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      Evidenzbasiertes Wildtiermanagement 

      Der Nordamerikanische Waschbär in Deutschland – Hintergrund, Konfliktfelder & Managementmaßnahmen

      , ,
      Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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          Der Nordamerikanische Waschbär gehört zu den gebietsfremden Vertretern der deutschen Raubsäugerfauna und ist eine der am stärksten omnivor ausgerichteten Säugetierarten weltweit. Der seit Ende der 1930er-Jahre in Deutschland angesiedelte Kleinbär wird in den letzten Jahren vermehrt als Gefahr für einheimische Tierarten sowie als potenzieller Krankheitsüberträger wahrgenommen. Aufgrund seiner anpassungsfähigen, urbanophilen Lebensweise nehmen auch Mensch-Waschbär-Interaktionen und damit verbundene Problemfelder im Siedlungsraum zu. Der Artikel fasst den aktuellen Kenntnisstand zu den Auswirkungen der Waschbärenbesiedlung in Deutschland zusammen, gibt einen Überblick zum rechtlichen Status des Neubürgers und stellt konkrete Managementmaßnahmen und Handlungsempfehlungen als Resultat von Freilandforschung und Praxiserfahrung vor, mit denen die wesentlichen Konfliktfelder nachhaltig und effektiv minimiert werden können.


          The North American raccoon is an introduced carnivore species in Germany and one of the most omnivorous mammal species worldwide. Established in Germany since the end of the 1930s, the procyonid has become increasingly perceived as a threat to native species as well as a potential vector of disease in recent years. Due to its adaptable, urbanophilic lifestyle, human-raccoon interactions and associated problems in settlement areas are also increasing. The article summarises the current state of knowledge on the impacts of raccoon settlement in Germany and provides an overview of the legal status of the newcomer. Concrete management measures and recommendations for action are presented as a result of field research and practical experience. In this way, the areas of conflict caused by the raccoon presence can be minimised sustainably and effectively.

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          Global biodiversity scenarios for the year 2100.

          Scenarios of changes in biodiversity for the year 2100 can now be developed based on scenarios of changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide, climate, vegetation, and land use and the known sensitivity of biodiversity to these changes. This study identified a ranking of the importance of drivers of change, a ranking of the biomes with respect to expected changes, and the major sources of uncertainties. For terrestrial ecosystems, land-use change probably will have the largest effect, followed by climate change, nitrogen deposition, biotic exchange, and elevated carbon dioxide concentration. For freshwater ecosystems, biotic exchange is much more important. Mediterranean climate and grassland ecosystems likely will experience the greatest proportional change in biodiversity because of the substantial influence of all drivers of biodiversity change. Northern temperate ecosystems are estimated to experience the least biodiversity change because major land-use change has already occurred. Plausible changes in biodiversity in other biomes depend on interactions among the causes of biodiversity change. These interactions represent one of the largest uncertainties in projections of future biodiversity change.
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            The need for evidence-based conservation.

            Much of current conservation practice is based upon anecdote and myth rather than upon the systematic appraisal of the evidence, including experience of others who have tackled the same problem. We suggest that this is a major problem for conservationists and requires a rethinking of the manner in which conservation operates. There is an urgent need for mechanisms that review available information and make recommendations to practitioners. We suggest a format for web-based databases that could provide the required information in accessible form.
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              Mesopredator release and avifaunal extinctions in a fragmented system


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                Book Chapter
                January 26 2023
                : 59-102


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