Wachholtz Verlag Books

History, Archaeology, Geography, Literary Studies – Geschichte, Archäologie, Geografie und Literaturwissenschaft 


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Wachholtz Verlag


Wachholtz is a modern academic publisher with a long history. Its publications in the field of the humanities (with a focus on history, archeology, literature, philosophy, geography) are produced according to the highest standards regarding content and aesthetics. As an international and multilingual publisher Wachholtz works together with leading academic institutions, departments, collaborative research centres and clusters of excellence. Being future-oriented, Wachholtz focuses on Open Access-publications which are gathered in this collection. 


For further information go to www.wachholtz-verlag.de 


Wachholtz ist ein modern ausgerichteter wissenschaftlicher Verlag mit langer Tradition. Der Verlag publiziert geisteswissenschaftliche Literatur und verpflichtet sich dabei zu hohen inhaltlichen und ästhetischen Ansprüchen. Im Zentrum des stetig wachsenden Programms stehen Geschichte, Archäologie, Literaturwissenschaft, Philosophie und Geografie. International und mehrsprachig aufgestellt, arbeitet Wachholtz mit führenden wissenschaftlichen Institutionen, Universitätslehrstühlen, Sonderforschungsbereichen und Exzellenzclustern zusammen. Als zukunftsorientierter Verlag ist Wachholtz fokussiert auf Open Access-Publikationen, die in dieser Collection versammelt sind. 


Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf www.wachholtz-verlag.de 



Publication Ethics and Guidelines


Wachholtz Verlag has been an established partner of scientific institutions and authors for around 100 years. Wachholtz Verlag works closely with editors and authors to ensure that ethical guidelines are adhered to both before and during the publication process, as well as after publication and during dissemination itself. Through an efficient distribution of tasks and responsibilities, compliance with international standards of publication ethics can be ensured at all times.

Wachholtz stands for high quality publications - both digital and print. To ensure this at all times, scientific publications undergo a peer review process by an expert editor on the part of the publishing institutions or by external reviewers. The responsibility and control of the peer review process is usually assumed by the publishing institution. According to the current standard, this usually means a "double-blind" procedure, which means that the reviewer and the author do not recognize each other.

All details on the distribution of tasks and the obligations we impose on ourselves, our editors and authors, and reviewers to maintain scientific quality standards can be read here.



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ScienceOpen Admin

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Hanno Kloever

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Henrike Judwitt

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Julia Matthes

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