We present in this paper a simple and unequivocal prediction on the deformation of the compact star, that will be measured in gravity waves, with an EoS obtained in renormailzation-group implemented effective field theory anchored on scale and hidden-local symmetric Lagrangian endowed with topology change . The objective is not to offer a superior or improved EoS for compact stars but to confront with a forthcoming astrophysical observable the given model formulated in what is considered to be consistent with the premise of QCD. The model so obtained is found to satisfactorily describe the observation of a 2-solar mass neutron star with a minimum number of parameters. Specifically the observable we are considering in this paper is the tidal deformability parameter λ (equivalently the Love number, k2) in gravity waves. The merit of our prediction is that the prediction can be readily confirmed or falsified by forth-coming aLIGO and aVirgo gravity-wave observations and provide a valuable guidance for arriving at a better understanding of highly compressed baryonic matter.