Entomologia Generalis

Entomologia Generalis is a quarterly, peer-reviewed international Journal of General and Applied Entomology published since 1968* by Schweizerbart. Its scope covers publications on experimental, comparative and descriptive problems of all fields of research on insects and other terrestrial arthropods.

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Collection details

Entomologia Generalis - Journal of general and applied entomology


Entomologia Generalis is a quarterly, peer-reviewed international Journal of General and Applied Entomology published since 1968*. Its scope covers publications on experimental, comparative and descriptive problems of all fields of research on insects and other terrestrial arthropods.

Entomologia Generalis also publishes special issues with contributions on specific subjects and continually supplies new information about recent results and theories in entomology, relating simultaneously to various of its branches, or closely con­necting them.


Editorial emphasis

Editorial emphasis is on original research papers [6-20 printed pages]. Furthermore, reviews of topical entomological problems are accepted, as well as summaries of stan­dard research results [Reports of 6-20 printed pages]. Besides, short communications are published about new records, ideas, observations etc, as well as exchanges of views and methods [News and Views 4-10 printed pages]. Finally, preview abstracts are presented of work which is being completed, but not yet ready for publication in a more extensive form [Synopses of 2-6 printed pages] All submitted manuscripts are subject to peer review. Please submit your manuscript online, using the manuscript management system of Entomologia Generalis, where you can follow the review progress of your paper.


Follow this link to the Editorial Board



Publication Schedule

Editors and publishers intend to publish the submitted Articles, Reports, and Notes as quickly as possible following acceptance. Accepted and ready to print manuscripts are published electronically in advance and are fully citable through the assigned DOI.


For more information for authors follow this link to Instructions to Authors



Open Access Option (incl. APCs)

Entomologia Generalis offers optional Open Access publication to its authors. All papers are published under the Creative Commons CC-BY NC license, which allows free distribution, but prohibits commercial exploitation. Authors retain the copyright to their works.

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Collection Information