This is the collection of published computational tools for drug repurposing gathered by WP2 partners.
This is the collection of published computational tools for drug repurposing gathered by WP2 partners.
The publications were annotated and categorized in D2.1 based on their overall strategy, method, usability, and REPO4EU relevance.
(("drug repositioning"[Title/Abstract] OR "drug repurposing"[Title/Abstract]) AND (software[Title/Abstract] OR tool[Title/Abstract] OR "computational method"[Title/Abstract] OR algorithm[Title/Abstract] OR "bioinformatics techniques"[Title/Abstract]) AND (("machine learning" OR "deep learning" OR "network analysis" OR "text mining" OR "knowledge-based" OR "target-based" OR "pathway-based" OR "mechanism-based" OR "signature-based" OR "phenotype-based" OR "gene signature" OR "omics" OR "high-throughput screening" OR "in silico screening" OR "interaction networks" OR "signaling pathway") OR (code OR github OR package OR api OR "web app" OR "graphical user interface" OR gui))) AND ("2010"[Date - Publication] : "3000"[Date - Publication])