Objetivo Determinar la frecuencia de agenesia dental en dentición permanente. Materiales y Métodos Se incluyeron 112 pacientes que acudieron al servicio de imagenología de la Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, de enero a julio del 2008, mayores de 13 años, sin extracciones dentales ni síndromes genéticos, a quienes se les tomó ortopantomografía. Se registraron variables sociodemográficas y antecedentes familiares de agenesia dental. La información se procesó en SPSS 15,0. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para determinar la frecuencia de agenesia. Para evaluar la asociación de agenesia con sexo, antecedente familiar, y línea familiar se usó X2. Resultados En el grupo estudiado el 53 % fueron mujeres, la media de edad fue 22±4,7 años. El 26 % presentó agenesia, 21,4 % tuvo agenesia de al menos un tercer molar, el 4,5 % mostró agenesia de otros dientes. Las líneas familiares paterna y materna mostraron proporciones similares. Agenesia dental y sexo son independientes X2=0,881, p=0,348. Antecedente familiar y línea familiar mostraron asociación significativa, p<0,001. Conclusiones La proporción global de agenesia dental fue de 26 %. El sexo y agenesia dental son independientes. Los antecedentes familiares de agenesia se asocian significativamente a la agenesia dental.
Objective This study was aimed at determining the prevalence of dental agenesis in permanent dentition. Materials and Methods A group of 112 patients who came to UNAM’s Dental School imaging department from January to July 2008 were included in the study. The patients had to be over 13 years old, having had no dental extractions or genetic syndromes. A panoramic radiography was taken of each of them. Sociodemographic variables and family history of dental agenesis were recorded. SPSS 15.0 was used for processing the information. Descriptive statistics were used for determining agenesis frequency; X2 was used for assessing agenesis association with gender, family history and family line. Results 53 % of the group being studied were female; mean age was 22±4.7. 26 % of the patients presented dental agenesis (21.4 % of at least one third molar, 4.5 % presented other tooth agenesis). Both paternal and maternal family lines had similar percentages regarding a background of agenesis. Dental agenesis and sex were independent (X2=0.881; p=0.348). Family history and family line showed a significant association (p<0.001). Conclusions There was 26 % overall dental agenesis. Gender and dental agenesis were independent. A family background of agenesis was significantly associated with dental agenesis.