Journal of Urban Archaeology

The Journal of Urban Archaeology is the first dedicated scholarly journal to recognise urban archaeology as a field within its own right. Published by Brepols.

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Journal of Urban Archaeology (JUA)




Urban societies world-wide have created a remarkable and immense archaeological record, and the material yielded from urban sites, ranging from remote sensing to micromorphology, can tell us much about cultural constructions, environmental issues, and social evolution. Up to now, however, this material has often been discussed within the framework of different regional and topical approaches, despite the fact that scholars working in urban areas often face similar questions about societies, and draw on common theories, methods, and benchmark studies.

The Journal of Urban Archaeology (JUA) is the first dedicated scholarly journal to recognize urban archaeology as a field within its own right. It provides an intellectual forum for researchers working on the archaeology of urban societies and networks in all parts of the world and across all periods of time.

The journal is published twice a year.

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Double-blind undertaken by a member of the Editorial Board and/or an external specialist.



Archaeology, but incorporating wider historical, cultural and religious studies, as well as areas such as art history, philosophy, anthropology, and social sciences.



Brepols Publishers



Founding Editors


Professor Rubina Raja (Aarhus University)

Professor Søren Michael Sindbæk (Aarhus University)


The Journal of Urban Archaeology has emerged from the work done at the Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet) at Aarhus University. UrbNet is a Centre of Excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation and directed by one of JUA’s founding editors, Rubina Raja. The journal’s other founding editor, Søren Michael Sindbæk, is deputy director of the centre.



Editorial Board


Professor Shadreck Chirikure (University of Cape Town)

Dr. Manuel Fernández-Götz (University of Edinburgh)

Professor Roland Fletcher (University of Sydney)

Sir Robert Ho Tung Professor Li Liu (Stanford University)

Professor Nadine Moeller (Yale University)

Professor Rubina Raja (Aarhus University)

Professor Søren Michael Sindbæk (Aarhus University)

Professor Christopher Smith (University of St Andrews)

Professor Michael E. Smith (Arizona State University)



Editorial Assistant


Eva Mortensen (Aarhus University)




Submit an Article


Journal of Urban Archaeology welcomes contributions covering a range of subjects, from major new fieldwork in urban sites to discussions of theory and methodology, or wider studies exploring the culture, conditions, and connectivities of urban societies in the past.

Contributions can be up to 12,000 words (not including bibliography and captions), and you can have up to 25 illustrations (b/w). It is also possible to have colour plates, but please discuss this with the founding editors or the editorial assistant in advance of submission.

Before submitting, please ensure you have read the styleguides used by JUA. If your contribution does not follow the styleguides, we may reject it on those grounds. You will find a PDF with a style sheet for authors below.

Contact Information/Submissions
For general article submissions, please contact Christina Levisen (

For proposals of special issues of the journal, please contact the General Editors: Professor Rubina Raja ( or Professor Søren M. Sindbæk (

For other enquiries, contact us under

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