Working to engineer a better world

We are the IET and we inspire, inform and influence the global engineering community to engineer a better world. As a diverse home across engineering and technology, we share knowledge that helps make better sense of the world in order to solve the challenges that matter. It’s why we are uniquely placed to champion engineering

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The Institution of Engineering and Technology


Our Values


Integrity - Operate professionally and ethically to gain trust.
Be open and honest with each other.
Respect everyone and value each other’s contribution.

Excellence - Work towards the highest level of service and satisfaction.
Use agile methods and seek innovative solutions to add value.
Continually improve and adopt best practices.

Teamwork - Encourage staff and volunteers to work together.
Recognise the value of talented individuals working in teams.
Be collaborative and partner with other organisations.



Key facts


Everything you need to know about the IET, how we’re structured and what we do in order to achieve our vision and mission.


Our structure

  • The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has over 168,000 members worldwide in 150 countries.
  • The Institution of Engineering and Technology is registered as a Charity in England and Wales (No. 211014) and Scotland (No. SC038698).
  • IET members operate almost 100 Local Networks as well as 22 Technical and Professional Networks.
  • The IET was formed in March 2006 by a merger of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) and the Institution of Incorporated Engineers (IIE).


What we do 

Thought leadership

  • We provide expert advice to the UK’s Parliament, Government and other agencies. Each year it makes around 30 submissions to the UK Government and the EU on engineering related policy issues.
  • We produce factfiles and briefings available to the public.
  • We are regularly in the mainstream and specialist media explaining the impacts of engineering and technology on society.


Safeguarding professional standards


Delivering world-class knowledge products and services

  • We publish more than 100 new titles every year; a rich mix of books, journals and magazines with a back catalogue of more than 500 publications.
  • 22 Technical and Professional Networks generate activities covering the full spectrum of reliable information, industry-leading events and access to expertise across the IET’s engineering and technology areas.
  • IET Inspec is the leading English language bibliographic information service for scientific and technical literature. Published by the IET, it has over 15 million records.
  • We organise over 1,500 events annually, offering over 106,000 delegates the opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing.


Providing a professional home for life for engineers and technicians 


Recognising and promoting excellence

  • Our awards programme includes awards for individual excellence, research and innovation, scholarships, travel awards, prizes and competitions within the engineering and technology sector.


Inspiring the next generation

  • IET Faraday, an award-winning educational resource, reaches all schools in the UK with the aim of enthusing young people about science, technology and engineering. This year, 180 secondary schools will take part in the Faraday Engineering Challenge Days, competing for a £1,000 prize for their school to spend on teaching resources.
  • Over 1,300 undergraduate programmes in the UK are accredited by the IET.
  • We provide almost 700 mentors to challenge and motivate the next generation of engineers and technicians.
  • Over the last three years, we have raised over £1million which has enabled us to provide further scholarships, bursaries and educational activities nationally.




AI & Robotics

‘AI & Robotics’ comprises articles from the IET’s journals covering this field, including Cognitive Computation and Systems; IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics; CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology; IET Smart Cities; IET Quantum Communication; IET Computer Vision; IET Control Theory & Applications; and IET Software. Also included are the interdisciplinary journals The Journal of Engineering and IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications, and journals that cover a research field with a strong AI underpinning, such as IET Smart Grid.  

Created on 2020-02-25

IET Power Engineering

Power Engineering collection comprises selected Open Access articles from the IET’s power and energy journals including: IET Renewable Power GenerationIET Generation, Transmission & DistributionIET Electric Power ApplicationsIET Power ElectronicsHigh VoltageIET Smart Grid; and IET Energy Systems Integration. The collection will also feature articles in the area of power and energy engineering published in the IET’s two multi-disciplinary journal: The Journal of Engineering and IET Cyber-physical Systems: Theory and Applications.

Created on 2018-12-14

Transport Engineering and Technology

Transport Engineering and Technology collection comprises selected Open Access articles from the IET’s journal covering this field including IET Intelligent Transport Systems and IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, as well as our multi-disciplinary journal The Journal of Engineering, IET Smart Cities and IET Cyber-Physical Systems & Robotics

Created on 2020-02-25

Collection Information