Annual Reviews Understanding Health Equity: Socioeconomic and Environmental Impacts

The burden of disease attributable to the environment and health inequity is consistently high and causing considerable burden. Since 2018, the WHO have placed renewed emphasis on health equity. In recognition of the relevant issues and the need for change, this collection of review articles focusing on the impacts of pollution, climate change, and socioeconomic risk factors has been curated and made freely available

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Annual Reviews Understanding Health Equity:

Socioeconomic and Environmental Impacts

By focusing on reducing environmental and social risk factors, nearly a quarter of the global burden of disease can be prevented. —World Health Organization (WHO)

The burden of disease attributable to the environment and health inequity is consistently high and causing considerable burden. Since 2018, the WHO have placed renewed emphasis on health equity. In recognition of the relevant issues and the need for change, this collection of review articles focusing on the impacts of pollution, climate change, and socioeconomic risk factors has been curated and made freely available.

Our Understanding Health Equity article collection includes 29 review articles from 10 Annual Reviews journals, addressing:

  • Socioeconomic determinants of health
  • Stress, Childhood Trauma, and Incarceration: Impacts on individuals, populations, and generations
  • Climate change's environmental impacts on health and behavior

Articles are freely available through April 30, 2020 and always available at subscribing institutions.

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