AfricArXiv Preprints

AfricArxiv is a free and community-led digital archive for African research results.

These metrics are updated across the whole ScienceOpen platform every 24 hours.

Collection details

About AfricArXiv

We provide a non-profit platform for African scientists to upload their preprint manuscripts, accepted manuscripts (post-prints), and published papers. We also provide options to link data and code, as well as article versioning. AfricArxiv is dedicated to speeding and opening up research and collaboration for African scientists and helping to design the future of scholarly communication globally. Preprint manuscripts and other formats hosted on the AfricArxiv platform allow for free and quick dissemination and global discussion of African research output. For more information go to

This collection is sourced from the AfricArXiv repositories at Open Science Framework (OSF) and Zenodo and provides you with the opportunity to directly upload your preprint manuscript for Peer Review on the ScienceOpen platform.


How to submit a preprint manuscript

To submit a preprint manuscript via ScienceOpen, you need to have a verified ORCID digital identifier. You can find more information and register at Please read our guidelines before you submit, ensure that you comply with the checklist and provide all necessary information in your manuscript. Please also include in your manuscript a short translation of your summary in a traditional African language. For more information on language diversity in Science go to

A member of the AfricArXiv team will check the submission for formal criteria as outlined in ‘manuscript checklist’.

Upon approval of your manuscript, it will be posted online with a Crossref DOI and CC BY 4.0 attribution license. New submissions are posted online to the ScienceOpen Collection AfricArXiv Preprints at You can now invite other researchers in your field to write an Open Peer Review report.

In case of any questions please email us at


Collection Information

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