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Drug Repurposing
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Drug Repurposing Research Collection
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Hosted articles 1999
Tributes to Mwalimu Julius Nyerere (1999-12-01)
Business Research Through Argument, Mike Metcalfe, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995, 152pp., US$103.00, ISBN 0 7923 9616 2 (1999-12-01)
Book reviews (1999-12-01)
David vs. Goliath: genetics & the new millennium (1999-12-01)
The Economics of Intangible Investment, Elizabeth Webster, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar, 1999, x + 118 pp., £39.95, ISBN 1 85898 858 6 (1999-12-01)
Books received (1999-12-01)
Building Capacities and Setting Priorities in National Science and Technology (1999-12-01)
Managing Knowledge: Experts, Agencies and Organizations, Steven Albert and Keith Bradley, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 1997, xi + 215 pp., AU$31.95 (Pbk), ISBN 0 521 598877 (1999-12-01)
Competition and Copyright: Retransmission of Free-to-Air Television Signals by Pay TV Services (1999-12-01)
A Philosophy of Intellectual Property, Peter Drahos, Aldershot, UK, Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1996, £42.50, ISBN 1 85521 240 4 (1999-12-01)
Organising across borders: Algerian women's associations in a period of conflict (1999-12-01)
Alternative development policies for Sudan (1999-12-01)
International Teleconununications Handbook, Rob Frieden, Boston and London, Artech House, 1996, xvi + 419 pp., US$82.00, ISBN 0 89006 568 3 (1999-12-01)
Nyerere: a tribute to a statesman (1999-12-01)
The Maghreb experience: a challenge to the rational myths of economics (1999-12-01)
Book notes (1999-12-01)
Coffee crunch (1999-12-01)
Editorial: North Africa in Africa (1999-12-01)
Address to members of parliament (1999-12-01)
Digital Cash, Alan L. Tyree, Sydney, Butterworths, 1997, xv + 183 pp., AU$53.00, ISBN 0 409 31316 5 (1999-12-01)
In Want of Information: A Case Study of Engineers in the South Pacific (1999-12-01)
He ‘carried the torch that liberated Africa’ (1999-12-01)
Université du littoral côte d'opale colloque international sur “citoyenneté, coopération décentralisée et développement des territoires” (1999-12-01)
Western Sahara at the turn of the millennium (1999-12-01)
No factories, no problems: the logic of neo‐liberalism in Egypt (1999-12-01)
Higher Education or Education for Hire?: Language and Values in Australian Universities, Ian Reid, Rockhampton, Queensland, Central Queensland University Press, 1996, v + 171 pp., AU$19.95, ISBN 1 875998136 (1999-12-01)
The Internet in Undergraduate Management Education: A Concern for Neophytes Among Metaphors (1999-12-01)
Parameters of economic reform in North Africa (1999-12-01)
Universal Service: Competition, Interconnection, and Monopoly in the Making of the American Telephone System, Milton J. Mueller, Jr., Cambridge, MA, London, England, The MIT Press and Washington, DC, The AEI Press, 1997, xiii + 213 pp., US$40.00, ISBN 0 262 13327 X (1999-12-01)
Internet Diffusion and Usage in China (1999-12-01)
Born again: the African renaissance in London (1999-12-01)
Editorial working group (1999-12-01)
Economic Organization and Economic Knowledge: Essays in Honour of Brian J. Loasby, Volume I, Sheila C. Dow and Peter E. Earl (Eds), Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar, 1999, xxiii + 302 pp., £59.95, US$95.00, ISBN 1 85898 725 3 (1999-12-01)
Gender, Technology and Developrrrent, Vol. 2, No. 3, September-December 1998 , Govind Kelkar (Ed.), New Delhi, Thousand Oaks, CA, London, Sage Publications, 1998, 166 pp., US$90.00 (institutional rate), US$36.00 (individual rate), ISSN 0971-8524 (1999-09-01)
The reinvention of the market from below: the end of the women's money changing monopoly in Kinshasa (1999-09-01)
Information Liberation, Brian Martin, London, Freedom Press, 1998, 181 pp., AU$27.90, ISBN 0-900384-93-X (1999-09-01)
Sale of One-third of Telstra, The Auditor-General, Canberra, Australia, Australian National Audit Office, 1998, 115 pp., no price available, ISSN 1036-7632, ISBN 0-644-39025-5 (1999-09-01)
News (1999-09-01)
‘Break the chains of debt!’ international jubilee 2000 campaign demands deeper debt relief (1999-09-01)
International partnership in the fight against aids: addressing need and redressing injustice? (1999-09-01)
Medicine Worth Paying for: Assessing Medical Innovations, Howard S. Frazier and Frederick Mosteller (Eds), Cambridge, MA, Haroard Unioersity Press, 1995, xiv + 311 pp., US$39.95, ISBN 0-674-56362-X (1999-09-01)
Project Selection Models or Professional Autonomy? (1999-09-01)
Technology and Privacy: The New Landscape, Philip E. Agre and Marc Rotenberg (Eds), Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1997, vi + 323 pp., US $25.00, ISBN 0-262-01162-X (hbk) (1999-09-01)
Privatisierung und Internationalisierung von Telefongesellschaften, Ernst-Olav Ruhle, Frankfurt, Germany, Peter Lang Verlag, 1996, 274 pp., DM 84.00, ISBN 3-631-49911-6 (1999-09-01)
A National Linkage Program for Technological Innovation (1999-09-01)
Nordicom Review: Nordic Research on Media & COmmunication, Ulla Carlsson (Ed.), Göteborg, Sweden, Nordicom, 1998, ISSN 0349-6244 (1999-09-01)
Trop, ćest trop! Civil insurgence in Burkina Faso, 1998–99 (1999-09-01)
Exploring the Social Construction of IT Policy—Thailand and Singapore (1999-09-01)
The prevention and eradication of violence against women and children (1999-09-01)
A Consumer's Perspective on Customer Service, Maura Bollinger, Sydney and Melboume, Australia, Communications Law Centre, 1999, 69 pp., price not available, ISBN 1-875538-26-7 (1999-09-01)
Unzulässiger Protektionismus der europäischen Medienpolitik? Die Maßnahmen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft zum Sckutz des europäischen Films und ihre Vereinbarkeit mit dem durch das GATT und die WTO-Vereinbarungen gebildeten Rechtsrahmen, Karin Sandberg, Frankfurt, Germany, Peter Lang Verlag, 1998, 306 pp., DM 98.00, ISBN 3-631-32068-X (1999-09-01)
Eliciting compliance from Warlords: the ECOWAS experience in Liberia, 1990–1997 (1999-09-01)
Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1999-09-01)
Collaboration and Innovation Networks in Esprit (1999-09-01)
Communication Research Trends, Vol. 18, No.2, 1998, William E. Biernatzki (Ed), St Louis, MO, Centre for the Study of Communication and Culture, 1998, 47 pp., US$35.00 (annual subscription), ISSN 0144-4646 (1999-09-01)
Privacy on the Line: The Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption, Whitfield Diffie and Susan Landau, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1998, ix + 342 pp., US $25.00, ISBN 0-262-04167-7 (hbk) (1999-09-01)
A Comparative Macro-level Assessment of New Zealand's ‘National Innovation System’ (1999-09-01)
From Mines to Minds: Western Australia in the Global Information Economy, Western Australian Technology & Industry Advisory Council, Perth, Australia, Western Australian Technology & Industry Advisory Council, J999, vii + 107 pp., no price available, no ISBN (1999-09-01)
The Growth Warriors: Creating Sustainable Global Advantage for America's Technology Industries, Ronald Mascitelli, Northbridge, C4, Technology Perspectives, 1999, 444 pp., US$34.95, ISBN 0-9662697-0-5 (1999-09-01)
Die Filmpolitik der Europäischen Union iDl Spannungsfeld zwischen nationaler staatlicher Förderung und US-amerikanischer MediendoDlinanz, Sabine Jarothe, Frankfurt, Germany, Peter Lang Verlag, 1998, 434 pp., DM 98.00, ISBN 3-631-32725-X (1999-09-01)
A New Economic Par-adigrn? Innovation-based Evolutionary Systems, Kevin Bryant and Alison Wells (Eds), Canberra, Australia, Department if Industry, Science and Resources, 1998, x + 104 pp., price not available, ISBN 0 642 28125 4 (1999-09-01)
Elections diary (1999-09-01)
Fr-orn Barbie to Mortal Kornbatr Gender and Cornputee GaInes Justine Cassell and Henry Jenkins (Eds), Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1998, xviii + 360pp., US$35.00, ISBN 0-262-03258-9 (1999-09-01)
Editorial working group (1999-09-01)
Trapped in the Net: The Unanticipated Consequences of Computerization, Gene I. Rochlin, Princeton NJ, Princeton University Press, 1997, xvi+ 293 pp., US$29.95, ISBN 0-691-010803(hbk) (1999-09-01)
Conflict resolution in a ‘non-conflict situation’: tension & reconciliation in Mecúfi, Northern Mozambique (1999-09-01)
Warfare, endemic violence & state collapse in Africa (1999-09-01)
Ransoming the state: elite origins of Subaltern terror in Sierra Leone (1999-09-01)
Science and Technology Budget Statement 1999-2000, Nick Minchin, Canberra, Australia, Department of Industry, Science and Resources, 1999, 6 sections, no price available, ISBN 0 642 72042 8 (1999-09-01)
Editorial: ending endemic violence: limits to conflict resolution in Africa (1999-09-01)
Die Rechtmäβigkeit europäischer Fernsehquoten aus kompetenzieller grundrechtlicher und welthandelsrechtlicher Sicht, Michael Frese, Frankfurt, Germany, Peter Lang Verlag, 1998, 173 pp., DM 69.00, ISBN 3-63 1-33043-X (1999-09-01)
Measuring Progress: Is Life Getting Better?, Richard Eckersley (Ed.), Collingwood, Victoria, Australia, CSIRO Publishing, 1998, ix + 382 pp., AU$34.95, ISBN 0643062963 (1999-09-01)
Clean‐ups, conditionality & adjustment: why institutions matter in Mozambique (1999-09-01)
Implementing the HIPC initiative: sharing experiences Marlborough House, London 2–3 August 1999 (1999-09-01)
Workplaces of the Future, Paul Thompson and Chris Warhurst (Eds), London, Macmillan, 1998, xi + 230pp., £16.99 (pbk), ISBN 0-333-72800-9 (pbk), ISBN 0-333-727991 (hbk) (1999-09-01)
Books received (1999-09-01)
Tests Derivation from Model Based Formal Specifications (1999-07-01)
A Scheme for Defining Partial Higher-Order Functions by Recursion (1999-07-01)
Multivalued Mappings, Fixed-Point Theorems and Disjunctive Databases (1999-07-01)
The Role of Proof in a Formal Specification of the Speedway Rulebook (1999-07-01)
Predicate Transformers for Infinite-State Automata in NuPRL Type Theory (1999-07-01)
Some optimisation problems revisited (1999-07-01)
On the Integration of Formal Methods: Events and Scenarios in PVS and VDM (1999-07-01)
Stochastic Specification and Verification (1999-07-01)
Proof and Refutation in Formal Software Development (1999-07-01)
Modular Composition of Language Features through Extensions of Semantic Language Models (1999-07-01)
Valuations revisited (1999-07-01)
A Logic to Specify and Verify Synchronous Transitions (1999-07-01)
Formal Specifications of Software Design Methods (1999-07-01)
Four Logics and a Protocol (1999-07-01)
Checking Formal Specifications by Testing (1999-07-01)
3rd Irish Workshop on Formal Methods - Index (1999-07-01)
Teaching and Learning Formal Methods, Improving Productivity (1999-07-01)
Commentary: bringing imperialism back in (1999-06-01)
Mirages of pastoralist futures: a review of aid donor policy in Sahelian pastoral zones (1999-06-01)
Borders in Cyberspace: Information Policy and the Global Information Infrastructure Brian Kahin and Charles Nesson (Eds) Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1997, x +374 pp., US$25.00, ISBN 0-262-61126-0 (1999-06-01)
The Political Economy of Communication: Rethinking and Renewal Vincent Mosco London, Sage, 1996, x+307 pp., AU$38.95, ISBN 0-8039-8561-4 (1999-06-01)
Editorial working group (1999-06-01)
Parchment, Printing, and Hypermedia: Communication in World Order Transformation Ronald J. Deibert New York, Columbia University Press, 1997, xi + 329 pp., US$20.00 (pbk), ISBN 0-231-10713-7 (pbk) (1999-06-01)
The Impact of Visual Communication Innovations on the Film Industry (1999-06-01)
The Nature of Information Technology Managerial Work: The Work Life of Five Chief Information Officers, Charlotte S. Stephens, Westport, USA, Quorum, 1995, vii+ 221 pp., US$49.95, ISBN 0-89930-920-8 (1999-06-01)
The Vanishing Vision: The Inside Story of Public Television James Day Berkeley, USA, University of California Press, 1995, x + 443 pp., US$29.95, ISBN 0-520-08659-7 (1999-06-01)
Endogenous Growth Theory Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1998, xiii+ 694 pp., US$59.95, ISBN 0-262-01166-2 (1999-06-01)
Fascinated by the Future: Interpreting Australian Telecommunications Policy Debates (1999-06-01)
Invisible Crises: What Conglomerate Control of Media Means for America and the World George Gerbner, Hamid Mowlana and Herbert I. Schiller (Eds) Boulder, CO, Westview Press, 1996, viii+295 pp., US$79.00 (hbk), US$22.00 (pbk), ISBN 0-8133-2071-2 (hbk), ISBN 0-8133-2072-0 (pbk) (1999-06-01)
Internet Advertising: An Assessment of Consumer Attitudes (1999-06-01)
Parliamentary opposition & democratic consolidation in South Africa (1999-06-01)
The presidential election in gabon (1999-06-01)
Technopoles of the World: The Making of Twenty-first Century Industrial Complexes Manuel Castells and Peter Hall London, Roulledge, 1994, x + 275 pp., AU$39.95 (pbk), ISBN 0-415-10014-3 (hbk), ISBN 0-415-10015-1 (pbk) (1999-06-01)
Books received (1999-06-01)
The Electronic Superhighway: The Shape of Technology and Law to Come Ejan Mackaay, Daniel Poulin and Pierre Trudel (Eds) The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 1995, xiv + 193 pp., US$97.00, ISBN 90-411-0135-7 (1999-06-01)
Commonwealth ministerial action group on the Harare declaration (CMAG) (1999-06-01)
Structural adjustment: why it wasn't necessary & why it did work (1999-06-01)
Opening the Closed World of the Cold War and American Nuclear Strategy (1999-06-01)
The Nigerian transition: third time lucky or more of the same? (1999-06-01)
Martin Eve: 1924–1998 (1999-06-01)
Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Ttme, Dava Sobel, London, Fourth Estate, 1996, viii+ 184 pp., £6.99, ISBN 1-85702-549-0 (1999-06-01)
Book reviews (1999-06-01)
Handbuch Recht und Praxis der Telekommunikation Martin Geppert Ernst-Olaf Ruhle Fabian Schuster Baden-Baden, Germany, Nomos, 1998, 712 pp., DM 98.00, ISBN 3-7890-5020-2 (1999-06-01)
The reinvention of the market from below: the end of the women's money changing monopoly in Kinshasa (1999-06-01)
Beyond civil society: child soldiers as citizens in Mozambique (1999-06-01)
The Global Information Society William J. Martin London, Aslib, 1995, xv + 233 pp., US$32.95, ISBN 0-566-07715-9 (1999-06-01)
African rural labour, income diversification & livelihood approaches: a long‐term development perspective (1999-06-01)
In memoriam Stephen Riley 1949–1999 (1999-06-01)
Technology Paradigms and the Innovation—Appropriation Interface: An Examination of the Nature and Scope of Plant Breeders' Rights (1999-06-01)
Management of Basic Research and Development: Lessons from the Australian Experience (1999-06-01)
The Changing Location of Intellectual Property Rights in Music: A Study of Music Publishers, Collecting Societies and Media Conglomerates (1999-06-01)
Book notes (1999-06-01)
ROAPE on the world wide web (1999-06-01)
Pastoralists & politicians in Kenya (1999-06-01)
News (1999-06-01)
Restoration Education Efforts In India (1999-04-01)
How Do People Organise Their Photographs? (1999-04-01)
VirtualWWW Documents: a Concept to Explicit the Structure of WWWSites (1999-04-01)
Can Rule-Based Indexing Support Concept-BasedMultimedia Retrieval in Digital Libraries? Some Experimental Results ∗ (1999-04-01)
MIRA - Index (1999-04-01)
The word association methodology - a gateway to work-task based retrieval (1999-04-01)
Sequence Models for Automatic Highlighting and Surface Information Extraction (1999-04-01)
Flood Pulsing In Restoration : A Feasible Option for India (1999-04-01)
Eco - Restoration : Principels & Practice (1999-04-01)
The Application of Work Tasks in connection with the Evaluation of Interactive Information Retrieval Systems: Empirical Results (1999-04-01)
The Automatic Generation of Templates for Automatic Abstracting (1999-04-01)
Information Seeking as Explorative Learning (1999-04-01)
Restoration Of A Degraded Land in A High Rainfall Area (1999-04-01)
Knowledge Management and Information Retrieval: Some New Challenges (1999-04-01)
Toward a theoretical framework for information retrieval (IR) evaluation in an information seeking context (1999-04-01)
Restoring Natural Capital (1999-04-01)
Normalization and Matching in the DORO System (1999-04-01)
A Two-time Model for Video Content Representation and Retrieval (1999-04-01)
Process and outcome: On the evaluation of IR systems in the age of interaction, GUIs and multimedia (1999-04-01)
IR and the Dialectic of Meaning (1999-04-01)
Restoration : What Is It? (1999-04-01)
Negotiating a Multidimensional Framework for Relevance Space (1999-04-01)
21st Annual BCS-IRSG Colloquium on IR - Index (1999-04-01)
User Interface Issues for Browsing Digital Video (1999-04-01)
Document Clustering for Mediated Information Access (1999-04-01)
Clustering Information Retrieval Search Outputs (1999-04-01)
Reassessing and extending the Precision and Recall concepts (1999-04-01)
Restoration of Degraded Lands : An Ecological Perspective (1999-04-01)
Ecological Restoration : Old Fort Bayou Tract Near Ocean Springs, Mississippi, U.S.A. (1999-04-01)
Improving Index Structures for Structured Document Retrieval (1999-04-01)
Measuring the Agreement Among Relevance Judges (1999-04-01)
The Perceived Similarity of Photos - A Test-Collection Based Evaluation Framework for the Content-Based Image Retrieval Algorithms 1 (1999-04-01)
An Empirical Study of Memory and Information Retrieval with a Spatial User Interface (1999-04-01)
Editorial working group (1999-03-01)
Africa, asia & anxieties about globalisation (1999-03-01)
Scientific and Technological Achievements Related to the Development of European Cities, Sergei Radautsan and George Parissakis (Eds), Dordrecht, Kluwer, 1997, xxi + 323 pp., US$185.00, ISM 0-7923-4340-9 (1999-03-01)
Understanding Novelty: Information, Technological Change, and the Patent System, Thomas Mandeville Norwood, New Jersey, Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1996, viii + 122 pp., US$30.00, ISBN 0-89391-632-3 (1999-03-01)
New hope for Somalia? The building block approach (1999-03-01)
Introduction to Economic Growth, Charles I. Jones New York, W. W. Norton & Company, 1998, xii + 200 pp., AU$41.95, ISBN 0-393-97174-0 (1999-03-01)
Parliamentary opposition & democratic consolidation in South Africa (1999-03-01)
Why is nobody listening? The issue of ‘GMOV's’ (1999-03-01)
Entrepreneurship: Perspectives on Theory Building, Ivan Bull, Howard Thomas and Gary Willard (Eds), Oxford, Pergamon, 1995, x + 182 pp., AU$62.00, ISRN 0-08-042413-9 (1999-03-01)
Revisiting Intellectual Property Policy: Information Economics for the Information Age (1999-03-01)
New Euro challenges Dollar hegemony: impact on SADC still to come (1999-03-01)
International Journal of Enviromnent and Pollution. Special Issue: Integrated Regional Health and Enviromnental Risk AssessIllent and Safety Management, Vol. 6, Nos. 4–6, 1996, Adrian V. Gheorghe (Ed.) Geneoa-Aeroport, Suntredand, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd with the cooperation and assistance if the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizauon, 1996, pp. 349–784, no price available, ISSN 0957–4352 (1999-03-01)
Book notes (1999-03-01)
Books received (1999-03-01)
Re‐forming the state? Kleptocracy & the political transition in Kenya (1999-03-01)
Declaration de la coalition anti-guerre des femmes Africaines (1999-03-01)
From Central State to Free Global Market Economy, C. Corsi, S. Kudrya and C. Cardone (Eds) Dordrecht, Kluioer, 1997, xiv + 196 pp., US$1l5.00, ISBN 0-7923-4520-7 (1999-03-01)
Perspectives on Strategy: Contributions of Michael E. Porter, F. A. J. van den Bosch and S. P. de Man (Eds) Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, 107 pp., $US69.95, ISBN 0 7923 9895 5 (1999-03-01)
Book reviews (1999-03-01)
The Higher Moral Panic: Academic Scientism and its Quarrels with Science and Technology Studies (1999-03-01)
The EU & structural adjustment: the case of Lomé IV & Zimbabwe (1999-03-01)
Ghana's drug economy: some preliminary data (1999-03-01)
R&D Funding in India: An Empirical Study (1999-03-01)
National parks & biodiversity conservation: problems with participatory forestry management (1999-03-01)
Erratum (1999-03-01)
The Web of Technology and People: Challenges for Economic and Social Research (1999-03-01)
Nigeria & the drugs war (1999-03-01)
Caring Machines. EIIlerging Practices ofWork and Coordination in the Use of Medical Ernengency Cornmunicaeion Technology, Aksel Hagen Tjora Trondheim, Nonooy, Faculty of Social Science and Technology Management, Norwegian Unuersity of Science and Technology, 1997, xviii + 243 pp., no price available, ISBN 82-7861-081-9 (1999-03-01)
European union aid scandal (1999-03-01)
West African workshop on women in the aftermath of civil war: 11 to 13 December 1998, CESAG, Dakar, Senegal (1999-03-01)
Public Science and Public Policy in Victorian England, Roy MacLeod, Aldershot, Hampshire, Variorum, 1996, xiv + 325 pp., £ 51.50, ISBN 0-86078-535-1 (1999-03-01)
Khatt & the realities of Somalis: historic, social, household, political & economic (1999-03-01)
Africa & the drugs trade (1999-03-01)
Between Supply and Demand: Permanent Skilled Migration to Australia (1999-03-01)
The Political EconOlny of Teleconununications Reform in Developing Countries: Privatization and Liberalization in Comparative Perspective, Ben Petrazzini, Wesport, Connecticut, Praeger, xiii + 221 pp., US$59.95, ISBN 0-275-95294-0 (1999-03-01)
The Four Largest South Korean Business Groups and Foreign Technology: Acquisition of Technology and Foreign Direct Investment (1999-03-01)
Trademark Image Retrieval Using Multiple Features (1999-02-01)
Image Browsing and Navigation Using Hierarchical Classification (1999-02-01)
Spatial Colour Matching for Content Based Retrieval and Navigation (1999-02-01)
Metadata for images: emerging practice and standards (1999-02-01)
Robustness of Shape Similarity Retrieval under Affine Transformation (1999-02-01)
The Informedia Digital Video Library System at the Open University (1999-02-01)
Colour Indexing Across Illumination (1999-02-01)
Image and Video Searching on the World Wide Web (1999-02-01)
Global Semantic Classification of Scenes using Power Spectrum Templates (1999-02-01)
Content-Based Retrieval for European Image Libraries (1999-02-01)
Evaluation of Automatic Shot Boundary Detection on a Large Video Test Suite (1999-02-01)
A Flexible Architecture for Content and Concept Based Multimedia Information Exploration (1999-02-01)
Challenge of Image Retrieval - Index (1999-02-01)
Building systems to block pornography (1999-02-01)