We show that, for a positive integer r, every minimal 1-saturating set in PG(r−1,2) of size at least 11/362r+3 is either a complete cap or can be obtained from a complete cap S by fixing some s∈S and replacing every point s′∈S∖{s} by the third point on the line through s and s′. Stated algebraically: if G is an elementary abelian 2-group and a set A⊆G∖{0} with |A|>11/36|G|+3 satisfies A∪2A=G and is minimal subject to this condition, then either A is a maximal sum-free set, or there are a maximal sum-free set S⊆G and an element s∈S such that A={s}∪(s+(S∖{s})). Since, conversely, every set obtained in this way is a minimal 1-saturating set, and the structure of large sum-free sets in an elementary 2-group is known, this provides a complete description of large minimal 1-saturating sets. Our approach is based on characterizing those large sets A in elementary abelian 2-groups such that, for every proper subset B of A, the sumset 2B is a proper subset of 2A.