UUM Press - Universiti Utara Malaysia

UUM Press publishes original works in Malay and English as well as works that are translated into Malay. Priority is given to works in fields related to the academic focus of UUM. However, suitable general titles with market potential and potential for knowledge dissemination are also encouraged.

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Vision, Mission & Slogan



  • To become a centre of excellence in scholarly publishing
  • Menjadi pusat penerbitan ilmiah yang cemerlang



  • To generate high quality scholarly publishing
  • Menjana penerbitan ilmiah yang berkualiti



  • Scholarly Publishing is Our Business
  • Penerbitan Ilmiah Keutamaan Kami




UUM Press publishes original works in Malay and English as well as works that are translated into Malay. Priority is given to works in fields related to the academic focus of UUM. However, suitable general titles with market potential and potential for knowledge dissemination are also encouraged.

To produce works that are clear, accurate and easily understood, authors are not encouraged to write in a language that they have not properly mastered. Publishing proposals are considered by the University Publication Committee which is chaired by the Vice Chancellor. Manuscripts submitted for consideration should be accompanied by an Author Information Form (according to type of publication) and Dean Recommendation Form.

The manuscripts should be original works that have not been previously published and are not being considered by other publishers. Authors are also reminded that the UUM Professional and Advanced Centre for Education (PACE) considers the publication of any module that has been commercialised for its off-campus studies without permission as a violation of its copyright. Each manuscript submitted to UUM Press should be prepared according to the format stipulated in the Guide on Manuscript Preparation. The University Publication Committee will not consider manuscripts that do not conform to this format.

The sets of forms in this guide are merely samples. Authors may download the forms from the website at http://uumpress.uum.edu.my and submit them together with the printed copy of the manuscript.

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International Journal of Banking and Finance

ISBF, published by UUM Press, provides a publication forum for international scholars in banking and finance to disseminate their theoretical, empirical and applied research of peer reviewed content. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, corporate finance, investment and portfolio analysis, financial institutions, international finance, investment banking, banking crises, credit risk modelling, risk management, financial engineering, asset pricing, derivatives, mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, behavioural finance, venture capital, real estate, accounting and financial reporting, monetary policy and financial economics.

Created on 2020-05-27

International Journal of Management Studies

International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS) (Formerly known as Jurnal Analisis) is a refereed multidisciplinary journal published by Universiti Utara Malaysia, UUM Press, in January and December. IJMS aims at publishing articles that focus on empirical studies, theoretical development and practical applications in the selected niche areas of Strategic Management, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Research & Development (R&D) Management, and International Business Management

Created on 2020-05-27

Journal of Information and Communication Technology

JICT is a double-blind peer reviewed, international academic journal published quarterly by Universiti Utara Malaysia, UUM Press. This journal covers all aspects of information and communication technology, its theories and applications. The aim of this journal is to provide coverage of the most significant research and development in the area of information and communication technology.

Created on 2020-05-27

Journal of International Studies

The Journal of International Studies is a refereed academic journal published annually by the College of Law, Government and International Studies, Universiti Utara Malaysia published by UUM Press. Its main objective is to provide a channel for the publication of articles based on empirical research, original thoughts, comparative study and commentaries in international relation studies, international business, foreign relations, diplomacy, political science, strategic and security studies, and related fields

Created on 2020-05-27

Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial

Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial (JPS) is a refereed journal published annually (July) by UUM Press for the School of Applied Psychology, Social Work and Policy, UUM College of Arts and Sciences

Created on 2020-10-26

Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction

The Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, published by UUM Press, aims to communicate research and stimulate discussion, study and critique of teaching and learning, and to encourage scholarly writing on learning and instruction. Coverage of MJLI includes, but is not limited to critical examination of ecosystems and issues surrounding the processes of meaningful teaching and learning and better educational practices.

Created on 2020-05-27

Malaysian Management Journal

The  journal provides a channel for the publication of articles based on empirical research, original thoughts, comparative studies and commentaries in business management covering the areas of process, policy, strategy, theory, and behaviour with a focus on Malaysia, the Asian region and other emerging economies. Emerging economies contribute significantly to economic growth; this, coupled with their diverse and unique culture, offers a wealth of experience and knowledge that can be learned and shared. Published by UUM Press, the MMJ provides a platform for the exchange of ideas, and sharing of thoughts, experience and knowledge, where business management, particularly in emerging economies, is concerned.

Created on 2020-05-27

UUM Journal of Legal Studies

UUMJLS seeks submission for publication of papers on areas within the law, or related to the law by synthesis with other recognized and scholarly fields. Examples could be (but not be limited to) Law and Semiotics, Law and Psychology, Law and Medicine, Law and Management, Legal Theory, Jurisprudence, Law and Rhetoric, Law and Ethics, Law and Philosophy, Law and Government, Law and Policy, Law and International Studies

Created on 2020-05-27

UUM Press Books

Vision:   To become a centre of excellence in scholarly publishing   Menjadi pusat penerbitan ilmiah yang cemerlang
Mission:   To generate high quality scholarly publishing   Menjana penerbitan ilmiah yang berkualiti

Created on 2020-06-17

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