Amsterdam University Press Books - Open Access

As a founding member of OAPEN, AUP is at the forefront of the latest developments in Open Access policy, distribution and accessibility initiatives. We are proud to publish a third of our books in Open Access.

We aim to make Open Access accessible to as many researchers as possible with different options for publishing books, journals and conference proceedings in Open Access.

These metrics are updated across the whole ScienceOpen platform every 24 hours.

Collection details

Open Access Books

AUP publishes many humanities and social science books, from monographs to edited collections, in Open Access. All our Open Access books are published online and marketed internationally.


Research Integrity

At AUP, we are dedicated to publishing high-quality research for the academic community. All our Open Access books receive exactly the same rigorous peer review and copy-editing as our paid titles.


Global Marketing Strategy

Every Open Access title is published as a print book as well as an e-book and soon as an accessible e-pub, providing as many choices as possible to librarians and researchers.

AUP ensures excellent discoverability for every chapter, article, and book, which is essential for the impact and reception of a title. This is because all AUP titles are indexed on major indexing sites such as ProQuest, EBSCO, and WorldCat.

AUP distributes e-books on all the major platforms. You will find AUP OA titles on:
• De Gruyter
• Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
• JStor
• Project Muse


Open Access initiatives

AUP is involved with many different Open Access initiatives with the goal of making Open Access publishing accessible to all. Every year, AUP nominates book for inclusion in the Knowledge Unlatched initiative (KU); upon acceptance this initiative ensures OA free of charge for authors.

AUP also has Open Access arrangements with various institutes and ERC grant holders, read more about these partnerships on our Information for Funders and Librarians page or view the full list of partners here.

Further resources

We recommend OAPEN OA Books toolkit for researchers, which includes introductions to different aspects of open access book publishing, further reading and links to definitions of key terms. Access the toolkit here.

Collection Information