Revista Latina de Comunicación Social

Revista Latina de Comunicación Social (RLCS) is the journal of the Laboratory of Information Technologies and New Analyses of Social Communication (LATINA, for its Spanish acronym). RLCS is an essential publication for all communication specialists, not only within academia, but also among wide professional public, including journalists, PR practitioners, advertising professionals, etc. RLCS publishes the best original research papers—eventually reviews and book reviews—on Social Communication, bringing to its readers the most recent, broadest, and important findings in Social Communication studies.

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Collection details

Revista Latina de Comunicación Social (RLCS) is the journal of the Laboratory of Information Technologies and New Analyses of Social Communication (LATINA, for its Spanish acronym). RLCS is an essential publication for all communication specialists, not only within academia, but also among wide professional public, including journalists, PR practitioners, advertising professionals, etc. RLCS publishes the best original research papers—eventually reviews and book reviews—on Social Communication, bringing to its readers the most recent, broadest, and important findings in Social Communication studies.

Collection Information