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Drug Repurposing
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Hosted articles 2007
FACS 2007 Christmas Workshop: Formal Methods in Industry - Index (2007-12-01)
Contributors to this Issue (2007-12-01)
Technology Transfer and IPR Policy for Small and Medium Firms in South‐East Asia (2007-12-01)
A Formal Security Requirements Model for a Grid-based Operating System (2007-12-01)
Book / Theatre Reviews (2007-12-01)
Between Socialism & Neo-Liberalism: Mafia Island, Tanzania, 1965-2004 (2007-12-01)
Community Mental Health Services as a Process Innovation: Appropriate Economic Evaluation (2007-12-01)
Briefings (2007-12-01)
Review Article: The Rise of Studying Happiness, but what of the Shadow of Unhappiness from Mental Illness? (2007-12-01)
Redevelopment of an Industrial Case Study Using Event-B and Rodin (2007-12-01)
Obituary: John de la Mothe (2007-12-01)
Class, Resistance & Social Transformation (2007-12-01)
‘Broncoing’: A Uniquely Australian Cattle‐Handling Technology (2007-12-01)
Technological Change and the Form of Science Research Teams: Dealing with the Digitals (2007-12-01)
The Rodin Formal Modelling Tool (2007-12-01)
Zimbabwean Farm Workers in Northern South Africa (2007-12-01)
Filling in the Blanks: The Potency of Fragmented Imageries of the State (2007-12-01)
Analyzing Java Classloader Deadlocks Using CSP and FDR (2007-12-01)
Debates (2007-12-01)
Animation-based Validation of a Formal Model of Dynamic Virtual Organisations (2007-12-01)
An overview of the SystemB collaborative project (2007-12-01)
South Africa: The End of Apartheid & the Emergence of the ‘BEE Elite’ (2007-12-01)
Recent Industrial Applications of VDM in Japan (2007-12-01)
The Use of Touch‐Screen Technology for Health‐Related Information in Indigenous Communities: Some Economic Issues (2007-12-01)
Experiences of Formal Methods in ‘Conventional’ Software and Systems Design (2007-12-01)
Book Reviews (2007-12-01)
Petro-Insurgency or Criminal Syndicate? Conflict & Violence in the Niger Delta (2007-12-01)
Book Reviews (2007-09-01)
Supporting Human Memory with Interactive Systems (2007-09-01)
Envisioning Future Mobile Spatial Applications (2007-09-01)
Old Cards, New Tricks: Applied Techniques in Card Sorting (2007-09-01)
Designing for Appropriation (2007-09-01)
Identifying Web Usability Problems from Eye-Tracking Data (2007-09-01)
The Role of Knowledge Accumulation in Health and Longevity: The Puzzling Case of Suicide (2007-09-01)
ALT Text and Basic Accessibility (2007-09-01)
The (Un)Happiness of Knowledge and the Knowledge of (Un)Happiness: Happiness Research and Policies for Knowledge‐based Economies (2007-09-01)
Creating and Analysing Models in IBM Task Modeler (2007-09-01)
Ten Emotion Heuristics: Guidelines for assessing the user’s affective dimension easily and cost-effectively (2007-09-01)
HCI... Not As It Should Be: Inferential Statistics in HCI Research (2007-09-01)
3 rd International Workshop on Ubiquitous and Collaborative Computing (iUBICOM) (2007-09-01)
Internalist and Externalist HCI (2007-09-01)
An Empirical Investigation into Dual-Task Trade-offs while Driving and Dialing (2007-09-01)
Designing educational software inline with the creative learning process: Just how important is the preparation phase? (2007-09-01)
Interaction Design in the wild (2007-09-01)
Interaction Manifolds: Understanding Behaviour Around a Shareable Interface (2007-09-01)
Habitats: A Simple Way to Bridge Artifacts, Professions, and Theories in Ubiquitous Design (2007-09-01)
From HCI to Media Experience: Methodological Implications (2007-09-01)
Encouraging Witting Participation and Performance in Digital Live Art (2007-09-01)
Interaction Designers’ Use of Their Repertoire in Meetings with Clients (2007-09-01)
Thanks for the Memory (2007-09-01)
Lessons Learned Implementing an Educational System in Second Life (2007-09-01)
eKISS: Sharing Experiences in Families Through a Picture Blog (2007-09-01)
HCI 2.0? usability meets Web 2.0 (2007-09-01)
Learning Beans: Design, Implementation & Evaluation (2007-09-01)
Clever Tracking User Behaviour over the Web: Enabling Researchers to Respect the User (2007-09-01)
Contributors to this Issue (2007-09-01)
Introducing the Companions project: Intelligent, persistent, personalised interfaces to the internet. (2007-09-01)
Multiple Carets, Multiple Screens and Multi-Tasking: New Behaviours with Multiple Computers (2007-09-01)
Is an apology enough? How to resolve trust breakdowns in episodic online interactions (2007-09-01)
AJAX Design and Usability (2007-09-01)
Designing for Photolurking (2007-09-01)
Usability – Not as we know it! (2007-09-01)
Emotion in HCI (2007-09-01)
Eye Tracking in Practice (2007-09-01)
MARPLE Investigates: An ‘Adversarial’ Approach to Evaluating User Experience (2007-09-01)
Cueing Retrospective Verbal Reports in Usability Testing Through Eye-Movement Replay (2007-09-01)
Information and Communication Technology and the Places Left Behind (2007-09-01)
Automatic vs. Manual Multi-Display Configuration (2007-09-01)
Managing Iterative Projects More Effectively: Theories, Techniques and Heuristics for HCI Practitioners (2007-09-01)
Second International Workshop on Physicality (2007-09-01)
Breaking the Campus Bubble: Informed, Engaged, Connected (2007-09-01)
Using Personas Effectively (2007-09-01)
Overcoming the Distance between Friends (2007-09-01)
Using Hierarchies to Support Non-Visual Access to Relational Diagrams (2007-09-01)
The Emotion Sampling Device (ESD) (2007-09-01)
Contextualizing the Blogosphere: A Comparison of Traditional and Novel User Interfaces for the Web (2007-09-01)
Creativity Support: Insights from the Practices of Digital-Atomic Artists (2007-09-01)
Design, Use and Experience of E-Learning Systems (2007-09-01)
2 nd International Workshop on Formal Methods for Interactive Systems (2007-09-01)
Introduction to Social Network Analysis (2007-09-01)
Use Study on a Home Video Editing System (2007-09-01)
Erotic Life as a New Frontier in HCI (2007-09-01)
“The Devil You Know Knows Best” – How Online Recommendations Can Benefit From Social Networking (2007-09-01)
Facilitating the Communication between Malaysian Grandparents and Grandchildren Living Abroad through Computer-Mediated Communication (2007-09-01)
Designing human centred technologies for the developing world: HCI but not as we know it (2007-09-01)
Design in Evaluation: Reflections on Designing for Children’s Technology (2007-09-01)
Figuring Configuration: “everyday” users and end-user configuration of Pervasive Computing Environments (2007-09-01)
Poverty, Petroleum & Policy Intervention: Lessons from the Chad-Cameroon Pipeline (2007-09-01)
Head-shaped Tangible Interface for Affective Expression (2007-09-01)
The Role of Input Devices in the Gaming Experience (2007-09-01)
Inspiring Design: The Use of Photo Elicitation and Lomography in Gaining the Child’s Perspective (2007-09-01)
Issues with the Construct of Quality (2007-09-01)
Information Architecture with IBM Task Modeler (2007-09-01)
Introducing HCI - a Practitioner’s Guide (2007-09-01)
Investigating the Usability of PDAs with Ageing Users (2007-09-01)
Using Formal Models to Design User Interfaces A Case Study (2007-09-01)
Investigating Microphone Efficacy for Facilitation of Mobile Speech-Based Data Entry (2007-09-01)
A Case Study of How User Interface Sketches, Scenarios and Computer Prototypes Structure Stakeholder Meetings (2007-09-01)
Validating the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) tool cross-culturally (2007-09-01)
A Pattern-based Usability Inspection Method: First Empirical Performance Measures and Future Issues (2007-09-01)
A Survey on Common Practice in Designing Audio in the User Interface (2007-09-01)
How effective is it to design by voice? (2007-09-01)
Agile Human-Centered Software Engineering (2007-09-01)
GazeSpace: Eye Gaze Controlled Content Spaces (2007-09-01)
Designing for Attention(2) (2007-09-01)
Bluetooth Friendly Names: Bringing Classic HCI Questions into the Mobile Space (2007-09-01)
Social support in empathic online communities for older people (2007-09-01)
Blogs, reflective practice and student-centered learning (2007-09-01)
Expert Habits vs. UI Improvements: Re-Design of a Room Booking System (2007-09-01)
A Technique for Incorporating Dynamic Paths in Lab-Based Mobile Evaluations (2007-09-01)
The End of Cognition? (2007-09-01)
Interaction Manifolds: Theory from Experiments (2007-09-01)
Book/Film Reviews (2007-09-01)
A Toolkit Approach to Sketched Diagram Recognition (2007-09-01)
Calling Time: An Effective and Affective Evaluation of Two Versions of the MIT Beer Game. (2007-09-01)
Proceedings of HCI 2007 - Index (2007-09-01)
Names and Reference in User Interfaces (2007-09-01)
Experiences with Structured Interviewing of Children During Usability Tests (2007-09-01)
Debates (2007-09-01)
Voice art: Investigating paralinguistic voice as a mode of interaction to create visual art (2007-09-01)
Mapping the Demographics of Virtual Humans (2007-09-01)
D. R. Congo: Explaining Peace Building Failures, 2003-2006 (2007-09-01)
The Internationalisation of the Small and Medium‐sized Firm (2007-09-01)
The Design and Evaluation of an Assistive Multimodal Interface (2007-09-01)
The Print Media in South Africa: Paving the Way for ‘Privatisation’ (2007-09-01)
Somaliland: A New Democracy in the Horn of Africa? (2007-09-01)
Evaluating Advanced Interaction Techniques for Navigating Google Earth (2007-09-01)
A Card-Sorting Probe of E-Banking Trust Perceptions (2007-09-01)
Meaningful Personalization at a self-service kiosk (2007-09-01)
yExploring Potential Usability Gaps when Switching Mobile Phones: An Empirical Study (2007-09-01)
Usability is the Best Policy: Public Policy and the Lived Experience of Transport Systems in London (2007-09-01)
A Conference Panel – but not as we know it! (2007-09-01)
Challenges of Evaluating the Information Visualisation Experience (2007-09-01)
Usability of User Interfaces: From Monomodal to Multimodal (2007-09-01)
Mental Health Issues and Pervasive Computing (2007-09-01)
HCI and Creative Problem-Solving at Lancaster (2007-09-01)
Barriers to Networked Governments: Evidence from Europe (2007-09-01)
Briefings (2007-09-01)
Docile Avatars: Aesthetics, Experience, and Sexual Interaction in Second Life (2007-09-01)
Teaching severely autistic children to recognise emotions: Finding a methodology (2007-09-01)
Towards a UX Manifesto (2007-09-01)
Safer prescribing in intensive care: designing a system to reduce errors (2007-09-01)
Imperial, Neo-Liberal Africa? (2007-09-01)
ExpECT: An Expanded Error Categorisation Method for Text Input (2007-09-01)
Category labelling for automatic classification scheme generation (2007-08-01)
Multimedia Retrieval and Classification for Web Content (2007-08-01)
Exploring Temporal Evidence in Web Information Retrieval (2007-08-01)
A Hybrid Approach incorporating XML and NLP Techniques for Focused Information Retrieval in the Biomedical Domain (2007-08-01)
Advanced Information Retrieval from Web Pages (2007-08-01)
Focused Retrieval Using Topical Language and Structure (2007-08-01)
Challenges in Urdu Stemming (A Progress Report) (2007-08-01)
Structured text retrieval by means of affordances and genre (2007-08-01)
The Information Retrieval Challenge of Human Digital Memories (2007-08-01)
Adaptive Algorithms for Weighted Queries on Weighted Binary Relations and Labeled Trees (2007-08-01)
Using Genetic Algorithms for Query Reformulation (2007-08-01)
A language model which integrates uncertainty (2007-08-01)
Moving Toward Web-Scale: Adapting Semantic Components for Use in Large Collections (2007-08-01)
The Effect Of Smoothing In Language Models For Novelty Detection (2007-08-01)
Automatic Genre Identification: Towards a Flexible Classification Scheme (2007-08-01)
How different social groups within the music industry communicate meaning in order to satisfy their information needs. (2007-08-01)
Personalization of Social Media (2007-08-01)
Formulating XML-IR Queries (2007-08-01)
BCS IRSG Symposium: Future Directions in Information Access 2007 - Index (2007-08-01)
Topic specific association rules mining from social bookmarks (2007-08-01)
Generating News Summaries at Indexing Time (2007-08-01)
Narrowing gaps in science (2007-08-01)
The nexus of informatisation and internationalisation: a new stage in the internationalisation of labour (2007-07-01)
Network economy or just a new breed of multinationals? relocation of eWork as a window to the restructuring of value chains (2007-07-01)
Global forces and national Institutions: call centre work in Colombia (2007-07-01)
Conceptualising globalisation: fossil energy, global finance and the labour market (2007-07-01)
Defragmenting: towards a critical understanding of the new global division of labour (2007-07-01)
Behind the screens: telemediated work in the Canadian public sector (2007-07-01)
Workers' knowledge in the ‘knowledge society’: voices from the South (2007-07-01)
Productive restructuring and labour: the auto industry in Brazil (2007-07-01)
Regions and firms in eWork Relocation Dynamics: Pittsburgh's call centre industry (2007-07-01)
CATCHING A BUTTERFLY? Mapping eWork in Europe and Australia (2007-07-01)
The emergence of EMERGENCE: the challenge of designing research on the new international division of labour (2007-07-01)
Navigating the seamless environment in the global supply chain: implications for Canadian regions and workers (2007-07-01)
Capitalist flattening or flattening capitalism? class forces and political choices in the global knowledge economy (2007-07-01)
Smart City North: economic and labour force impacts of call centres in Sudbury, Ontario (2007-07-01)
Trading Africa's Future (2007-06-01)
‘Fair Trade’ with Africa (2007-06-01)
Review Article: The Personalisation of Computing—from Behemoth to Desktop (2007-06-01)
‘Like Worms in the Entrails of a Natural Man’: A Conceptual Analysis of Warlords (2007-06-01)
EU Trade Policy & the Future of Africa's Trade Relationship with the EU (2007-06-01)
Rebuilding the Future or Revisiting the Past? Post-apartheid Afrikaner Politics (2007-06-01)
Making Sense of Research: The Dynamics of Management Research in France (2007-06-01)
The Burundi Peace Negotiations: An African Experience of Peace–making (2007-06-01)
Review Article: The Emergence of Dominance: Historical Narrative and Time–Place Periods (2007-06-01)
The European Union & the Commodity Debate: From Trade to Aid (2007-06-01)
Book Reviews (2007-06-01)
Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Innovation and Growth in the Service Economy (2007-06-01)
Book Reviews (2007-06-01)
Trading Partners or Trading Deals? The EU & US in Southern Africa (2007-06-01)
Briefings (2007-06-01)
Can We Make Sense of Knowledge Management’s Tangible Rainbow? A Radical Constructivist Alternative (2007-06-01)
Contributors to this Issue (2007-06-01)
What is the Future for EU-Africa Agricultural Trade After CAP Reform? (2007-06-01)
Structured analysis for Component-based systems: an EJB/CORBA Application (2007-05-01)
A Simple Distributed Algorithm for the Maintenance of a Spanning Tree (2007-05-01)
Towards Distributed Verification of Petri Nets Properties (2007-05-01)
SystemC Waiting-State Automata (2007-05-01)
Distributed on-line analysis of discrete event systems: a survey of some recent results (2007-05-01)
Zenoness detection and timed model checking for real time systems (2007-05-01)
Consistent Reconfiguration for Publish/Subscribe Architecture Styles (2007-05-01)
Approximation in an M/G/1 queueing system with breakdowns and repairs (2007-05-01)
Test Generation for Duration Systems (2007-05-01)
Model checking of time Petri nets (2007-05-01)
Grid Application Performance Prediction: a Case Study in BROADEN (2007-05-01)
First International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS 2007) - Index (2007-05-01)
High Level Reduction Technique for Multiway Decision Graphs Based Model Checking (2007-05-01)
Computing Transitive Closures of Hedge Transformations (2007-05-01)
Dealing with Resource Requirement in Multimedia Document Consistency Verification (2007-05-01)
Foreword to Journal 19-20 (2007-04-01)
11th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE) - Index (2007-04-01)
Systematic Review of Statistical Process Control: An Experience Report (2007-04-01)
The Coastline Between Mumbai and Goa (2007-04-01)
Recommendations (2007-04-01)
Assessment of a Framework for Comparing Software Architecture Analysis Methods (2007-04-01)
Motivators of Software Process Improvement: An Analysis of Vietnamese Practitioners’ Views (2007-04-01)
Outsourcing and Knowledge Management in Software Testing (2007-04-01)
An Experiment Measuring the Effects of Maintenance Tasks on Program Knowledge (2007-04-01)
Experimental Comparison of the Comprehensibility of a UML-based Formal Specification versus a Textual One (2007-04-01)
Idendification of Biodiversity "Hot Spots" (2007-04-01)
Predicting Short-Term Defect Inflow in Large Software Projects – An Initial Evaluation (2007-04-01)
Animal Life of the Intertidal Zone (2007-04-01)
Preliminary results of a study of the completeness and clarity of structured abstracts (2007-04-01)
Conservation of Coastal Biodiversity (2007-04-01)
A Framework for Effort Management in Software Projects (2007-04-01)
Man and Coastal Biodiversity (2007-04-01)
Floral Diversity of Konkan Coast (2007-04-01)
Lists of Sand Dune Vegetation, Marine Animals, Bird Species. (2007-04-01)
Predicting Web Development Effort Using a Bayesian Network (2007-04-01)
Another World is Possible (2007-03-01)
From People's Education to Neo-Liberalism in South Africa (2007-03-01)
Fault Lines: Emerging Domains of Inertia within the Australian Wine Industry (2007-03-01)
Briefings (2007-03-01)
Australian Framework for the Commercialisation of University Scientific Research (2007-03-01)
Addendum (2007-03-01)
Contributors to this Issue (2007-03-01)
Book Reviews (2007-03-01)
The Future of Africa's Trade with Europe: ‘New’ EU Trade Policy (2007-03-01)
Debating the Year of Africa (2007-03-01)
The South African Communist Party (SACP) in the Post–apartheid Period (2007-03-01)
Debates (2007-03-01)
Knowledge and Cooperation for Regional Development: The Effect of Provincial and Federal Policy Initiatives in Canada and Australia (2007-03-01)
Nuclear Power and Antiterrorism: Obscuring the Policy Contradictions (2007-03-01)
Book Review (2007-03-01)
Closing the Digital Divide: The Role of Services and Infrastructure in Bhutan (2007-03-01)
Ten Propositions about Black Economic Empowerment in South Africa (2007-03-01)
Changing Concepts of Articulation: Political Stakes in South Africa Today (2007-03-01)
e‐Research Infrastructures and Open Science: Towards a New System of Knowledge Production? (2007-03-01)
Struggles Around the Commodification of Daily Life in South Africa (2007-03-01)
Primitive Accumulation, Enclavity, Rural Marginalisation & Articulation (2007-03-01)
The Radicalised State: Zimbabwe's Interrupted Revolution (2007-03-01)
Divided they stand: Hollywood unions in the information age (2007-01-01)
Nice work if you can get it: the mercurial career of creative industries policy (2007-01-01)
A flexible object-oriented system for teaching and learning structured IR (2007-01-01)
Integrating standard test collections in interactive IR instruction (2007-01-01)
A Software Tool to Teach the Performance of Fuzzy IR Systems based on Weighted Queries (2007-01-01)
‘Suits’ and ‘creatives’: managerial control, the expropriation of fun and the manufacture of consent (2007-01-01)
Rethinking progressive and conservative values: Spain's new economy workers and their values (2007-01-01)
Design experiment on two information retrieval learning environments (2007-01-01)
Teaching of Web Information Retrieval: Web first or IR first? (2007-01-01)
Creating a sustainable future? the working life of creative workers in Vienna (2007-01-01)
Information retrieval curricula; contexts and perspectives (2007-01-01)
The spark in the engine: creative workers in a global economy (2007-01-01)
IR-BASE: An Integrated Framework for the Research and Teaching of Information Retrieval Technologies (2007-01-01)
Pedagogic challenges in Information Retrieval – teaching mathematics to Postgraduate Information Science students (2007-01-01)
Immaterial Fordism: the paradox of game industry labour (2007-01-01)
Make like a man: the demands of creative work, gender and the management of everyday life (2007-01-01)
Sunset in the West: outsourcing editorial work from the UK to India - a case study of the impact on workers (2007-01-01)
Review: The Class of the New by Richard Barbrook (2007-01-01)
Who are the fairest? ethnic segmentation in London's media production (2007-01-01)
Teaching Information Retrieval Using Research Questions to Encourage Creativity and Assess Understanding (2007-01-01)
The new knowledge aristocracy: the creative class, mobility and urban growth (2007-01-01)
First International Workshop on Teaching and Learning of Information Retrieval (TLIR 2007) - Index (2007-01-01)