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Drug Repurposing
Network Medicine
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Drug Repurposing Research Collection
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Hosted articles 2001
Angola: new hopes for civil society? (2001-12-01)
Humanitarian & development actors as peacebuilders? (2001-12-01)
La société civile et la lutte pour la paix en Angola (2001-12-01)
From POTS to E-commerce: What Have the Developing Countries Learnt About Property Rights Over the Last 50 Years? (2001-12-01)
Thriving on war: The Angolan conflict & private business (2001-12-01)
The Clinton administration's policy toward Angola: an assessment (2001-12-01)
Book reviews (2001-12-01)
Angola: ‘back to normal’ (2001-12-01)
‘Here in the city, everything has to be paid for’: locating the community in peri‐urban Angola (2001-12-01)
Death and Data (2001-12-01)
Asia's Leap into E-commerce: Analysis of Developments in Some Countries (2001-12-01)
Understanding the Digital Divide (2001-12-01)
Making war & lots of money: the political economy of protracted conflict in Angola (2001-12-01)
Rethinking Silicon Valley: New Perspectives on Regional Development (2001-12-01)
An International Perspective on I&C Policies: Recent Developments and Future Prospects (2001-12-01)
The bitter harvest of war: continuing social & humanitarian dislocation in Angola (2001-12-01)
Landmines: a worse fate still to come? (2001-12-01)
Book reviews (2001-12-01)
Contributors to this Issue (2001-12-01)
Australian Apparel Retailing Through the Net and Over the Waves (2001-12-01)
Patrimonialism & petro‐diamond capitalism: peace, geopolitics & the economics of war in Angola (2001-12-01)
Editors (2001-12-01)
Oil & war in Angola (2001-12-01)
Angola on‐line (2001-12-01)
Bulletin board (2001-12-01)
The Dutch East India Company, Christiaan Huygens and the Marine Clock, 1682-95 (2001-12-01)
Business & war in Angola (2001-12-01)
Garimpeiro worlds: digging, dying & ‘hunting’ for diamonds in Angola (2001-12-01)
War in Angola: a Soviet dimension (2001-12-01)
Technology and Globalisation: An Overview (2001-09-01)
Zimbabwe: labour's options within the movement for democratic change (2001-09-01)
An Information Infrastructure for Development (2001-09-01)
A New Research Programme on Information and Communication Technologies. The E-Society: Understanding the Restructuring of Practices and Institutions in the Digital Age (2001-09-01)
Eritrea in crisis (2001-09-01)
South Africa's agenda in 21 st century global governance (2001-09-01)
Engendering management of water resources in Southern Africa (2001-09-01)
Money laundering: the Nigeria connection (2001-09-01)
Book reviews (2001-09-01)
Playing civil society tunes: corruption & misunderstanding Nigeria's ‘real’ political institutions (2001-09-01)
The Rural-Urban 'Digital Divide' in New Zealand: Fact or Fable? (2001-09-01)
Cry for the beloved country: the post‐apartheid denouement (2001-09-01)
Structural adjustment, state power & genocide: the World Bank & Rwanda (2001-09-01)
Five decades of liberation & revolution: the life of comrade Abdulrahman Mohamed Babu (2001-09-01)
Economic justice / market forces (2001-09-01)
Well‐oiled regimes: oil & uncertain transitions in Algeria & Nigeria (2001-09-01)
The Persistent Impact of Language on Global Operations (2001-09-01)
Books received (2001-09-01)
The state of the union: Africa in 2001 (2001-09-01)
Editorial working group (2001-09-01)
Book reviews (2001-09-01)
Prospects for al itihad & islamist radicalism in Somalia (2001-09-01)
Contributors to this issue (2001-09-01)
Bringing political struggle back in: African politics, power & resistance (2001-09-01)
Inside the EPLF: the origins of the people's party’ & its role in the liberation of Eritrea (2001-09-01)
VDM♣ meets LCF: Domain-Theoretic and Topological Aspects of VDM♣ (2001-07-01)
5th Irish Workshop on Formal Methods - Index (2001-07-01)
Recasting Hoare and He’s Unifying Theory of Programs in the Context of General Correctness (2001-07-01)
A Denotational Semantics for the π-Calculus (2001-07-01)
A Concurrent Language for Refinement (2001-07-01)
Towards a Semantics For Multidimensional Array Assignment in Fortran 95 (2001-07-01)
Multiprogram Design in the theory of Owicki and Gries (2001-07-01)
Observation and Abstract Behaviour in Specification and Implementation of State-based Systems (2001-07-01)
Cultural Diversity and Australian Commercial Television Drama: Policy, Industry and Recent Research Contexts (2001-06-01)
Egyptian electoral politics: news rules, old game (2001-06-01)
No democracy, no development: reflections on democracy & development in Africa (2001-06-01)
Kenya: one step forward, three steps back: the succession dilemma (2001-06-01)
Contributors to this Issue (2001-06-01)
Bulletin board (2001-06-01)
The Western Sahara under polisario control (2001-06-01)
Human rights & development in Africa: moral intrusion or empowering opportunity? (2001-06-01)
Kalgoorlie as the Global Centre for Gold Metallurgical Innovation 1902-1907 (2001-06-01)
Gender and the Information Work Force: New Zealand Evidence and Issues (2001-06-01)
Africa's future: that sinking feeling (2001-06-01)
Human rightsin Egypt (2001-06-01)
Book reviews (2001-06-01)
Knowledge, culture & the internet in Africa: a challenge for political economists (2001-06-01)
Eliminating world poverty: is neo‐liberal globalisation the answer? a challenge to the UK government's white paper (2001-06-01)
Pressure on to keep crop seeds patent-free (2001-06-01)
Editorial working group (2001-06-01)
The Ethiopian coffee filiere & its institutions: cui bono? (2001-06-01)
Learning from Management Consultants: The Lesson for Management Researchers (2001-06-01)
Phil Raikes (1938–2001) an appreciation (2001-06-01)
Reflections on Ghana's recent elections (2001-06-01)
Governance, institutional reform & the state: international financial institutions & political transition in Africa (2001-06-01)
Books received (2001-06-01)
The Tanzanian general elections on Zanzibar (2001-06-01)
Illicit dumping of toxic wastes breach of human rights (2001-06-01)
The Lesotho highlands corruption trial: who has been airbrushed from the dock? (2001-06-01)
The Drive to Codify: Implications for the Knowledge-based Economy (2001-06-01)
Interview with Brahim Bedileh, commander, 2nd military region (tifariti), POLISARIO front (2001-06-01)
Bat Fauna of Pune City (2001-04-01)
Bird Diversity Changes of Pune Area (2001-04-01)
Retreating Wild Mammals of Pune Urban Area (2001-04-01)
Butterfly Diversity of Pune City along the Human Impact Gradient (2001-04-01)
Ant Genera Distribution Across Habitats of Pune City (2001-04-01)
Pune Urban Biodiversity : A case of Millenium Ecosystem Assessment (2001-04-01)
Changing Geography of Pune Urban Area (2001-04-01)
Tree Diversity of Pune Area : Cosmetic Increase? (2001-04-01)
Aquatic Insects and Molluscs of Pune City (2001-04-01)
Herb Diversity of Some Habitats of Pune City (2001-04-01)
Reptiles of Pune Urban Area - Increase or Decline? (2001-04-01)
Decline of Freshwater Fish of Pune Urban Area (2001-04-01)
Fungal Genera Distribution Across Pune City (2001-04-01)
Amphibian Species Decline in Pune City (2001-04-01)
NGOs warn rich nations to accelerate debt cancellation or face repudiation (2001-03-01)
Human rights, democracy & the donors: the first MMD government in Zambia (2001-03-01)
Bulletin board (2001-03-01)
Taking stock of pastoralist NGOs in Tanzania (2001-03-01)
Community fencing in open rangelands: self‐empowerment in Eastern Namibia (2001-03-01)
Slavery & labour in West Africa (2001-03-01)
Book notes (2001-03-01)
Japanese aid strategy (2001-03-01)
Towards a cold peace? the outcome of the ethiopia ‐Eritrea war of 1988 ‐ 2000 (2001-03-01)
The last frontier: GATS (2001-03-01)
Civil society, kleptocracy & donor agendas: what future for Africa? (2001-03-01)
Thabo Mbeki's African renaissance in a globalising world economy: the struggle for the soul of the continent (2001-03-01)
Child soldiers in the civil war in Sierra Leone (2001-03-01)
Briefing by president thabo mbeki at the world economy forum meeting, davos, 28 January 2001 (2001-03-01)
Contributors to this Issue (2001-03-01)
Books received (2001-03-01)
Patient rights priority over pharmaceutical profits (2001-03-01)
Editorial working group (2001-03-01)
The Future of Professional Engineers in the Public Service (2001-03-01)
Environmental Management, Structure, Networks and Information Exchange: The Case of a Tasmanian Pulp and Paper Mill (2001-03-01)
COMESA ‐ Africa's first free trade area (2001-03-01)
From King leopold to King Kabila in the Congo: the continuities & contradictions of the long road from warlordism to democracy in the heart of Africa (2001-03-01)
The Anatomy of an International Cartel: Cyanide, 1897-1927 (2001-03-01)
Oil, NGOs & youths: struggles for resource control in the Niger delta (2001-03-01)
Book reviews (2001-03-01)
SADC puts on a new face (2001-03-01)
Mozambique wins long battle over cashew nuts & sugar (2001-03-01)
The ‘uses and abuses’ of civil society in Africa (2001-03-01)
Shorter notices (2001-03-01)
Why do People Pay for Information? (2001-03-01)
Trends and Prospects in Venture and Angel Investments in New Media Companies (2001-03-01)
The New Media Boom in Historical Perspective (2001-03-01)