastered Houses. / Preprint Version 3 (Latest) (2023-05-17)
Rhodopsin Replacement in a I307N Mouse Model of ADRP by the Homology Independent Transgene Insertion Method / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-05-17)
Pinpointing The Structural Dynamics of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor -1 upon binding to Heparin using Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry (2023-05-17)
Predictive Value of a Combination of the Age, Creatinine and Ejection Fraction (ACEF) Score and Fibrinogen Level in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (2023-05-17)
Role of Phytochemicals in Neurological Disease Management (2023-05-17)
Utilization of a Novel Side Notch Semi-Automatic Biopsy Device : A Case Series in Specimen Acquisition <br/>UtilizingImageGuidance (2023-05-16)
Design And Development Of Light Illumination Control With Precision / Preprint (2023-05-16)
<b>24-hour urinary calcium excretion and renal outcomes in hospitalized patients with and without chronic kidney disease </b> / Preprint (2023-05-16)
The Advent of Telemedicine: Ascertaining Patient Experience via Remote Encounters (2023-05-15)
Utilization of Hypnosis : Refiguring the Practice of Multidisciplinary Health Care / Preprint (2023-05-15)
Numerical Investigation on the Performance of Prosthetic Running Blades by Using Different Materials / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-05-15)
<b>A review: CRISPR/Cas12-Mediated Genome Editing in Fungal Cells: Advancements, Mechanisms, and Future Directions in Plant-Fungal Pathology </b> / Preprint Version 1 (2023-05-14)
Exploitation of platelets for antitumor drug delivery and modulation of the tumor immune microenvironment (2023-05-13)
Development of Sustainable tableware from waste / Preprint (2023-05-12)
Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Cardiovascular Disease Detection and Management in Women: Promise and Perils (2023-05-12)
Angiography-Derived Fractional Flow Reserve in Coronary Assessment: Current Developments and Future Perspectives (2023-05-12)
Prevalence of Premenstrual Syndrome and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Among Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Women with Mood Disorders in Saudi Arabia / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-05-12)
Proline/Alanine Tails as Ionization Enhancement Tags in Native Mass Spectrometry (2023-05-12)
[RETRACTED: Dynamic Processes Between Irritability and Trauma Exposure Within The Family System: A Network Approach] (2023-05-11)
Roles of Host Phospholipase D during Aspergillus fumigatus Infection in Mice (2023-05-11)
The imaginary part thermodynamics chemistry : Imaginary part / Preprint (2023-05-10)
Analysis of error distribution in catalyst-adsorbate binding energies generated by GNN (2023-05-10)
Venous Inflammation : A Comprehensive Scientific Analysis of the Pathophysiology, Molecular Mechanisms, and Clinical Implications (2023-05-10)
Integration Analysis of Epigenetic-related m 6 A-SNPs Associated with Atrial Fibrillation (2023-05-10)
Estimating the early-life exposure to two perfluorinated compounds (PFOS and PFOA) using PBPK modelling and biomarker measurements (2023-05-09)
Arab Studies Quarterly (2023-05-09)
Old Conflicts, New Paradigm (2023-05-09)
Old Conflicts, New Paradigm (2023-05-09)
Editor’s Note (2023-05-09)
Imagining a Poetics of Loss: Building Communities in the Works of Joy Harjo and Saadi Youssef (2023-05-09)
A Postcolonial Ecocritical Reading of Mahmoud Darwish’s “The Red Indian’s Penultimate Speech to the White Man” (2023-05-09)
The Cutting Edge between Nationalistic Commitment ( Iltizam ) and Literary Compulsion ( Ilzam ) in Palestinian Literature (2023-05-09)
Books in Brief (2023-05-09)
CRISPR-Cas- and Aptamer-based Systems for Diagnosing Pathogens: A Review (2023-05-09)
Deployment and Evaluation of ChromeOS Flex / Preprint (2023-05-07)
Does planets’ position in zodiac constellations drive the occurrence of human wars? A retrospective test of non-natal astrology / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-05-07)
<b>Server Room Temperature Remote Monitoring System</b> / Preprint (2023-05-07)
Emerging role of HJURP as a therapeutic target in cancers (2023-05-06)
Stuttering in popular fiction and non-fiction. : Description, comments and therapeutic applications / Preprint (2023-05-06)
Metal Nanoparticles: Synthesis Approach, Types and Applications – A Mini Review (2023-05-05)
Linearity of Housekeeping Proteins in Old Rat Heart Samples (2023-05-05)
Preventing Post-Thrombotic Syndrome : Morphology, Current Treatments, Limitations, and Future Perspectives (2023-05-05)
Comparative Analysis of Biochemical Parameters in Moderate & Severe Patients Infected With COVID-19 (2023-05-04)
Inhibition of Stimulator of Interferon Genes Protects Against Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Diabetic Mice (2023-05-04)
Therapeutic Fractional Doses of Ionizing Radiation Promote Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, Enhanced Invasiveness, and Altered Glycosylation in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-05-04)
Use of evidence and expertise in UK climate governance : The case of the Cumbrian Coal Mine / Preprint Version 1 (2023-05-03)
Africa and Climate Justice at COP27 and beyond: impacts and solutions through an interdisciplinary lens / Preprint Version 2 (2023-05-02)
<b>The Arab Manager in Israel as a Leader and the Employees’ Different Job Aspects</b> / Preprint (2023-05-02)
Utilization of AI-Based Tools like ChatGPTin the Training of Medical Students and Interventional Radiology Residents: : Opportunities, Challenges, and Implications (2023-05-01)
Comparative analysis of conventional and direct antimicrobial susceptibility testing of blood cultures in a tertiary care cancer hospital: the way forward (2023-05-01)
RUNX3: A Location-oriented Genome Coordinator (2023-05-01)
Establishment of Breast Phyllodes Tumor Cell Lines Preserving the Features of Phyllodes Tumors (2023-05-01)
Zebrafish: An Emerging Model for Studying Macrophage Functions in Cancer (2023-05-01)
ACE2: A Dilemma in Regulating SARS-CoV-2 Infection and its Metabolic Complications (2023-05-01)
Integration in Bioscience: Dynamic, Inclusive, and Full of Possibility (2023-05-01)
Roles of Tenascin-XB in the Glioma Immune Microenvironment (2023-05-01)
Calcinosis cutis in a patient with severe COVID-19 infection (2023-04-30)
Intermediate malignant peritoneal mesothelioma: a rare clinical case report (2023-04-30)
Unusual presentation of classical Kaposi Sarcoma: penile involvement in an HIV sero-negative patient (2023-04-30)
Two case reports of sudden cardiac arrest with unsuccessful resuscitation: is there a role for post-mortem investigation and targeted next generation sequencing? (2023-04-30)
Chylothorax, central venous thrombosis and pulmonary infarct in a patient of ovarian germ cell tumor: a case report (2023-04-30)
Inhalable ciprofloxacin/polymyxin B dry powders in respiratory infection therapy (2023-04-29)
Mild Infections with Multiple Spotted Fever Grouped Rickettsia Species among Forest Rangers with Tick Bites (2023-04-29)
D11.6 REPO4EU Open Science Strategy (2023-04-29)
D6.5 Generic guideline for conducting an extended FtO analysis and FtO analyses for all intended clinical trials (2023-04-28)
How does the public transportation of Copenhagen consider the rights for disabled persons and the declaration of Barcelona? / Preprint (2023-04-28)
D11.1 REPO4EU Impact Master Plan (2023-04-28)
The asymptotic squeeze principle and the Binary Goldbach Conjecture : The asymptotic squeeze principle / Preprint (2023-04-28)
Expression Patterns and Functions of Cardiac Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor During Cardiac Development (2023-04-28)
Perceived Parenting Skills that Immigrant Parents of Children with a Disability, During the Covid-19 Pandemic / Preprint (2023-04-28)
Determination of Genetic variation among <i>Beauveria bassian</i>a and <i>Metarhizium anisopliae </i>Isolates from Palestine and other Geographic regions using ITS and β-tubulin Sequences, RFLP and ISSR Data <span class="so-article-trans-title" dir="auto"> Translated title: <b>تحديد النمط الجيني والاختلافات الجينية لعدة سلالات من الفطريات الممرضة للحشرات من فلسطين بالاضافة الى سلالات من مناطق جغرافية اخرى </b> <br/> </span> (2023-04-28)
Identifying Key Genes and Related Molecules as Potential Biomarkers in Human Dilated Cardiomyopathy by Comprehensive Bioinformatics Analysis (2023-04-27)
Sex Differences in Quality of Life and their Explanatory Variables in Patients with Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation (2023-04-27)
<b>The memes that make us: Subtle Asian Traits group and how internet memes (re)construct Asian identities </b> / Preprint (2023-04-26)
Predictive modelling of the maternal transfer of organic pollutants to next generations in reptile species (2023-04-26)
On the geometry of axes of complex circles of partition - part 1 : geometry of axes / Preprint (2023-04-25)
Molecular networking as a natural products discovery strategy (2023-04-25)
<b>An Overview of Renewable Energy Development in Nigeria over the Years:</b> <br/> <b>Challenges and Control Measures</b> <br/> / Preprint (2023-04-23)
A COVID-19 patient who did not consent to hospitalization and was treated by a team of several clinics in Japan: A case report <span class="so-article-trans-title" dir="auto"> Translated title: 日本の複数診療所の連携チームにより入院に同意しないCOVID-19患者を治療した1例:症例報告 </span> / Preprint (2023-04-23)
Level of Perceived Satisfaction with Acute Pain Management among the Patients with Fracture of Long Bones in Teaching Hospital Jaffna / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-04-23)
Advances in the Application of Pulsed Field Ablation for Arrhythmia Treatment (2023-04-22)
Analysis of the Imperial Rent of Reserve Currency: A Manifestation of Existence and a Method of Quantity Estimation (2023-04-21)
A Comparison of Capital and Labor Incomes in Finance and Manufacturing Sectors in OECD Countries: 1995–2019 (2023-04-21)
World Review of Political Economy (2023-04-21)
CURRENT ISSUES BULLETIN: The Challenges of Promoting Independent Living in Türkiye (2023-04-21)
When Legislation Is Not Enough: The Adverse Environment for Independent Living in Hungary (2023-04-21)
The Labor Theory of Value and the Problem of Joint Production: The Failure of Sraffa’s Theory and Morishima’s Misconception (2023-04-21)
CURRENT ISSUES BULLETIN: Personal Assistance in Scotland: A Postcolonial Perspective (2023-04-21)
A Disability Rights Approach to a Constitutional Right to Housing (2023-04-21)
WAPE Membership Information: World Association for Political Economy: A Membership Organization (2023-04-21)
Guidelines for Contributors (2023-04-21)
The Role of Participatory Instructors in Hungarian Higher Education: Results of a Qualitative Research to Support the Voices of Disabled People in Academia (2023-04-21)
The Formalization of Marx’s Economics: A Summary Attempt Taking as an Example the First Volume of Capital (2023-04-21)
A Critique of the Simultaneist Interpretation of Work Intensity in Marx’s Value Theory from the TSSI perspective (2023-04-21)
CURRENT ISSUES BULLETIN: Transitioning to Independent Living in the Community: Trajectories and Crossroads in the Context of Lithuania (2023-04-21)
Special Issue Editorial: Independent Living in Europe and Beyond: Past, Present, and Future (2023-04-21)
Understanding the “Service Economy”—A Marxist Critical Approach (2023-04-21)
International Journal of DISABILITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE (2023-04-21)
Co-circulation, Co-infection of SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza Virus, Where Will it Go? (2023-04-21)
Independent Living in Post-Socialist Countries: Between Familialism, Deinstitutionalisation, and Reinstitutionalisation (2023-04-21)
Addressing Environmental Migration in the European Union Discourse / Preprint Version 1 (2023-04-20)
Five-Year Clinical Outcomes After XIENCE PRIME Everolimus Elution Coronary Stent System (EECSS) Implantation (2023-04-20)
Purified Immunoglobulin F(ab′) 2 Protects Mice and Rhesus Monkeys against Lethal Ricin Intoxication (2023-04-20)
A short history of the successes and failures of the international climate change negotiations / Preprint Version 3 (2023-04-19)
Next-Generation Vaccines against COVID-19 Variants: Beyond the Spike Protein (2023-04-19)
Egg yolk and albumen as biomonitoring tissues for organic pollution: Estimating mother-egg partitioning (2023-04-18)
Blue Brain Technology (2023-04-18)
Perceptual Disturbances in Relation to Perceptual and Electrical Noise / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-04-18)
The Coordinating Research on Emerging Arboviral Threats Encompassing the Neotropics (CREATE-NEO) (2023-04-18)
Global Infectious Diseases in March 2023: Monthly Analysis (2023-04-18)
Clinical and laboratory profiles of invasive fungal infections in COVID-19 patients (2023-04-18)
<b>Enhancing Content Recommendation in Real-Time: A Live Recommender System Leveraging Deep Reinforcement Learning </b> / Preprint (2023-04-17)
Dissecting the role of plasmalogen lipids in synapse function (2023-04-16)
Dissecting the role of plasmalogen lipids in synapse function and neurodegeneration by interdisciplinary lipidomics (2023-04-15)
Narrative transportation, identification, and storytelling in <br/>environmental (science) communication : Immersing audiences in a story. / Preprint (2023-04-13)
Estimating the Volume of Direct Runoff from Built-up Areas in the Kathmandu Valley (2023-04-13)
Leadership revisited : Towards an integrative understanding of leadership / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-04-12)
The Epidemiology of Circulating Rotavirus Associated with Diarrhea in Egyptian Kids and Calves: A Review (2023-04-11)
Cloud Security Governance Guidelines / Preprint (2023-04-11)
Understanding (apo-) soluble guanylate cyclase allosterism and its therapeutic implications / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-04-11)
<b>Best Practices for Running Workloads in Public Cloud Environments</b> / Preprint (2023-04-10)
Using Machine Learning Techniques Random Forest and Neural Network to Detect Cyber Attacks / Preprint (2023-04-10)
Haitian Voodoo Curse: A Systematic Review and Case Report (2023-04-08)
Recovery & Safety: What to Look Out For : The Aftermath of Hurricane Ian: A Public Health Brochure (2023-04-08)
Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation (2023-04-07)
Artificial intelligence in the practice of work: a new way of standardising or a means to maintain complexity? (2023-04-07)
Datafication and algorithmic contingency – how agile organisations deal with technical systems (2023-04-07)
Digitalisation and self-perpetuation: dynamics, drivers and temporalities of the transformation of working worlds (2023-04-07)
The self-perpetuation of the promise of care robots: how doubtful application scenarios become promising (2023-04-07)
From ‘home work’ to ‘home office work’?: Perpetuating discourses and use patterns of tele(home)work since the 1970s: historical and comparative social perspectives. (2023-04-07)
Tika technology: an alternative blueprint for digitalisation (2023-04-07)
In control or out of control?: Worker perceptions of autonomy and control using self-reliant digital systems at airports (2023-04-07)
Governed by digital technology?: Self-perpetuation and social domination in digital capitalism (2023-04-07)
The Steps to Doing a Systems Literature Review (SLR) / Preprint (2023-04-06)
Degradable Green Polymers, Green Nanopolymers and Green Nanocomposites Derived from Natural Systems: Statistics and Headways (2023-04-06)
Corrigendum to: Pattern Recognition Receptors in Innate Immunity to Obligate Intracellular Bacteria (2023-04-06)
<b>POTENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS OF TURMERIC</b> / Preprint (2023-04-05)
<b>Long term outcomes of gastro-esophageal reflux surgery in children: Single center </b> <b>experience </b> (2023-04-05)
Reconstructing axons from sectioned brains through alignment and stitching (2023-04-05)
A vaccine to prevent malaria (2023-04-04)
Surviving the Covid-19 lockdown: Zimbabwe’s informal sector, 2020–2021 (2023-04-03)
Coups and neo-colonialism (2023-04-03)
Connecting people and voices for radical change in Africa (2023-04-03)
Generational populism and the political rise of Robert Kyagulanyi – aka Bobi Wine – in Uganda (2023-04-03)
Ruth First Prize: Musa Nxele on crony capitalist deals and investment in South Africa’s platinum belt (2023-04-03)
Debating the implications of the Pretoria Agreement for Ethiopia: countering attempts to silence alternative voices (2023-04-03)
From energy racism to people’s power: unpacking the electricity crisis and resistance in Orange Farm, Johannesburg (2023-04-03)
Foreign debt versus organised labour: reflections on the UGTT’s stance on IMF loans in post-uprising Tunisia (2023-04-03)
Restitution of looted artefacts: a politico-economic issue (2023-04-03)
Evaluating the Pretoria Agreement: the limitations of presentist analysis of conflicts in Ethiopia (2023-04-03)
Soviet intelligence gathering in Africa in the 1960s and early 1970s: a review article (2023-04-03)
North Africa: the climate emergency and family farming (2023-04-03)
Multi-component Chinese medicine formulas for drug discovery: State of the art and future perspectives (2023-04-01)
<b>Premenstrual Syndrome and Mindfulness: the mediating effect of Perceived Social Support and health-related quality of life among deaf/hard of hearing women </b> / Preprint (2023-04-01)
Matvi : An Eco-Cultural Tradition of Wildflower Decoration from Rajapur Tehsil, Ratnagiri Dist., Maharashtra, India (2023-04-01)
Experience in Application of a Three-Dimensional Pulsed Field Ablation System Integrating Mapping and Ablation (2023-04-01)
Advancing Network Securing Strategies with Network Algorithms for Integrated Air Defense System (IADS) Missile Batteries / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-03-31)
Statistical Comparison among Brain Networks with Popular Network Measurement Algorithms / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-03-31)
The Indian Chemical Society:A Century of Performance and Promise in the Service of the Nation (2023-03-31)
Photo-processes in biology: A glimpse from computational chemistry and machine learning: Light matter interaction (2023-03-31)
Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: A New Phase in Our Laboratory (2023-03-31)
Interchromophoric Twist: Gateway to Long-Lived Excitons (2023-03-31)
Changing the Visual Landscape: Reactions of Students and Staff to Visual Redress Projects at Stellenbosch University (2023-03-31)
Khanyile Mlotshwa and Mphathisi Ndlovu (eds.), The idea of Matabeleland in digital spaces: Genealogies, discourses, and epistemic struggles (2023-03-31)
Gold Catalysis: A New Contender for Cross-Coupling Reactions with Aryl Halides (2023-03-31)
Indian Chemical Industry (2023-03-31)
Introduction (2023-03-31)
Iatrochemical and Alchemical Knowledge in Medieval India (2023-03-31)
International Journal of CRITICAL DIVERSITY STUDIES (2023-03-31)
Transition Metal Catalyzed Remote C-H Activation: A New Direction Towards Site-Selective Chemical Reactions (2023-03-31)
University Leaders as Inhibitors or Influencers of Systemic Change for Marginalised Youth (2023-03-31)
Polyphenol loaded nanoparticles as antiglycating agents: A case study with human serum albumin (2023-03-31)
Precision Macro (molecular) Assemblies (2023-03-31)
The Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI) (2023-03-31)
Centrally Chiral Arenes: From Concept to Catalytic Enantioselective Synthesis (2023-03-31)
Atomically Precise Clusters: Chemical Evolution of Molecular Matter at the Nanoscale (2023-03-31)
Asking Ligands to Lend a Hand (2023-03-31)
Chemistry in India (2023-03-31)
Evolution of Chemistry for Precision Engineering of Proteins (2023-03-31)
Chemical Biology of Thyroid Hormones (2023-03-31)
"Scientific temper reflects the high values of science: truth seeking, objectivity and honesty" - An interview with Prof. Goverdhan Mehta (2023-03-31)
Institutional Forums: A Weak Cog in University Cooperative Governance? (2023-03-31)
The world of exotic crystals: Raman spectro-microscopy for probing local structure (2023-03-31)
Chemical Approaches to Tackle the Silent Pandemic of Antibiotic Resistance (2023-03-31)
Attachment of Virus to Host Cell Surface upon Specific Binding to Membrane Receptors and Attachment Factors (2023-03-31)
In Pursuit of The Net Zero Goal and Sustainability: Hydrogen Economy, Carbon Dioxide Refineries, and Valorization of Biomass & Waste Plastic (2023-03-31)
Another World: Queer, Decolonial, Feminist and Anti-Racist Dreams for Higher Education (2023-03-31)
Transformation of Community-based Research in Higher Education: An African Decolonial Feminist Revisiting of the “Coloured Women” Article (2023-03-31)
Manipulating the Manipulator: Genetically modifying <i>T. gondii</i> to degrade rather than produce dopamine could be used to treat symptoms of schizophrenia (2023-03-30)
Hepatic portal venous gas in the setting of closed loop small bowel obstruction in a patient with adjustable gastric band: a case report (2023-03-30)
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt reduction for refractory hepatic encephalopathy: a case series (2023-03-30)
Fuel Siphoner’s lung: a case of inhalational pneumonia (2023-03-30)
Severe delta variant COVID-19 in a 28-week infant with response to corticosteroids and remdesivir: a case report (2023-03-30)
Advances in Renal Denervation in the Treatment of Hypertension (2023-03-30)
Sneezing: a case report of an unusual presentation for vocal cord hemorrhage (2023-03-30)
Peer Tutoring (2023-03-29)
Bringing Rangeland Taxonomy Into The 21st Century (2023-03-29)
In integrated View of New Zealand Family Violence Programmes (2023-03-28)
S. Scott Graham, The Doctor and the Algorithm. Promise, Peril, and the Future of Health AI (2023-03-28)
Larry A. DiMatteo, Cristina Poncibò and Michel Cannarsa (eds) Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence: Global Perspectives on Law and Ethics (2023-03-28)
Benoît Godin, Gérald Gaglio and Dominique Vinck (eds) Handbook on Alternative Theories of Innovation (2023-03-28)
Graham Dutfield, That High Design of Purest Gold: A Critical History of the Pharmaceutical Industry (2023-03-28)
Dispelling the Digital Enchantment: how can we move beyond its destructive influence and reclaim our right to an open future? (2023-03-28)
Editorial (2023-03-28)
Learning research: theory building and theory testing in educational technology innovation and beyond (2023-03-28)
S. Voeneky, P. Kellmeyer, O. Mueller and W. Burgard (eds) Cambridge Handbook of Responsible Artificial Intelligence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (2023-03-28)
Perceptual Illusions in Relation to Perceptual and Electrical Noise / Preprint Version 1 (2023-03-28)
Prometheus (2023-03-28)
T-cell engineering strategies for tumors with low antigen density, and T-cell survival in the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment of relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (2023-03-25)
Dramaturgy of Ethnicity and Diversity : in Selected Malaysian Manga <span class="so-article-trans-title" dir="auto"> Translated title: <i>Dramaturgi Etnisiti dan Kepelbagaian </i> : <i>dalam Manga Malaysia Terpilih</i> </span> (2023-03-25)
Machine Learning Methods in Real-World Studies of Cardiovascular Disease (2023-03-24)
The Commonwealth Caribbean Women’s Movement in a Post-Colonial Mould: A Route Back to Conscience / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-03-24)
Recent trends in uropathogenic infections in patients of a tertiary care center, New Delhi, India, – a topic of urgent attention (2023-03-24)
Discovery of a pyridophenoselenazinium-based photosensitizer with high photodynamic efficacy against breast cancer cells (2023-03-23)
Applications of MIP in electronic devices, focusing on use in biosensors / Preprint (2023-03-23)
Does planets’ position in zodiac constellations drive the occurrence of human wars? A retrospective test of non-natal astrology / Preprint Version 1 (2023-03-23)
Opportunities for mesoporous silica aerogels in parabolic trough collectors / Preprint (2023-03-23)
The Rise and Fall of Postcolonial Charisma (2023-03-23)
Editor’s Note (2023-03-23)
Arab Studies Quarterly (2023-03-23)
Books in Brief (2023-03-23)
Black Day – Palestine (2023-03-23)
Amr Goes to Hollywood: An Actor’s Perspective on Hateful Arab and Muslim Stereotypes and Narratives in Film and Television 1 (2023-03-23)
Germany’s Never-Ending Guilt Trip (2023-03-23)
Al-Muhanna, Ibrahim. Oil Leaders: An Insider’s Account of Four Decades of Saudi Arabia and OPEC’s Global Energy Policy (2023-03-23)
Elevated Monocyte to High-density Lipoprotein Ratio Is a Risk Factor for New-onset Atrial Fibrillation after Off-pump Coronary Revascularization (2023-03-23)
Exile Songwriters of the Palestinian Revolution (and the Problem with Sugar Man) (2023-03-23)
Operational Resources Management In An Increasingly Digitized Business Environment : Technical Efficiency Analysis of Nigerian Brewery PLC from 2012-2021 / Preprint (2023-03-22)
Global Infectious Diseases in February 2023: Monthly Analysis (2023-03-22)
Look Who's Talking : Gender Differences in Academic Job Talks / Preprint Version 2 (2023-03-21)
Mechanical Thrombectomy of Wall Adherent Thrombus and Post Thrombotic Syndrome Diagnosis : A comparison of PST free outcomes and the ATTRACT trial in literature review. (2023-03-21)
The Influence of Climate Factors on The Prevalence of Dengue Fever in Johor (2023-03-21)
Magnetic resonance imaging-based progress in human glymphatic system research (2023-03-21)
Hybrid Recommendation System for Tourism using Deep Learning (2023-03-21)
The Role of the Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP) Manager in Dealing with Economic Crises in Organizations in the Public Sector in Israel / Preprint (2023-03-21)
Look Who's Talking : Gender Differences in Academic Job Talks / Preprint Version 1 (2023-03-20)
The New Alternative Periodic Table of Atoms by Peter Alstatt. (2023-03-20)
Room Temperature Surface Bio-Sulfurisation via Natural <i>Sativum Annilin</i> and Bioengineering of Nanostructured CuS/Cu <sub>2</sub>S (2023-03-20)
Plant Stress Memory: Struggle of Getting Better Each Time (2023-03-20)
Economic Anaysis Of The Impact Of Environmental Pollution On Staple Food Security In Kadanu State / Preprint (2023-03-19)
Potential pharmacokinetic interactions in fixed-dose combinations of perindopril/indapamide/amlodipine compared with perindopril/indapamide and amlodipine in healthy Chinese volunteers (2023-03-18)
<b>Isolation, phenotypic characterization and public health implications of <i>Listeria monocytogenes</i> circulating in smallholder dairy farms of Kombolcha town and Kutaber district, Amhara regional state, Ethiopia </b> / Preprint (2023-03-17)
<b>The Impact of High-Tech on the Global Economy in General and the Israeli Economy in Particular: The perspective of Public Sector Employees </b> / Preprint (2023-03-17)
Balloon Occlusion and Pharmomechanical Thrombectomy utilizing the CleanerXT/Cleaner15 Thrombectomy System : A novel approach to mitigate embolic risk in a case presentation (2023-03-17)
<b>Associated Lie Algebras of one-variable and Bivariate Hermite polynomials and New Generating Functions </b> / Preprint (2023-03-16)
Review of Malaysia's Environmental Waterways' Compliance with Industrial Effluent Discharge / Preprint (2023-03-16)
Machine learning for automatic Alzheimer’s disease detection: addressing domain shift issues for building robust models (2023-03-16)
Advancing Network Securing Strategies with Network Algorithms for Integrated Air Defense System (IADS) Missile Batteries / Preprint Version 1 (2023-03-15)
Quaterly overview of the cases received at CityMed Hospital of Pétion-Ville (2023-03-15)
Solution Focused Brief Therapy for Work Related Stress : a Case of a Zimbabwean University (2023-03-15)
The use of a Patient Support Program for patients with pancreatic exocrine insufficiency in Sweden to improve usage and adherence to treatment. (2023-03-15)
The Pattern of Clinical Waste Generation Rate in the State of Selangor from 2006 to 2021 (2023-03-15)
Die Diener der Fürstbischöfe : Der Eutiner Hof im 17. und 18 Jahrhundert (2023-03-15)
Assessing the Impact of Microprudential Policy towards Household Loan Deliquency (2023-03-15)
<b>Leveraging Machine Learning for Prediction and Optimizing Renewable Energy Systems</b> / Preprint (2023-03-14)
[RETRACTED: Investigation Of Short Peptide-based Polysaccharide Hydrogels For Tissue Engineering : A Mini Review] / Preprint (2023-03-14)
Psychosocial risks in the working environment : Approaches to formative risk assessment / Preprint Version 1 (2023-03-13)
The Questionnaire Surveying Research Method: Pros, Cons and Best Practices <b> </b> / Preprint (2023-03-12)
Confidence in Healthcare System vs Life Satisfaction / Preprint (2023-03-11)
A theorem on separated transformations of basis vectors of polynomial space and its applications in special polynomials and related <i>sl(2,R)</i> Lie algebra / Preprint (2023-03-11)
<b>Reducing elderly home health care cost by developing a cloud based digital platform</b> / Preprint (2023-03-10)
Consumption Contribution to Economy Growth : - / Preprint Version 2 (2023-03-10)
Sentinel SARI surveillance in Belgium in times of COVID-19 pandemic (2023-03-10)
Mobile forensics techniques, tools and intrusion detection : : Mobile devices, mobile forensics, forensics tool, Forensics law. / Preprint (2023-03-09)
Insert molding for manufacturing metal/amorphous polymer jointed parts using Heat & Cool injection molding / Preprint (2023-03-09)
Development of a Smart Mental Health Support System : IoT based system for Smart Mental Health Support / Preprint (2023-03-08)
An Early Detection of Heart Disease using Machine Learning(recurrent neural network) : ML research on Heart Disease Prediction / Preprint (2023-03-08)
Association between Percentage of Neutrophils at Admission and in-Hospital Events in Patients ≥75 Years of Age with Acute Coronary Syndrome (2023-03-08)
Immune Infiltration in Atherosclerosis is Mediated by Cuproptosis-Associated Ferroptosis Genes (2023-03-08)
On the topology of problems and their solutions / Preprint (2023-03-07)
Classical Bivalent Logic as a Particular Case of Canonical Fuzzy Logic / Preprint (2023-03-06)
Participation in Project Planning and Implementation / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-03-03)
Optimal Blood Pressure Control Target for Older Patients with Hypertension: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2023-03-03)
The Influence of IT Outsourcing on Organisational Success/Failure & Innovation (2023-03-02)
Syncytial and Congregative Effects of Dengue and Zika Viruses on the Aedes Albopictus Cell Line Differ among Viral Strains (2023-03-02)
The Influence of National Culture on the Success or Failure of Multi-National IS Projects (2023-03-02)
A simple fully conformal solution of Einstein's gravitational equations and the agreement of its implications with astrophysical data / Preprint (2023-03-01)
Potential Dermatological Effects of Climate Change in Africa (2023-03-01)
Look Down Here: Poems on Curriculum Based Violence (2023-03-01)
Guest Editor’s Introduction: Teaching Intersectional Conflict Analysis Through Art (2023-03-01)
MRI findings of children with suspected hypoxic ischaemic injury at a Tertiary Academic Hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa (2023-03-01)
Propaganda (2023-03-01)
Identity Politics as a Political Tool (2023-03-01)
The Bigger Picture (2023-03-01)
Prospective observational study of Nipple–Areola Complex Position post breast reduction (2023-03-01)
Wits Journal of Clinical Medicine (Volume 5, Issue 1) (2023-03-01)
Delleman syndrome: what does this mean for my anaesthetic? (2023-03-01)
Scottish Devolution, Deconstruction, and Change (2023-03-01)
Defending Weelaunee Forest: A Case Study of the Effectiveness of Peacebuilding Through Community Efforts (2023-03-01)
Personal Reflection: Good News for Sinners (2023-03-01)
Front Matter 7.1 (2023-03-01)
Histological patterns of kidney disease at Helen Joseph Hospital: a 5-year retrospective review of biopsy diagnoses (2023-03-01)
In memoriam: Anthony Molyneux Meyers (2023-03-01)
The Necessity of Black Anger in the Success of Anti-Racism Movements (2023-03-01)
To Be is to Dream is to Be Free (2023-03-01)
Personal Reflection: Defining the Traditional Family (2023-03-01)
Editorial (2023-03-01)
5 Birds with 1 stone – multiple aneurysms treated with a single craniotomy (2023-03-01)
No Firearms Allowed On the Premises (2023-03-01)
Adult and Paediatric Liver Transplantation: Wits Transplant Data 2020 (2023-03-01)
Knowledge of breastfeeding and human milk banks amongst mothers at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital: A descriptive study (2023-03-01)
Kashmir: Subject of Subjective Politics (2023-03-01)
Collecting as Identity Creation and Memory Preservation (2023-03-01)
Use of Petroleum Jelly Versus Ultrasound Gel in Renal Ultrasound Imaging (2023-03-01)
The Importance of Diplomacy in International Relations: Greeting Cards from World Leaders (2023-03-01)
Celebrating Successes and Ignoring Systemic Barriers: How Magazines Falsely Identify the Progress of Women’s Status in American Politics (2023-03-01)
<b>Jawz Endomyocardial Biopsy Forceps from Argon Medical: <br/>A Review of Safety and Efficacy Based on Literature Review and Bench Model Comparison With the Cordis Bioptome </b> : A Comparative Analysis of EMB Devices and Specimen Quality (2023-02-28)
Mozambique Public investment in water and sanitation sector and the targets of the SDG6 / Preprint Version 1 (2023-02-28)
Phenylethanoid glycoside verbascoside ameliorates podocyte injury of diabetic kidney disease by regulating NR4A1-LKB1-AMPK signaling (2023-02-28)
Spontaneous idiopathic hemi-diaphragmatic paralysis: case report (2023-02-28)
Positive outcome of administering palonosetron and haloperidol combination in cyclic vomiting syndrome: a case report. (2023-02-28)
Artificial intelligence enhanced thermal breast imaging in the diagnosis of invasive breast cancer: a study of 2 case reports (2023-02-28)
Bregmatic sutural bone: a case report (2023-02-28)
Decolonizing Canadian Water Policy : Lessons From Indigenous Case Studies / Preprint Version 3 (2023-02-26)
Testing Various Poisons and Substances Against Indoor Home-Garden Aphids / Preprint (2023-02-26)
<b>Threat Modeling Through Detection, Prevention & Classification of Leading-to-Vulnerability Code Smells <i>(LVCs)</i> </b> / Preprint (2023-02-25)
<b>How Blockchain Network Factors and </b> <b>Market Forces Determine Bitcoin Returns</b> / Preprint (2023-02-24)
Organoid models for Chinese herbal medicine studies (2023-02-24)
Effectiveness of Oral Fluid in Pathogenic Surveillance of Acute Respiratory Infection (2023-02-24)
Smart stimuli-responsive carrier-free nanoassembly of SN38 prodrug as efficient chemotherapeutic nanomedicine (2023-02-24)
Open Data: A National Data Governance Strategy for Open Science and Economic Development - A case study of the United Arab Emirates (2023-02-23)
Airborne bacterial species in indoor air and association with physical factors <span class="so-article-trans-title" dir="auto"> Translated title: Luftbårne bakterier i indekliamet og sammenhæng med fysiske forhold </span> / Preprint Version 2 (2023-02-22)
Systematic Review of the Efficacy of Gluten-Free/Casein-Free diet or Supplementary Diets to Alleviate Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children / Preprint (2023-02-22)
<b>Cloud Computing Based Demand Response Management Using Deep Reinforcement Learning; Review </b> / Preprint (2023-02-22)
PsychoEducation Tensor as a Model of Cognitive Physics / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-02-22)
<b>Factors affecting Covid-19-Associated Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality In Older Adults </b> / Preprint (2023-02-22)
Reducing elderly home health care cost by developing a cloud based digital platform / Preprint (2023-02-21)
Prevalence of Thromboembolic Venous Disease and Current Treatment Options in One of the Largest Patient Populations in the Word: India, A Meta-Analysis of Current Published Literature : Current Challenges in Managing Venous Thromboembolic Disease in one of the Largest Populations in the World (2023-02-21)
The Aging Crystalline Lens: A Review of Cataracts / Preprint (2023-02-20)
A Twist in the Plot - Systems Thinking and Building Models for Analyzing Literary Artwork / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-02-19)
Impact of refractive errors and their correction on academic performance of school_age children. / Preprint (2023-02-18)
Environmental Problems Due To The Production And Consumption And Possible Ways Of Migrating The Problems In Rivers State Of Nigeria / Preprint (2023-02-18)
The Effect Of Hydroquinone On The Level Of Methaemoglobin In HbAA And HbSS Erythrocytes / Preprint (2023-02-18)
Global Infectious Diseases in January 2023: Monthly Analysis (2023-02-18)
Planetary Charge Separation Due to Tidal Force Deformation / Preprint (2023-02-16)
Finding Morals in Gene Therapy Design (2023-02-16)
Quasi liquid layer-pressure asymmetrical model for the motion of of a curling rock on ice surface / Preprint Version 1 (2023-02-15)
Факторы, влияющие на тяжесть течения COVID-19 и развитие осложнений (2023-02-15)
The Impact of The Climate on Dengue Fever Cases in Johor (2023-02-15)
Challenges for CAR-T cell therapy in multiple myeloma: overcoming the tumor microenvironment (2023-02-15)
NGO Governance: The Case of Nepal / Preprint Version 1 (2023-02-15)
Dementia in India: An Overview / Preprint (2023-02-14)
Open data policy, connectivity and portfolio determine brand popularity in e-commerce channel / Preprint (2023-02-13)
Thinking about the crisis of the modern liberal state (2023-02-13)
In Search of 20-Minute Neighborhoods: Toronto’s Pedestrian Network using Walkability to Nearest Amenities / Preprint (2023-02-13)
Preparation of Equine Immunoglobulin F(ab′) 2 against Smallpox and Evaluation of its Immunoprotective Effect (2023-02-11)
Spontaneous Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Presenting as Concomitant Bilateral Cerebrovascular Infarction and Acute Coronary Syndrome (2023-02-11)
Trypanosoma brucei Lipophosphoglycan Activates Host Immune Responses via the TLR-mediated p38 MAP Kinase and NF-κB Pathways (2023-02-11)
Machine Learning for Predicting the Development of Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Without Extracorporeal Circulation (2023-02-11)
The Anzhen Risk Scoring System for Acute Type A Aortic Dissection: A Prospective Observational Study Protocol (2023-02-11)
Development and Validation of a Postoperative Prognostic Nomogram to Predict Recurrence in Patients with Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: A Retrospective Cohort Study (2023-02-11)
Impact of Substance Use on the Management of a Pediatric Palliative Care Patient: A Case Report. (2023-02-10)
On the Erd\H{o}s-Ulam problem in the plane : Erd\H{o}s-Ulam problem / Preprint (2023-02-09)
The Triangulation of Shariah-compliancy, ESG-transparency, and the Financial Performance of Malaysia Islamic Equities. (2023-02-09)
Preoperatively misdiagnosed pancreatic malignant tumor: a case of pancreatic perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEComa) and a review of the literature (2023-02-09)
An upper bound for the Erd\H{o}s unit distance problem in the plane / Preprint (2023-02-09)
Leadership revisited / Preprint Version 1 (2023-02-08)
A Study of Generalized Partial Mock Theta Functions / Preprint (2023-02-07)
Virtual Hospitals - A literature review / Preprint (2023-02-07)
Exploring the Self-Advocacy Methods of Queer Patients / Preprint (2023-02-06)
Wormhole Stability of Charged Black Holes Under the Gravity of f(R) / Preprint (2023-02-06)
Neues Archiv für Niedersachsen 2.2022 : Tourismus in Niedersachsen (2023-02-06)
A Review: Credit Card Fraud Detection in Banks using Machine Learning Algorithms / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-02-06)
The Systemic Immune Inflammatory Index Predicts No-Reflow Phenomenon after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Older Patients with STEMI (2023-02-04)
Bird Sound Classification Using Deep Learning (2023-02-03)
Computational strategies for PROTAC drug discovery (2023-02-03)
A small comparison of various content based image retrieval approach / Preprint (2023-02-02)
Фено- и генотипический портрет штаммов Yersinia pestis филогрупп 2.MED4 и 2.MED1 – этиологических агентов вспышек чумы ХХ века в Прикаспийском регионе (2023-02-02)
Identification of Novel Mutations Associated with Bedaquiline Resistance in Mycobacterium Marinum (2023-02-02)
Use of CBD - Medicinal Cannabis : Cannabidiol and its functions / Preprint (2023-02-01)
AN UPDATE ON MALARIA VACCINES / Preprint (2023-02-01)
Nomophobia Prevalence in Medical Students, Nurses, and Doctors – A Literature Review / Preprint (2023-02-01)
Why the way we define diseases prevents innovation and precision medicine / Preprint (2023-02-01)
Tireless campaign of justice for Ricky (2023-02-01)
The horrors of Edenfield and how to make detentions obsolete (2023-02-01)
‘Biased, class law’: A Very British Conspiracy – The Shrewsbury 24 and the Campaign for Justice by Eileen Turnbull (2023-02-01)
A vital debate begins (2023-02-01)
The mobility of capital and people during the Climate Crisis (2023-02-01)
The (dis)order of the day… (2023-02-01)
International: major projects in Ireland and Catalonia (2023-02-01)
Anti-war arsonists defy Russia’s repressive machine (2023-02-01)
Israel’s disavowal of Palestine (2023-02-01)
Legal aid is a service the state owes its citizens (2023-02-01)
They want to stop us striking, again (2023-02-01)
Oppression and resistance in Kurdistan: BOOKS: The Purple Color of Kurdish Politics by Gültan Kışanak: The Kurdish Women’s Movement: History, Theory, Practice by Dilar Dirik (2023-02-01)
Defend Günay Dağ against Turkish state repression (2023-02-01)
Obituary: Mark George (2023-02-01)
The failures of Forstater: When broadening the scope of ‘protected beliefs’ narrows the scope for justice (2023-02-01)
Not the end of the story: TV/PODCAST: The Shamima Begum Story by Joshua Baker (2023-02-01)
Engaging, political, legal court drama: FILM: Argentina 1985 by Santiago Mitre, Mariano Llinás, Martín Mauregui, Ricardo Darín, Juan Pedro Lanzani and Alejandra Flechner (2023-02-01)
The 15th Biodiversity Conference: ‘Peace pact with nature’ falters on (2023-02-01)
Union bashers’ wish list reveals high stakes (2023-02-01)
ONE NIGHT IN PARIS (2023-02-01)
Lowering of Blood Lipid Levels with a Combination of Pitavastatin and Ezetimibe in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease: A Meta-Analysis (2023-02-01)
<b>The Impact of Music on Brain Cells: The Case of Mozart’s Music</b> : <b>The Impact of Music on Brain Cells: The Case of Mozart’s Music</b> / Preprint (2023-01-31)
<b>Detection of glaucoma using artificial intelligence in fundus image: A narrative review</b> / Preprint (2023-01-31)
Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease by Acoustic Analysis of Turbulent Murmur Caused by Coronary Artery Stenosis: A Single Center Study from China (2023-01-31)
Airborne bacterial species in indoor air and association with physical factors <span class="so-article-trans-title" dir="auto"> Translated title: Luftbårne bakterier i indekliamet og sammenhæng med fysiske forhold </span> / Preprint Version 1 (2023-01-30)
<b>Template Matching for Marathi Handwritten Compound Character </b> / Preprint (2023-01-30)
On a revised pharmacology of apo-soluble guanylate cyclase and its therapeutic implications / Preprint Version 1 (2023-01-30)
Falsely elevated levels of 25(OH) vitamin D measured on alinity: two case reports (2023-01-30)
Evaluation of Cell Coverage Percentage of Millimeter Waves Propagation for the 5 th Generation Cellular System (2023-01-30)
Atypical metastasis localization, buccal mucosa, in a patient with invasive lobular breast cancer: a case report (2023-01-30)
Vaginal atresia in a patient with uterus didelphys (2023-01-30)
The psychiatric and neurological interface of multiple sclerosis: case report and literature review (2023-01-30)
Chylopericardium causing cardiac tamponade in a patient with lymphangioleiomyomatosis (2023-01-30)
Dysphagia, looking further than the usual suspects, a case report (2023-01-30)
Tomato Flu in India: A Rapid Review / Preprint (2023-01-29)
Global Infectious Diseases in December 2022: Monthly Analysis (2023-01-28)
Executive Functioning and Explicit Physical Activity Self-Regulation Associated with the Activity Choice Index (2023-01-27)
<b>Covid-19, Media & Misinformation: A Focus Group Study </b> / Preprint (2023-01-26)
GreenBIM : Environmental impact of Bioinformatics (2023-01-26)
Canagliflozin Regulates Ferroptosis, Potentially via Activating AMPK/PGC-1α/Nrf2 Signaling in HFpEF Rats (2023-01-25)
Rhodopsin Replacement in a I307N Mouse Model of ADRP by the Homology Independent Transgene Insertion Method / Preprint Version 1 (2023-01-25)
Who Counts? Ghanaian Academic Publishing and Global Science (2023-01-25)
Don Simón Luna: An Afro-Argentine Leader Among the Santiagueño Quichua (2023-01-24)
The José Antonio Díaz Peláez Experimental Art School and the Artwork of Yasser Garcia Rittoles (2023-01-24)
An Interplay of Shadows and Light: The Decolonial Potential of Red-Black Unity (Part 2) (2023-01-24)
Recuerdos de Nicaragua: Remembering the Dress of the Indigenous and Afro-Descendants of Nicaragua in German Moravian Photography (2023-01-24)
Dividing Lines: Critical Perspectives on African-American and Native American Culture, Connections and Divisions, Part 2 (2023-01-24)
Producing Knowledge in Struggle: Introduction to Dividing Lines, Part II (2023-01-24)
Exploring the Potential of Blockchain Technology in The Agricultural Industry in East Africa / Preprint (2023-01-23)
Language, Society, and Cultural Differences in <i>Representation</i>: The Strange Case of Malangese Boso Walikan / Preprint (2023-01-23)
<b>A practical guide to measuring optic disc size and its clinical correlation in diagnosing Glaucoma for the eye care professional </b> / Preprint (2023-01-23)
Oxycodone effects on the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic (BDNF) serum / Preprint (2023-01-22)
Ex situ and In situ Conservation of Plant Genetic resources in Nigeria / Preprint (2023-01-22)
There and back again: United States policy toward Cuba in the 21st century (2023-01-20)
<b>How Blockchain Network Factors and Market Forces Determine Bitcoin Returns</b> / Preprint Version 3 (Latest) (2023-01-20)
Automatic creation of training set for neural networks aimed to detect patent <br/>users. Automatic testing of the neural network performance. / Preprint (2023-01-20)
Alejandro de la Fuente (ed.), Cuban Studies 50 (2023-01-20)
Emily J. Kirk, Isabel Story, and Anna Clayfield (eds.), Disaster Preparedness and Climate Change in Cuba (2023-01-20)
Comportamiento del cumplimiento tributario de los trabajadores por cuenta propia en Cuba (2023-01-20)
International Journal of Cuban Studies (2023-01-20)
Economic and media war against socialist societies: The case of US–Cuban relations (2023-01-20)
The aggression and the hard times continue, and in this issue (2023-01-20)
Submission guidelines (2023-01-20)
Global geopolitical confrontations in the post-Cold War era and the role of Cuba (2023-01-20)
Frederick Luciani, ed. and tr., José María Heredia in New York, 1823–1825: An Exiled Cuban Poet in the Age of Revolution (2023-01-20)
The US blockade, and the “1 cent 4 Cuba” campaign to challenge it (2023-01-20)
Local development in Cuba from a higher education perspective (2023-01-20)
Cuban cobalt: A gateway to strategic minerals politics? (2023-01-20)
Yersinia pestis and Plague: Some Knowns and Unknowns (2023-01-19)
A reversion to the bacterial world - bacterial DNA triggering ancient response mechanisms as a potential cause of cancer in humans. / Preprint (2023-01-18)
PRNP Sequences of Tibetan Antelope, Blue Sheep, and Plateau Pika from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Reactivity of PrP Proteins to Rodent-Adapted Scrapie Strains in RT-QuIC and PMCA (2023-01-18)
Recent advances in nano-targeting drug delivery systems for rheumatoid arthritis treatment (2023-01-18)
Developing and Evaluation of Computational Phenotypes of Metastatic Breast Cancer Using All of Us Data (2023-01-17)
PsychoEducation Tensor as a Model of Cognitive Physics / Version 1 (2023-01-16)
How do we use leadership to keep our nurses? (2023-01-16)
<b>DeutJ: An ImageJ Plugin for Improved Automatic Masking and Segmentation of Images from Confocal Microscopy </b> / Preprint Version 2 (Latest) (2023-01-16)
PsychoEducation Tensor as a Model of Cognitive Physics / Version 2 (2023-01-16)
Multi-Spatiotemporal Analysis of Changes in Mangrove Forests in Palawan, Philippines: Predicting Future Trends Using Support Vector Machine Algorithm and Markov Chain Model / Preprint Version 2 (2023-01-15)
The Effects Of Hydrochloric Acid, Mechanical Scarification And Hot Water On Germination Of <i>Parkia Biglobosa</i> Seeds (African Locust Bean) / Preprint (2023-01-15)
Workforce Planning Tool for the consulting industry using LinkedIn data / Preprint (2023-01-14)
Semiotax: equational models for the linguistic sentence and the 'computational thought' / Preprint (2023-01-13)
<b>The impact of genetics on reproductive decisions, such as preimplantation genetic diagnosis. </b> <br/> <br/> : Pre-implantation genomic diagnosis <br/> <br/> / Preprint (2023-01-13)
A Marked Decline in Taenia solium Taeniasis and Cysticercosis Infections in China: Possible Reasons from the Ecological Determinants Perspective (2023-01-12)
Novel Clinical and Genomic Signatures of the 2022 Monkeypox Virus (2023-01-11)
Efficacy of corticosteroids as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2023-01-10)
<b>What is the factorization of </b> <b> <i>x</i> </b> <sup> <b> <i>n</i> </b> </sup> <b> <i>+</i> </b> <b> <i>y</i> </b> <sup> <b> <i>n</i> </b> </sup> <b> when <i>n</i> is an even positive integer? </b> / Preprint Version 1 (2023-01-09)
<b>The Russo-Ukrainian Conflict: Social, Psychological and Medical Perspectives</b> : Paranoia and shame / Preprint (2023-01-09)
Деконтаминация поверхностей от нуклеиновых кислот аэрозолями дезинфицирующих средств (2023-01-09)
<b>How do heavy metals cause and impact Autism</b> / Preprint (2023-01-08)
BoatNet: Automated Small Boat Composition Detection using Deep Learning on Satellite Imagery / Preprint Version 2 (2023-01-06)
Benchmarking gradient based Optimizers' sensitivity to Learning Rate / Preprint (2023-01-05)
The effect of pulmonary hypoxia on exercise performance during a time trial : Understanding physiological response to extreme environmental stressors (2023-01-05)
Advances in microneedle patches for long-acting contraception (2023-01-05)
<b>Assessment Of COVID-19 Prevention Practice And Associated Factors </b> <b>Among College Students In Assosa, Ethiopia</b> / Preprint (2023-01-04)
The Detection of DNA Damage Response in MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cell Lines after X-ray Exposure / Version 3 (Latest) (2023-01-04)
Achalasia Complicated with Bilateral Bronchial Fistulas: A Case Report and a Literature Review / Preprint (2023-01-03)
The algebraic structure of f(T) gravity / Preprint (2023-01-03)
<b>The approach to diagnosis and management of corneal ulcers</b> / Preprint (2023-01-03)
RNA-seq Analysis of the BCG Vaccine in a Humanized Mouse Model (2023-01-03)
Parasitic and Chemical Foodborne Diseases in Sudan / Version 4 (Latest) (2023-01-03)
Africa’s unequal balance (2023-01-02)
Predatory economics fuelling insecurity: violence and the commodification of labour in South Sudan (2023-01-02)
The EFF as a ‘gateway party’? Briefing based on data from the 2021 South African local government elections (2023-01-02)
He who laughs last laughs the loudest: the 2021 donchi-kubeba (don’t tell) elections in Zambia (2023-01-02)
Nahu-kparilim (cattle caretakership): understanding the persistence of unfree Fulani labour and the (non)violent renegotiation of power relations in agrarian economies in northern Ghana (2023-01-02)
Keeping eyes on Sudan – keeping eyes on austerity (2023-01-02)
Africa Development (2023-01-02)
Connecting people and voices for radical change in Africa (2023-01-02)
Gramsci’s ‘Southern Question’ and Egypt’s authoritarian retrenchment: subalternity and the disruption of activist agency (2023-01-02)
Democracy, separatist agitation and militarised state response in South East Nigeria (2023-01-02)
The Pretoria Agreement: mere cessation of hostilities or heralding a new era in Ethiopia? (2023-01-02)
Helmi Sharawy (1935–2023) (2023-01-02)
Russia’s War in Ukraine: State Patriotism or Economic Gain? (2023-01-01)
Special issue of the Journal of Global Faultlines – envisaging a socialism for the 21st century (2023-01-01)
Reflections on the economics of socialism (2023-01-01)
Journal of Global Faultlines (2023-01-01)
Book Review: Does Asia Provide a Viable Alternative to Capitalism? (2023-01-01)
Book Review: London Recruits: The Secret War Against Apartheid (2023-01-01)
Declare Independence: Independent Living, Oppositional Devices, and Heterotopias (2023-01-01)
The Soviet model and the economic Cold War: A vindication of the viability of socialism (2023-01-01)
WJCM Conversations (2023-01-01)
China as a transitional economy to socialism? (2023-01-01)
Wits Department of Surgery BERT MYBURGH RESEARCH FORUM: Abstract Presentation Prize Winners (2023-01-01)
Universal basic income: An idea whose time has come or just another mechanism to grease the wheels of capitalism? (2023-01-01)
Digital Technology in Capacity Development : Enabling Learning and Supporting Change (2023-01-01)
How to breathe (2023-01-01)
The Critique of the Gotha Program on capitalism vs communism: An Analysis and Commentary (2023-01-01)
Housing in a socialist society and how do we get there? (2023-01-01)
Walter Rodney: Lessons for scholar-activists (2023-01-01)