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Drug Repurposing
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Drug Repurposing Research Collection
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Hosted articles 2002
A Grid Service Discovery Matchmaker based on Ontology Description (2002-12-01)
A Semantic Approach for Access Control in Web Services (2002-12-01)
Open Collaborative Grid Service Architecture (OCGSA) (2002-12-01)
Distributed Application Management in Heterogeneous GRIDS (2002-12-01)
SchedSP: Providing GRID-enabled Real-World Scheduling Solutions as Application Services (2002-12-01)
Early Electrical Communications Technology and Structural Change in the International Political Economy--The Cases of Telegraphy and Radio (2002-12-01)
South Korean Media Industry in the 1990s and the Economic Crisis (2002-12-01)
A Generic Architecture for Supervision of Distributed Applications (2002-12-01)
EuroWeb 2002 Conference - Index (2002-12-01)
Are bioinformaticians doing e-Business? (2002-12-01)
XML for Visualization (2002-12-01)
Multifaceted Web Services: An Approach to Secure and Scalable Grid Scheduling (2002-12-01)
Model based Security Risk Analysis for Web Applications: The CORAS approach (2002-12-01)
Contributors to this Issue (2002-12-01)
RDF Objects (2002-12-01)
Adaptive Web Transactions: An Approach for Achieving the Atomicity of Composed Web Services (2002-12-01)
The Employment of German Scientists in Australia after World War II (2002-12-01)
Engineering Knowledge for Engineering Grid Applications (2002-12-01)
The Evolution of the Digital Computation Industry (2002-12-01)
Diffusion of R&D within the Australian Wine Industry (2002-12-01)
The Dilemmas of External Earnings in Public Sector Scientific Research (2002-12-01)
Description Schemes for Mathematical Web Services (2002-12-01)
Publication at Source: Scientific Communication from a Publication Web to a Data Grid (2002-12-01)
Deploying the Globus Security Infrastructure in a Production Environment: Testing and Evaluation (2002-12-01)
Web Service Based Data Management for Grid Applications (2002-12-01)
Book reviews (2002-12-01)
Towards Universal Web Service Clients (2002-12-01)
Multi-protocol Web Services for enterprises and the Grid (2002-12-01)
The September 11 Attacks on the US in the New Interactive Media Space in Estonia (2002-09-01)
Representing Islam in the Wake of September 11: A Comparison of US Television and CNN Online Messageboard Discourses (2002-09-01)
The political economy of sacrifice: Kinois & the state (2002-09-01)
Say Goodbye…Let's Roll: The Social Dynamics of Wireless Networks on September 11 (2002-09-01)
Remembrance of sins past: unraveling the murder of Patrice Lumumba (2002-09-01)
State failure in the Congo: perceptions & realities (2002-09-01)
Determining the Sources of Delay in a Distributed Learning Environment (2002-09-01)
Preface (2002-09-01)
The crisis of the nation‐state in Central Africa: a theoretical introduction (2002-09-01)
The Two Primary Tasks on the Way to National e_Learn Grid Node (2002-09-01)
Contributors to this Issue (2002-09-01)
Bibliography: The democratic republic of the Congo (former Zaire) (2002-09-01)
Footnotes to the mining story (2002-09-01)
Systems Support for Collaborative Learning (2002-09-01)
Live Television's Disaster Marathon of September 11 and its Subversive Potential (2002-09-01)
Catching the Wave: German Media on September 11 (2002-09-01)
Is there a Bin Laden in the Audience? Considering the Events of September 11 as a Possible Boomerang Effect of the Globalization of US Mass Communication (2002-09-01)
Laurent Désiré Kabila (2002-09-01)
Something's Happened: Fictional Media as a Coping Mechanism (2002-09-01)
Peace agenda 2002 (2002-09-01)
‘Mobutu's disease’: a social history of AIDS in Kinshasa (2002-09-01)
A research note on Congo's nationalist paradox (2002-09-01)
Kivu (2002-09-01)
Complex political emergencies, the international community & the Congo conflict (2002-09-01)
Democracy & the money machine in Zaire (2002-09-01)
Calvary of the women of eastern democratic republic of Congo (DRC) (2002-09-01)
The Internet and the Demand for News (2002-09-01)
Human and Artificial Agent’s Conversations on the GRID (2002-09-01)
A Learning Grid for the multichallenge school ECP (2002-09-01)
Democratic republic of Congo state map (2002-09-01)
Conflict of interests or interests in conflict? diamonds & war in the DRC (2002-09-01)
Migradollars & poverty alleviation strategy issues in Congo (DRC) (2002-09-01)
Conference: Review of African political economy (2002-09-01)
Diffusion of News of the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 (2002-09-01)
The tunnel at the end of the light (2002-09-01)
Congo: revisiting the looking glass (2002-09-01)
The Telephone as a Medium of Faith, Hope, Terror, and Redemption: America, September 11 (2002-09-01)
Reviews (2002-09-01)
An intransitive transition (2002-09-01)
Citizenship, identity formation & conflict in South Kivu: the case of the Banyamulenge (2002-09-01)
Making a killing: criminality & coping in the Kivu War economy (2002-09-01)
European union commission policy in the DRC (2002-09-01)
How GRID could improve E-Learning in the environmental science domain (2002-09-01)
Adaptive E-Learning GRID Platform (2002-09-01)
Globalization isn't New; Anti-globalization isn't Either: September 11 and the History of Nations (2002-09-01)
Media Use During a Crisis (2002-09-01)
A new political order in the DRC: the challenge of ‘multinationalism’ (2002-09-01)
Adaptive e-Learning and the Learning Grid (2002-09-01)
Civic Actions after September 11: Exploring the Role of Multi-level Storytelling (2002-09-01)
1st LEGE-WG International Workshop on Educational Models for GRID Based Services - Index (2002-09-01)
Implementing New Advanced Learning Scenarios Through GRID Technologies (2002-09-01)
Towards Collaborative Learning via Shared Artefacts over the Grid (2002-09-01)
Following Successfully: Followership and Technology Adoption (2002-06-01)
Editorial: Africa, the African diaspora & development (2002-06-01)
Globalisation from below: conceptualising the role of the African diasporas in africa's development (2002-06-01)
Twilight on the Zambian copperbelt? (2002-06-01)
From Africa to Cuba: an historical analysis of the sociedad secreta Abakuá (Ñañiguismo ) (2002-06-01)
A window on Africa: an interview with adotey bing, director of the Africa centre, London (2002-06-01)
The African diaspora, ‘development’ & modern African political theory (2002-06-01)
Book reviews (2002-06-01)
Party disintegrations & re‐alignments in post‐apartheid South Africa (2002-06-01)
A Failure of Intelligence (2002-06-01)
The Internet and the Consumer: Countervailing Power Revisited (2002-06-01)
The eritrea‐ethiopia border arbitration (2002-06-01)
Raising the Standard of Management Education for Electronic Commerce Professionals (2002-06-01)
Australian University-Industry Research Links: Researcher Involvement, Outputs, Personal Benefits and 'Withholding' Behaviour (2002-06-01)
The Venetian Moment: New Technologies, Legal Innovation and the Institutional Origins of Intellectual Property (2002-06-01)
The lost boys of Sudan (2002-06-01)
Books received (2002-06-01)
Book notes (2002-06-01)
Globalization & academic ethics: The editors of the committee for academic freedom in Africa (2002-06-01)
An African brain drain: Igbo decisions to immigrate to the US (2002-06-01)
Book review (2002-06-01)
Contributors to this Issue (2002-06-01)
Xeedho dumar wadaag aleel lagu xadhkeeyay (Shells on a woven cord): Hooyada Africada Bari (MAMA) (East African Women's Group) (2002-06-01)
Zanzibar's turbulent transition (2002-06-01)
The socio‐economic basis of a diaspora community: Igbo bu ike (2002-06-01)
Editorial working group (2002-06-01)
Diasporan West African communities: the Kru in freetown & liverpool (2002-06-01)
Threats To The Lepidoptera and Self-Defence Against It (2002-04-01)
Forest And Bird Association (2002-04-01)
Insects Living with Ants ( Myrmeciphilous Insects ) (2002-04-01)
Pole and Wire Associated Birds Of Deccan Area (2002-04-01)
The Herbal Hunters (2002-04-01)
Plant - Bird Association (2002-04-01)
The Flowering Mantis (2002-04-01)
Editorial working group (2002-03-01)
Present‐day capitalism, the new international trade regime & Africa (2002-03-01)
Chad oil: why develop it? (2002-03-01)
Barney Simon & the theatre of struggle (2002-03-01)
Bank corruption becomes site of struggle in Mozambique (2002-03-01)
Books received (2002-03-01)
Angola after Savimbi (2002-03-01)
The politics of ‘uncivil’ society in Egypt (2002-03-01)
Peace in the horn of Africa (2002-03-01)
Algeria: contested & embattled (2002-03-01)
NGO efforts in Africa's largest oil project (2002-03-01)
Patterns of Telecommuting Engagement and Frequency: A Cluster Analysis of Telecenter Users (2002-03-01)
Basil Davidson: the Portuguese revolution & Africa (2002-03-01)
Contributors to this Issue (2002-03-01)
The Somali region in ethiopia: a neglected human rights tragedy (2002-03-01)
Janus Unbound: petrobusiness & petropolitics in the Niger Delta (2002-03-01)
Sovereignty, democracy & Zimbabwe's tragedy (2002-03-01)
Africa's Churches wake up to oil's problems & possibilities (2002-03-01)
Don't touch, just listen! popular performance from Uganda (2002-03-01)
The international community & the crisis in Nigeria's oil producing communities (2002-03-01)
Book reviews: Africa's 100 best books of the 20 th century (2002-03-01)
Whither Zimbabwe? crisis & democratisation (2002-03-01)
Oilwatch Africa, general assembly communiqué: Port Harcourt, Nigeria, February 10, 1999 (2002-03-01)
The birth of the Eritrean reform movement (2002-03-01)
Are We Eating our Seed Corn?: Basic Research in the US Corporate Sector (2002-03-01)
Somalia: Sovereign disguise for a Mogadishu Mafia (2002-03-01)
Jonas Savimbi, 1934–2002 (2002-03-01)
Debate intensifies over adjustment & press freedom in Mozambique (2002-03-01)
Introduction (2002-03-01)
Accelerating Technology: The Pace of Transmission Systems (2002-03-01)
Book reviews (2002-03-01)
Oil development in Sudan (2002-03-01)
Acceptance and Leadership--Hegemonies of E-Commerce Policy Perspectives (2002-03-01)
Algerian oil & gas (2002-03-01)
Oil, Islam & September 11: an essay addressed to the anti‐globalization movement (2002-03-01)
Perspectives on the Scientific Systems of the Post-Soviet States: A Pessimistic View (2002-03-01)