See Clinical Research on Page 2096
Since the introduction of the first pediatric renal replacement therapy program in
the 1960s, the number of infants and young children started on renal replacement therapy
has gradually increased, and is currently 28.0 to 32.1 per million age-related population.S1
Despite significant improvements in the care of infants and young children on dialysis,
registry data highlight that the mortality risk remains the highest in this particular
age group.S2 Indeed, infants on dialysis face several challenges such as a longer
waiting time on dialysis before kidney transplantation, higher rates of hospitalizations,
and a high prevalence of severe comorbidities such as bone fractures, infections,
and failure to thrive.
Multiple factors contributing to the systemic disease of children with kidney failure
have been identified. These factors include dysregulation of homeostasis; accumulation
of toxic organic metabolites; treatment-specific symptoms related to dialysis; disease-related
symptoms, for example due to syndromic causes; and disturbance in renal endocrine
function leading to anemia and chronic kidney disease- mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD).
From registry data, we have learned that inadequate CKD-MBD control is prevalent in
infancy. In a study from the International Pediatric Dialysis Network Registry, including
890 children on peritoneal dialysis from 24 countries, less than 20% of children had
parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels within the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative
limits. Moreover, PTH level above twice the upper normal limit was found in 39% of
infants and 54% of children aged between 1 and years.
High quality studies comparing patient outcomes in infants and young children in relation
to various PTH targets are lacking. Therefore, the general consensus is maintaining
the balance between too high and too low PTH by following temporal trends rather single
time-point values and considering other biochemical parameters of CKD-MBD such as
calcium, phosphorus, bicarbonate, 25 hydroxyvitamin D, and alkaline phosphatase levels.
Of note, in the International Pediatric Dialysis Network Registry study, only half
of the children younger than 5 years had calcium and phosphorus levels within the
Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative recommendations.
The management strategies of hyperparathyroidism in infants and young children on
dialysis include native and activated vitamin D analogues, dietary and pharmacological
control of hypophosphatemia and hyperphosphatemia, adjustments of dialysis prescription,
and parathyroidectomy in highly selected cases as a last resort option. In the past
decennia, calcimimetics, cinacalcet and more recently, etelcalcetide have emerged
as efficient pharmacological options in lowering PTH. Cinacalcet is an allosteric
modulator of the calcium-sensing receptor expressed in the parathyroid glands (Figure 1).
It enhances the calcium-sensing receptor sensitivity for extracellular Ca, resulting
in reduced serum PTH, Ca, and P levels, allowing better control of secondary hyperparathyroidism.
In adults, the use of calcimimetics aids in maintaining PTH within targets and reduces
fibroblast growth factor 23 levels, whereas the results on the effects on the all-cause
mortality and cardiovascular mortality are inconclusive.
Beside the effects of cinacalcet on PTH and fibroblast growth factor 23, animal studies
(i.e., uremic rats) have also shown that the combined treatment of cinacalcet and
activated vitamin D analogues resulted in an increased number of osteoblasts, and
a decreased osteoid along with over 50% decrease in vascular calcification in comparison
to activated vitamin D analogues alone.S3
Figure 1
Mechanism of action of cinacalcet.S6
S7 CaSR, calcium sensing receptor; PTH, parathyroid hormone. The figure was created
by Evelien Snauwaert using Bio.Render.
There is also some evidence on the use of cinacalcet in pediatric patients, including
2 randomized controlled trials, prospective observational studies, and retrospective
In 2017, the European Medical Agency approved the use of cinacalcet in children on
dialysis with refractory secondary hyperparathyroidism; and in 2020, the position
statement for cinacalcet use in children was issued by the European Society for Paediatric
Nephrology and the Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorders Working Group
of the ERA-EDTA.
Infants and young children on dialysis constitute a small, but a very challenging
group of patients due to their intensive skeletal growth and specific dietary requirements,
including sufficient calcium supply. Considering the growing life expectancy, complications
of deranged CKD-MBD parameters may carry major repercussions on cardiovascular morbidity
and mortality. The recent paper of Bernardor et al.
adds to the existing evidence by providing clinical and biochemical data on 26 children
younger than 3 years treated with cinacalcet. Although Bernardor et al.
reported that treatment with cinacalcet resulted in a significant reduction in PTH
levels, there was a considerable proportion of children with side effects such as
hypocalcemia and precocious puberty. Although the authors report no significant improvement
in height z-score under cinacalcet therapy, these findings should be interpreted with
caution, given that 7 out of 26 patients were concomitantly treated with recombinant
growth hormone and the fact that in this particular age group nutrition is the essential
factor impacting statural growth. In line with the authors’ concern, attention should
be drawn to the high proportion of children with hypophosphatemia both at cinacalcet
initiation (77%) and at their 1-year follow-up (79%). Infants have high demands for
both calcium and phosphorus to ensure a positive mineral balance and endochondral
ossification and prevent skeletal deformities, bone pain, and growth delay.S4 Hypophosphatemia
is a recognized risk factor for mineralization abnormalities and rickets, and maintaining
phosphorus levels within normal range for age is essential in the management of CKD-MBD
during infancy.
Along with the presence of hypophosphatemia, more than half of the patients (58%)
in the study were deficient or insufficient for vitamin D and a small group of children
(12%) were hypocalcemic at cinacalcet initiation, which poses the question of if hypocalcemic
complications could have been prevented in infants with optimal vitamin D status,
normophosphatemia, and plasma calcium levels within the (higher) normal range for
age prior to initiation of cinacalcet. An additional risk of potentially life threatening
hypocalcemic complications in infants treated with cinacalcet might also lay in its
starting dose. In the retrospective case series of Bernardor et al.
the average initial starting dose was 2 times above the recommended starting dose,
and the cinacalcet dose was higher in patients experiencing hypocalcemic episodes.
Further research is needed to identify the benefits and potential harms of cinacalcet
in infants and young children, with a particular focus on relevant outcomes beyond
the surrogate marker PTH, such as the fracture risk, cardiovascular disease, statural
growth, bone mineralization, and vascular calcification.
Taken together, these data clearly indicate the clinical need to standardize the management
of CKD-MBD in the youngest children and by extension in other understudied populations
such as predialysis children or pediatric kidney transplant recipients.
S5 The high prevalence of hypocalcemic episodes in the reported cohort suggests the
potential benefit of using cinacalcet with low to moderate doses of activated vitamin
D analogues.
All the authors declared no competing interests.