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    Review of 'An Overview of COVID-19 Pandemic: Emphasis on Vaccines and Unvaccinated'

    An Overview of COVID-19 Pandemic: Emphasis on Vaccines and UnvaccinatedCrossref
    Average rating:
        Rated 5 of 5.
    Level of importance:
        Rated 5 of 5.
    Level of validity:
        Rated 5 of 5.
    Level of completeness:
        Rated 5 of 5.
    Level of comprehensibility:
        Rated 5 of 5.
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    Reviewed article

    • Record: found
    • Abstract: found
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    Is Open Access

    An Overview of COVID-19 Pandemic: Emphasis on Vaccines and Unvaccinated

    Since December 2019, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (causing Coronavirus disease 2019” (COVID-19) has rapidly spread around the world and it is responsible for more than 187 million cases diagnosed and 5 million deaths. Health, education, and economic threats caused governments and institutions to take preventive measures against the spread of the disease. At the city levels the measures include shutdown of businesses such as cinemas and theaters, cancellation of other mass gatherings, school closure, closing workplace. At the individual level preventive and control measures include face masks, frequent hand washing, and getting vaccinated. Various platforms for vaccine development are available with each proven to be relatively safe and highly effective at preventing the infection and serious illness from COVID-19. However, a growing number of peoples around the world are reluctant to receive recommendations or expressing hesitancy. Vaccine hesitancy is defined as the delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccine despite availability of vaccine services. This review is aimed at providing an overview of COVID-19 with more emphasis on vaccines and vaccine hesitancy.

      Review information

      This work has been published open access under Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Conditions, terms of use and publishing policy can be found at www.scienceopen.com.

      Agriculture,Social & Behavioral Sciences,Life sciences
      Corona virus, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Vaccines, Vaccine hesitancy,COVID-19,Corona virus,Vaccine hesitancy,SARS-CoV-2,Vaccines

      Review text

      ● Whether it is clear what is already known about this topic
      ● Clearly defined research question
      ● For this topic, if the research question is justified


      ● The subject selection process is clear.
      ● If the variables are adequately defined and measured
      ● The study methods, if they are valid and reliable.
      ● Whether there are enough details to replicate the study



      Abstract, title and references:

      ●The goal is clear

      ● It is clear what the study found and how it did it.

      ● The title is informative and relevant.

      ● References: They are relevant and Recent

      ● They are mentioned correctly

      ● The studies are key and appropriate, they are included in the article.


      ● Whether it is clear what is already known about this topic

      ● Clearly defined research question

      ● For this topic, if the research question is justifiedmethods

      ● The topic selection process is clear.

      ● If the variables are adequately defined and measured

      ● The study methods, if they are valid and reliable.

      ● Whether there are enough details to replicate the study


      ● Data is presented appropriately.

      ● Tables and figures are relevant and clearly presented.

      ● Appropriate units, rounding, and number of decimal places

      ● Titles, columns and rows labeled correctly and clearly.

      ● Categories grouped appropriately

      ● The text of the results is added to the data.

      ● It is a statistically significant result.

      ● It is a significant result in practice

      Discussions and conclusions

      If the results are discussed from multiple angles and placed in context without over interpreting them.

      ● If the conclusions respond to the objectives of the study

      ● The conclusions, if they are supported by references or results

      ● The conclusions indicate with scientific rigor the purpose of carrying out future research on the topic of the article.

      In general

      It is adequate to answer the objective.

      ● Added more interest than was already known on this topic.

      ● If it is coherent in itself

      2023-08-07 17:29 UTC

      Estimado Prof.Dr.Mauricio Martí-Brenes,Estaría muy agradecido si usted, como experto en el campo, considerara revisar esta publicación:Título de la publicación:  "Una descripción general de la pandemia de COVID-19: Énfasis en las vacunas y los no vacunados"Fuente: ScienceOpen PreprintsAutores: Akamu Ewunkem, Uchenna Iloghalu, Tiffany MuseHáganos saber si está dispuesto a revisar este artículo antes del 5 de junio de 2023 confirmando aquí  .

      Akamu Ewunkem



      El título y el resumen del artículo son apropiados

      El propósito del artículo y su importancia se establece claramente

      Los métodos de estudio son sólidos y apropiados

      La redacción es clara y concisa

      Las conclusiones o el resumen son precisos y están respaldados por el contenido

      El artículo es de interés para los miembros de la comunidad de investigación educativa

      Publicar, no se sugieren modificaciones significativas

      Publicar Sí
      Rechazar, no 
      volver a revisar
      ¿Le gustaría volver a revisar el manuscrito revisado por el autor?
      Tiene rigor científico y metodología de investigación, es útil y considero que se puede publicar para darle seguimiento en el ámbito académico.

      Resumen, título y referencias:

      ●El objetivo es claro

      ● Está claro lo que encontró el estudio y cómo lo hizo.

      ● El título es informativo y relevante.

      ● Las referencias: Son relevantes y Recientes

      ● Se mencionan correctamente

      ● Los estudios son claves y apropiados, se incluyen en el artículo.




      ● Si está claro lo que ya se sabe sobre este tema

      ● Pregunta de investigación claramente definida

      ● Para este tema, si la pregunta de investigación está justificada




      ● El proceso de selección de temas es claro.

      ● Si las variables están adecuadamente definidas y medidas

      ● Los métodos de estudio, si son válidos y fiables.

      ● Si hay suficientes detalles para replicar el estudio




      ● Los datos se presentan de forma adecuada.

      ● Las tablas y figuras son relevantes y están claramente presentadas.

      ● Unidades apropiadas, redondeo y cantidad de lugares decimales

      ● Títulos, columnas y filas etiquetados de forma correcta y clara.

      ● Categorías agrupadas adecuadamente

      ● El texto de los resultados se agrega a los datos.

      ● Es un resultado estadísticamente significativo.

      ● Es un resultado significativo en la práctica



      Discusiones y conclusiones

      Si los resultados se discuten desde múltiples ángulos y se colocan en contexto sin sobreinterpretarlos.

      ● Si las conclusiones responden a los objetivos del estudio

      ● Las conclusiones, si están respaldadas por referencias o resultados

      ● Las conclusiones señalan con rigurosidad científica el proposito de realizar futuras investigaciones sobre el tema del artículo.



      En general

      Es adecuado para responder al objetivo.

      ● Se agregó más interés del que ya se conocía sobre este tema.

      ● Si es coherente en sí mismo





      2023-05-13 02:06 UTC
      One person recommends this

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