
A preprint server dedicated to the needs of the Drug Repurposing community

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Preprints for the Drug Repurposing Community

DrugRxiv is an open community resource for preprints from the field of Drug Repurposing. A preprint is a preliminary version of a scientific manuscript shared by an author through posting to an online, public server prior to formal peer review. Preprints have increasingly become an essential part of Open Science approaches because they combine early and open sharing of research results with open access and open peer review. All of the research in this collection has not been officially peer reviewed so view each preprint as a work in progress and support the community by commenting or reviewing preprints in your field. You can learn more about preprints from the ASAPBio preprint Frequently Asked Questions.

You can check whether the journal you would like to publish in accepts manuscripts posted as preprints: ASAPBio Journal Policies

This preprint Collection is currently funded and managed by RePo4EU but it is open to all researchers in the field of Drug Repurposing.



Share your expertise with Open Peer Review

Support the Drug Repurposing community by openly sharing your expertise and peer reviewing preprints within this collection. If you work in the fields of in molecular medicine, precision medicine, artificial intelligence, drug discovery your feedback would be highly valuable for authors and editors.

Here you can learn how to review a preprint on DrugRxiv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S44udOGdmcg

Here you can learn how to invite reviewers on DrugRxiv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssM73-YYcdc

In order to create a space for reliable and transparent scholarly discourse that prevents misuse of our reviewing and commenting functions, registration at ScienceOpen requires a previous registration at ORCID, a non-profit organization that provides unique researcher identifiers. Only authenticated researchers registered at ScienceOpen via ORCID with at least 5 articles assigned to their ORCID account (see our User categories) may officially review a paper. The identity of the reviewers and their comments are visible at all times. This means that reviews have to be constructive, courteous, and well-written. Reviews are published with a Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY (4.0) license and also receive a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from CrossRef, similar to a formal research publication. This means that reviews are re-usable, citable, and permanent records of your reviewing activities, and therefore all of your review activities can be integrated with ORCID, Publons, and ImpactStory, helping to build your profile as a researcher.

You can learn more about open peer review on ScienceOpen here: https://about.scienceopen.com/peer-review-guidelines/.

For a more general overview of peer review for preprints see the ASAPBio video introduction “Understanding Preprint Review” https://asapbio.org/understanding-preprint-review 




Click on the "Submit a manuscript" button in the Collection header to begin the process!

Here is a short "How-to" video to get you started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgyQI-O-kLo

Preprints that address the whole value chain in drug repurposing are welcome: from freedom-to-operate analysis to intellectual property protection and business development, health technology assessment, ethics and data governance considerations.

All preprints are published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY) license to ensure broad dissemination and participation. 

All manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (icmje.org)

Most research journals allow posting on preprint servers such as bioRxiv prior to publication. A list of journal policies can be found on Wikipedia and SHERPA/RoMEO. Authors should consult these lists and other sources of information before posting on bioRxiv.

Harald H.W. Schmidt, University of Maastricht

Hermann Mucke, H.M. Pharma Consultancy

Stephanie Dawson, ScienceOpen

For any questions about the preprint server DrugRxiv contact

Stephanie Dawson, PhD

ScienceOpen GmbH
Pappelallee 78/79
10437 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49-30-6098490-277
Twitter: @SDawsonBerlin
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-2298-2418


Collection Information