In this work we have studied the quantum statistical properties of the photon emitted from a driven microcavity embedded with a single armchair-edged graphene nanoribbon (GNR). The system is coherently pumped with weak laser amplitude. Analytical expressions are derived in both strong and weak coupling regimes and the nonclassical proprieties of the emitted field have been investigated. Furthermore, it is concluded that this excitonic system presents several statistical similarities to the atomic system, in particular for the bad-cavity and good-cavity limits in the weak laser amplitude regime. We have shown that independently of the excitonic nonlinearity, which describes the interaction strength of the excitons in GNRs, the autocorrelation function is antibunched for an exciton cooperativity value range. More interestingly, it is demonstrated that the exciton-exciton interaction strength in GNR can be deduced from the value of the autocorrelation function at zero time delay of {\tau}=0. Our theoretical results demonstrated that a microcavity embedded with a single GNR can serve as a nanophotonic device and a useful analysis method for a deep understanding of excitonic properties of GNRs.