Designed for researchers and students without an extensive quantitative background, this book offers an informative guide to the application, interpretation, and pitfalls of structural equation modeling (SEM) in psychology and the social sciences. This is an accessible volume which covers introductory techniques, including path analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, and provides an overview of more advanced methods, such as the evaluation of nonlinear effects, the analysis of means in covariance structure models, and latent growth models for longitudinal data. Providing examples from various disciplines to illustrate all aspects of SEM, the author offers clear instructions on the preparation and screening of data, common mistakes to avoid, and features of widely used software programs (Amos, EQS, and LISREL). Readers will acquire the skills necessary to begin to use SEM in their own research, and to interpret and critique the use of the method by others, making this a valuable text for students of psychology, communication sciences, education, sociology, and related fields.<br>