In this work, we study explosive percolation (EP) in Barab\'{a}si-Albert (BA) network, in which nodes are born with degree k=m, for both product rule (PR) and sum rule (SR) of the Achlioptas process. For m=1 we find that the critical point tc=1 which is the maximum possible value of the relative link density t; Hence we cannot have access to the other phase like percolation in one dimension. However, for m>1 we find that tc decreases with increasing m and the critical exponents ν,α,β and γ for m>1 are found to be independent not only of the value of m but also of PR and SR. It implies that they all belong to the same universality class like EP in the Erd\"{o}s-R\'{e}nyi network. Besides, the critical exponents obey the Rushbrooke inequality in the form α+2β+γ=2+ϵ with 0<ϵ<<1.