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      Dermatologie und Venerologie 



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          B Herwaldt (1999)
          In 1903, Leishman and Donovan separately described the protozoan now called Leishmania donovani in splenic tissue from patients in India with the life-threatening disease now called visceral leishmaniasis. Almost a century later, many features of leishmaniasis and its major syndromes (ie, visceral, cutaneous, and mucosal) have remained the same; but also much has changed. As before, epidemics of this sandfly-borne disease occur periodically in India and elsewhere; but leishmaniasis has also emerged in new regions and settings, for example, as an AIDS-associated opportunistic infection. Diagnosis still typically relies on classic microbiological methods, but molecular-based approaches are being tested. Pentavalent antimony compounds have been the mainstay of antileishmanial therapy for half a century, but lipid formulations of amphotericin B (though expensive and administered parenterally) represent a major advance for treating visceral leishmaniasis. A pressing need is for the technological advances in the understanding of the immune response to leishmania and the pathogenesis of leishmaniasis to be translated into field-applicable and affordable methods for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of this disease.
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            Nova tripanozomiaze humana: estudos sobre a morfolojia e o ciclo evolutivo do Schizotrypanum cruzi n. gen., n. sp., ajente etiolojico de nova entidade morbida do homem

            1º O Schizotrypanum cruzi apresenta, no organismo do conorrino, duas modalidades de desenvolvimento, reprezentando a primeira simples cultura do parazito; a outra, provavelmente precedida de fenomenos sexuais não surpreendidos, será, talvez, o ciclo evolutivo, eficaz na transmissão entre os vertebrados. 2º O Conorhinus é um verdadeiro hospede intermediario do Schizotrypanum, cujo ciclo é realizado num prazo minimo de 8 dias. 3º Os flajelados, com tipo de critidias encontrados nos conorrinos em liberdade, podem reprezentar estádios culturais do Schizotrypanum ou serão parazitos excluzivos do inséto. 4º A ocurrencia do ciclo evolutivo sexuado, no organismo do conorrino, depende de condição não explicada, dos flajelados no sangue dos vertebrados. Ao terminar, cumprimos o grato dever de afirmar o maior reconhecimento ao nosso mestre e Diretor Dr. Gonçalves Cruz, a cuja orientação devemos o rezultado destas pesquizas. Somos ainda profundamente grato aos nosso mestres, Professores S. von PROWAZEK e M. HARTMANN, de quem recebemos os melhores ensinamentos para concluzão deste trabalho. Tambem somos em extremo obrigado ao Dr. ADOLPHO LUTZ, cujo auxilio nos foi do mais alto proveito. Tivemos sempre, como esforçado companheiro de trabalho na zona infestada pela nova especie morbida, o Dr. BELISARIO PENNA, a quem devemos os inestimaveis proveitos de um auxilio eficaz.
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              Practical guide for the treatment of leishmaniasis.

              This article summarises the clinical features of visceral, cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, and leishmaniasis in HIV-coinfected patients. The characteristics and clinical use of pentavalent antimonials and the traditional drugs used in all forms of leishmaniasis are described. There have been important developments in therapy, such as aminosidine (paromomycin) conventional amphotericin B and lipid-associated amphotericin B. In most cases of leishmaniasis there is a range of treatment options which is determined by the geographical and clinical features. This review is intended to assist the clinician in choosing treatment and in using unfamiliar drugs with safety and efficacy.

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                Book Chapter
                : 283-291


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