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Drug Repurposing
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Drug Repurposing Research Collection
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Hosted articles 2000
Books received (2000-12-01)
Reconceptualising issues around HIV & breastfeeding advice: findings from KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa (2000-12-01)
Coping or struggling? a journey into the impact of HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa (2000-12-01)
Debt relief & social investment: linking the HIPC initiative to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa: the case of Zambia (2000-12-01)
Political will, political economy & the AIDS industry in Zambia (2000-12-01)
The murder of Carlos Cardoso: report & obituary (2000-12-01)
Statement of concern on women & HIV/AIDS (2000-12-01)
Tanzania: AIDS care – learning from experience (2000-12-01)
Emerging Bioinformatic Networks: Contesting the Public Meaning of Private and the Private Meaning of Public (2000-12-01)
New Products of the 1980s and 1990s: The Diffusion of Household Technology in the Decade 1985-1995 (2000-12-01)
Online Gambling: Challenges to National Sovereignty and Regulation (2000-12-01)
Editorial working group (2000-12-01)
Carlos Cardoso: an appreciation (2000-12-01)
Violence in Mozambique: in whose interests? (2000-12-01)
Catalyzing Research Competitiveness: The Georgia Research Alliance (2000-12-01)
Classification of Industries by Level of Technology: An Appraisal and some Implications (2000-12-01)
Improving access to HIV‐related drugs in South Africa: a case of colliding interests (2000-12-01)
Priority Setting and Resource Allocation in Australian Biomedical Research: Muddling with Some Skill (2000-12-01)
Book reviews (2000-12-01)
Editorial: special issue on AIDS (2000-12-01)
Contributors to this Issue (2000-12-01)
The uncertain future of bilateralism or, ‘it takes two fingers to kill a louse’ (2000-12-01)
The Spectrum of ( Explacit ) Knowledges in Firms and Nations (2000-12-01)
Overview: HIV/AIDS in Africa: global & local inequalities & responsibilities (2000-12-01)
Editorial: globalisation & African responses (2000-09-01)
Towards a Knowledge Economy? Changes in New Zealand's Information Work Force 1976‐1996 (2000-09-01)
Restructuring north‐south relations: ACP‐EU development co‐operation in a liberal international order (2000-09-01)
Shorter notices (2000-09-01)
Editorial working group (2000-09-01)
Britain and western sahara: examining the debate (2000-09-01)
Pharmaceutical Patent Term Restoration in New Zealand (2000-09-01)
Ethnic ‘nationalities’, God & the state: Whither the federal republic of Nigeria? (2000-09-01)
Maintaining corporate dominance after decolonization: the ‘first mover advantage’ of Shell‐BP in Nigeria (2000-09-01)
Rationality and Rhetoric in the Corporate World: The Corporate Annual Report as an Aristotelian Genre (2000-09-01)
Book notes (2000-09-01)
The Kenya SAREAT international IDEA democracy workshop (2000-09-01)
Book reviews (2000-09-01)
Innovation and Industry Development: A Policy-relevant Analytical Framework (2000-09-01)
Australian Universities in Crisis (2000-09-01)
Zimbabwe today: hope against grim realities (2000-09-01)
Book reviews (2000-09-01)
Clientelism, corruption & catastrophe (2000-09-01)
Social Informatics: A New Perspective on Social Research about Information and Communication Technologies (2000-09-01)
Evaluating privatisation in Zambia: a tale of two processes (2000-09-01)
Contributors to this Issue (2000-09-01)
Zimbabwean workers, the MDC & the 2000 election (2000-09-01)
An Algebraic Basis for Specifying and Enforcing Access Control in Security Systems (2000-07-01)
A Comparison of Three Model Checkers Applied to a Distributed Database Problem (2000-07-01)
Modal Logics for Reasoning about Object-based Component Composition (2000-07-01)
Abstract Clustering for Program Comprehension (2000-07-01)
A Note on the Relationships between Logic Programs and Neural Networks (2000-07-01)
An Iterator Construct for the Refinement Calculus (2000-07-01)
4th Irish Workshop on Formal Methods - Index (2000-07-01)
Retrenchment: Extending Refinement for Continuous and Control Systems (2000-07-01)
War & famine in Ethiopia & Eritrea (2000-06-01)
The Intervention That Wasn't: A New Look at the McArthur-Forrest Cyanide Patent Conflict in Western Australia (2000-06-01)
Land reform in South Africa (2000-06-01)
Contributors to this Issue (2000-06-01)
Shorter notices (2000-06-01)
Africa at the first south summit in Havana (2000-06-01)
An agricultural strategy without farmers: Egypt's countryside in the New Millennium (2000-06-01)
Western sahara‐point of no return? (2000-06-01)
Commentary:the struggle for land (2000-06-01)
The land issue in eritrea's reconstruction & development (2000-06-01)
Book reviews (2000-06-01)
Editorial working group (2000-06-01)
Cuban‐African relations: nationalist roots of an internationalist policy (2000-06-01)
State‐NGO relations in an era of globalisation: the implications for agricultural development in Africa (2000-06-01)
Land reform & changing social relations for farm workers in Zimbabwe (2000-06-01)
News (2000-06-01)
Internet Adoption and Use (2000-06-01)
Entrepreneurship in Science: Case Studies from Liquid Crystal Application (2000-06-01)
What is CEAMO? (2000-06-01)
Dilemmas of the Kenyan succession (2000-06-01)
Privacy Protection-A New Beginning? (2000-06-01)
Commonwealth secretary‐general's statement on Zanzibar (2000-06-01)
The politics of famine in the Ogaden (2000-06-01)
Between governance & under‐development: accumulation & Africa's ‘catastrophic corruption’ (2000-06-01)
Technology Transfer from Publicly Funded Research for Improved Natural Resource Management: Analysis and Australian Examples (2000-06-01)
Zimbabwe: structural adjustment, destitution & food insecurity (2000-06-01)
No Peace for Sierra Leone (2000-06-01)
Debt cancellation, lender responsibility & poor country empowerment (2000-03-01)
The Nature and Functions of Meta-tags: Covert Infringement of Trademarks and Other Issues (2000-03-01)
Human security in sudan: the report of a canadian assessment mission prepared for the minister of foreign affairs ottawa, January 2000: Executive Summary [excerpts] (2000-03-01)
The Durban summit & beyond: whither the commonwealth? speech by commonwealth secretary‐general chief emeka anyaoku: The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, 24 November 1999 (2000-03-01)
Editorial: too little, too late? (2000-03-01)
Institutional Amnesia: A Paradox of the 'Information Age'? (2000-03-01)
Editorial working group: (2000-03-01)
Book review (2000-03-01)
News (2000-03-01)
‘A symbol that cannot be substituted’: The role of Mwalimu J K Nyerere in the liberation of Southern Africa, 1955–1990 (2000-03-01)
Sahel: women power rules the economy (2000-03-01)
World bank debt concession? There is no extra $10 million! (2000-03-01)
Book Notes (2000-03-01)
Levelling the playing fields & embedding illusions: ‘post‐conflict’ discourse & neo‐liberal ‘development’ in war‐torn Africa (2000-03-01)
Book reviews (2000-03-01)
Globalised images of environmental security in Africa (2000-03-01)
The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization - A Millennial Challenge (2000-03-01)
Conflict, complicity & confusion: unravelling empowerment struggles in Nigeria after the Return to 'Democracy' (2000-03-01)
Tributes to Mwalimu Julius Nyerere in the South African Parliament (2000-03-01)
Chissano names 22 ministers to enlarge cabinet (2000-03-01)
Isis WICCE continues to bring women together (2000-03-01)
Address by Commonwealth Secretary‐General HE Chief Emeka Anyaoku to the International Conference on the Making of a New Constitution for Zimbabwe (2000-03-01)
Shorter notice (2000-03-01)
From Innovation Systems to Knowledge Systems (2000-03-01)
Namibian elections: SWAPO consolidates its hold on power (2000-03-01)
Ethiopia's plans for the kalub gas project unfair (2000-03-01)
Digital Songlines: The Use of Modern Communication Technology by an Aboriginal Community in Remote Australia (2000-03-01)
Can Africa expliot the internet (2000-03-01)
IT Investment Strategy for Development: An 'Instrumental Analysis' Based on the Tasmanian and New Brunswick Information Technology Strategies (2000-03-01)
Contributors to this Issue (2000-03-01)
Books received (2000-03-01)
Versions of resistance history in South Africa: the ANC strand in Inkatha in the 1970s and 1980s (2000-03-01)
Power without responsibility: the World Bank & Mozambican cashew nuts (2000-03-01)
African internet resources: Maghreb online: a guide to internet resources on North Africa (2000-03-01)
OO-Motivated Process Algebra: A Calculus for CORBA-like Systems (2000-01-01)
Rigorous Object-Oriented Methods 2000 - Index (2000-01-01)
Statecharts as Protocols for Objects (2000-01-01)
SDL-2000: A Language with a Formal Semantics (2000-01-01)
Structured Axiomatic Semantics for UML Models (2000-01-01)
An Overview of The Mensurae Language: Specifying Business Processes (2000-01-01)
Checking the Consistency of UML Class Diagrams Using Larch Prover (2000-01-01)
On the Compositional Properties of UML Statechart Diagrams (2000-01-01)
Extending the UML with a Multicast Synchronisation (2000-01-01)
Object-Oriented Refinement and Proof using Behaviour Functions (2000-01-01)