Bristol University Press: COVID-19

COVID-19 is having a significant impact on our societies on many different levels. This collection explores some of the social impacts of the pandemic, including research into the role of COVID-19 in shifting the boundaries of political power, growing levels of poverty, increased social isolation and the demands placed on the third sector.

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Bristol University Press: COVID-19 


COVID-19 is having a significant impact on our societies on many different levels. This collection explores some of the social impacts of the pandemic, including research into the role of COVID-19 in shifting the boundaries of political power, growing levels of poverty, increased social isolation and the demands placed on the third sector.


This collection is free to access until 31 December. Read articles from:

Critical and Radical Social Work
Emotions and Society
Evidence & Policy
Families, Relationships and Societies
Global Disourse
International Journal of Care and Caring
Journal of Gender-Based Violence
Journal of Poverty and Social Justice
Journal of Psychosocial Studies
Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 
Voluntary Sector Review

Critical and Radical Social Work

COVID-19: changing fields of social work practice with children and young people
Joanne Dillon, Ffion Evans and Lauren Elizabeth Wroe 

Post-pandemic: moving on from ‘child protection’
Brid Featherstone, Anna Gupta and Kate Morris 

Emotions and Society

On emotionalisation of public domains
Julia Lerner and Michele Rivkin-Fish 

Out of touch, out of tune: the social-political construction of atmospheric walls during the COVID-19 pandemic first wave
Kandida Purnell

Evidence & Policy

To what extent does evidence support decision making during infectious disease outbreaks? A scoping literature review [Open Access]
Andreea Salajan et al. 

Making evidence and policy in public health emergencies: lessons from COVID-19 for adaptive evidence-making and intervention [Open Access]
Kari Lancaster, Tim Rhodes, and Marsha Rosengarten 

Families, Relationships and Societies 

Caring through a screen: caring for kin under lockdown
Rachel Benchekroun

Schooling, work and house life: women’s triple shifts in times of a global health crisis
Sara Joiko

(No) recourse to lunch: a frontline view of free school meals and immigration control during the COVID-19 pandemic
Eve Dickson

‘Er, not the best time’: methodological and ethical challenges of researching family life during a pandemic
Charlotte Faircloth, Katherine Twamley and Humera Iqbal

Global Discourse
From the themed issue: COVID-19 and the Politics of Fear

Castration anxiety, COVID-19 and the extremist right
Claudia Leeb

Politics of fear in Brazil: Far-right conspiracy theories on COVID-19
Isabela Kalil et al.

The collective disorientation of the COVID-19 crisis
Pablo Fernández Velasco, Bastien Perroy and Roberto Casati

Obedience in times of COVID-19 pandemics: a renewed governmentality of unease?
Didier Bigo, Elspeth Guild and Elif Mendos Kuskonmaz 

From the themed issue: Pandemic Politics in the Persian Gulf

Disinformation superspreaders: the weaponisation of COVID-19 fake news in the Persian Gulf and beyond
Marc Owen Jones

Rising powers and the Gulf Monarchies during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Guy Burton

International Journal of Care and Caring 

No one should die alone on our watch
Hector C. Ramos, Nathan Hashimoto and Lisa Henry 

The impact of physical distancing on socially vulnerable people needing care during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Netherlands [Open Access]
Daniel de Vries et al. 

Care goes viral: care theory and research confront the global COVID-19 pandemic
Michael Fine and Joan Tronto 

Journal of Gender-Based Violence 

Sexual violence and COVID-19: all silent on the home front
Clare Gunby et al.

Journal of Poverty and Social Justice

The Early Warning System: how frontline evidence helps us understand the UK’s social security response to COVID-19
Katie Pybus et al.

Impact of COVID-19 lockdown and social distancing policies on small businesses in south-eastern Nigeria: whither the stimulus packages?
Victor Chidubem Iwuoha et al.

India’s labour force during a pandemic: how we have failed
Sanjit Kumar Chakraborty and Kanchan Yadav

Tax reform and redistribution for a better recovery
Felix FitzRoy, and Jim Jin

Journal of Psychosocial Studies

Bodies on the line: how telepsychology brought about new relationalities between therapists and their clients during the COVID-19 pandemic
Leanne Downing

Reanimating the plague
Tom Fielder and Lizaveta van Munsteren

A new normal? The inordinate ordinary of COVID times
Ruth Sheldon

Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 

Political regimes and deaths in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic
Gabriel Cepaluni, Michael T. Dorsch and Réka Branyiczki

Rightly blamed the ‘bad guy’? Grandparental childcare and COVID-19
Christina Boll and Till Nikolka

Voluntary Sector Review

Somewhere over the rainbow ‐ third sector research in and beyond coronavirus
Rob Macmillan

The COVID-19 pandemic: the essential role of the voluntary sector in emergency response and resilience planning
Claire Bynner, Maureen McBride and Sarah Weakley

Lessons from a voluntary sector organisation working to address loneliness and isolation among older people during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ruth Naughton-Doe, Andrea Wigfield, and Charlene Martin

‘Never more needed’ yet never more stretched: reflections on the role of the voluntary sector during the COVID-19 pandemic
Harriet Thiery et al.

Collection Information

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