Advanced head & neck cancer, after a first treatment, has an high rate of relapse locally or in the lymph nodes. Aim of present study is to value the option and the results in salvage surgery of 62 patients (55 male, 7 female, mean age 53,2) with cancer of the larynx and pyriform sinus, previously treated by surgery or radiotherapy; 45,2% showed relapse on T side, 25,5% in the nodes, 29% both. During follow-up, 3,2% showed a second primitive cancer, 9,6% still present disease. Overall survival rate is 72,6% after 3 years (86,2% for early cancers, 54,5% in advanced ones), 50.6% after 5 years (65,5% for early, 36,4% in advanced). Laryngeal cancers presented better survival rate (54% at 5 years) after salvage surgery than ipopharynx (33% at 5 years). Therefore in ipophaynx cancers we think it is useful to programme aggressive treatment also in early cancer. In our experience in larynx recurrence suvracricoid surgery is really suitable.